An whole new day? by Michael | World Anvil

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Fri 9th Jul 2021 04:41

An whole new day?

by Michael Snowfield

Dwayne Lowshade .
Found the lantern
Broken Pieces of Glass
Chardalyn pieces
two notes
“Tiefling wizard in Caer-Dineval. Arcane Brotherhood? Tell druid’s beasts.”
You will find me on the frozen ferry in Easthaven. From this new base, the search for chardalyn continues. Long may our father reign over this dark land!
Klaska, Ossyl, Jardrik, Dhutatum, and Zublorr
5 gp 1 sp 4 cp each except for Veld and Martok
14 sp 6 cp each except for Veld and Martok
Speaker meeting on the 6th

Continue reading...

  1. Cackling Chasm
    18th of Hammer 1493
  2. Land of Ice, Giants and Mad men
    21 of Hammer 1493
  3. The Call
    23 Hammer 1493
  4. Caverns, Cauldrons and Crooks?
    24th Hammer 1493
  5. Burnt to Crisp
    28th Hammer 1493
  6. An whole new day?
  7. Speakers And Squids?