Cackling Chasm by Michael | World Anvil

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18th of Hammer 1493

Cackling Chasm

by Michael Snowfield

Available Quests
Haunted Cabin North of Lonelywood
Find Netherese Ruins for Treasure,
Find the missing Fishermen, Easthaven
Find the missing Stuff, Caer-Konig
Waiting Invoice
Bryn Shander - Turn Selphek Kaltro's head for reward
Targos - Return for Food
3 Days Journey to the Cackling Chasm
Serafin return back home
No trade due to frozen lake.
Couple of missing people
We started to trek down south east towards the Cackling Chasm. We were exhausted on travel on the first day. I found a big hare and I secured it as our provision. Veld cooked it for us in his pot. We ate some kind of big hare stew. Natali asked me about my past. If I had seen the Aurora like see it today. To tell you the truth, I had a hard time remembering my past. Dreams go in and out of my mind and I don't know which is real and which isn't. I might be in the cold for too long.
We have been traveling for 2 days so far and the wind is picking up and there is a storm brewing. We have potato stew on the second day.
On the night of the 2nd day we saw an Reindeer with Glowing antlers. I spoke to it telepathically and found out it could speak. We moved close toward this pine tree to investigate them and we were ambushed. A frost druid was in the tree that was taking form of an owl. We were bamboozled. We eliminated them like we did to all Ghaiks. KILL ALL GHAIKS. On our way back to camp we lost Veld. Fortunately, we were able to regroup. We ate meat of those traitorous Reindeers.
Note to self
Do not go outside the Blizzard
Third day
The morning was clear but it seemed that we are in the eye of the blizzard. It wasn't long before we hit the blizzard again. In the middle the blizzard we met 4 Goliaths who offered to do a competition. Rolling a Boulder . They won. They are making a path for us toward the Cackling Chasm
The 4 Goliaths came from the Thuunlakalaga Clan from Wyrmdoom Crag.
Fearless Aid
Tree Friend
Wonder Watcher
Veld claims that their clan are traitors. Their competitive but amiable demeaner make me doubt him. I will not trust these Goliaths any further that I have to under this blizzard.
We saw Frost Giants.

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