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Fri 7th Jun 2024 02:44


by Sejen Mingari

We stand over the old, injured duergar leader, and pull the book from him.
Do we kill him?
He looks OLD right now. Fearful, and worried.
He tries to exchange his life for the equipment in his possession. Tempting, but we don't bite.
Bim breaks off to heal Gwen... and is successful! Phew! Cutting it close.
Thulgrim approaches, and sees her alive! He thanks us (as does she).
Under his direction, we give the book to a friendly Cogart, "Bendain".
He's visibily excited, and thinks that he can decipher it to operate the forge.
Since Zagarus will likely see him as an enemy, we escort him into the forge. On the way, we pop into Keshyk's bottle for a short -- but luxurous -- rest. Bendain is impatient, but he waits for us.
Inside the bottle, we're greeted with a cool atmosphere that smells of ocean breeze and pine. The walls were a blue-gray glass. In the center sits a low coffee table, surrounded by couches, animal furs, blankets, and pillows. An armoire looms on one side.
As we finish our rest and approach the forge, we see a four-legged lizard creature coated with magma & rock which is doing the same. It is engaged in combat with Zagarus to the Southeast of the forge (near the river). He beheads it easily; it melts back into the river. As it does, we see a large opal of energy, its heart. Zagarus snatches it out, tampers the energy out of it, and absorbs it.
"That's one of the many wild elementals from my home plane. Strange to see them here; but I guess if I got here, they could too".
We enter the forge. Bendain mutters to himself about the runes on one of the panels.
"Pressure, temperature, mana, lava control, etc. It's all here."
"Ah, an interesting setting". He hits a switch, and it gets cooler in here. The magma bubbles and swirls. "This may stop our unwelcome guests. The forge is powered from underneath: it's described as 'a portal to power'. If you don't channel the power from the portal, it will run rampant."
Zagarus looks at us "Well, I suppose it's time to mention it. I think I came to your plane via that portal. I felt something just now -- when he channeled the forge -- something in my veins. It felt like something nearby receded, and so I feel less called to. It makes me think that your fire creature problems are over."
He says that he's ready to go home, and tosses the heart to me. Unlike our previous interactions with such hearts, it isn't burning me. Yet I still see that characteristic swirling across the stone.
"Come visit if you're ever in the City of Brass. Speaking of, my father, the King of that region, is jealous and greedy. If he finds out about this portal, it might prove enticing to him. I will do my best to stop him from hearing of it. It would help if you stopped anyone from coming through, lest they be caught by the nightmare cavalry.".
At that, Thulgrim and Gwen enter. Zagarus bids farewell, and then vaults into the lava below.
Behind them trails Tormil the Traitor.
He looks up at the forge, tears welling.
Thulgrim ignores him. "Things are going as well as expected"
Gwen looks stronger than when she was first resurrected. "There is much still to be done. The hearts and minds of the people will not heal easily. But we've started."
Bendain fills them in with the goings-on of the forge. "I think it'll be no trouble! The work of our ancestors can guide us back towards their level. I found a switch to reduce the number of incoming creatures. Ah, but we should still guard the portal; for there may be small intrusions from time to time."
Thulgrim asks, "Does that book contain a recipe for Mordikite?"
"Yes! The shape-changing armor. Some of the instructions for it are more complex, but... we could at least make a breast plate or shield!"
At this, Tormil falls to his knees. "I know what I did is unforgiveable. But please, son... my life has been leading up to this. I feel it's calling. At least, let me do this before I am punished."
"I am very disappointed in you father. There are few things more despicable than betraying your family."
Looking to us, "I will give my new friends a choice."
I plead to give him a job at the forge: but not to forgive him.
He says that Tormil will be punished no matter what. People know of his treachery, and so how it is handled will be somewhat public.
But, he sanctioned Tormil working to make it.
It's a reskin of the wondrous-item named molten-bronze-skin.
After some internal discussion, it is decided that I will inherit this impressive gift, in the form of full-plate.
It will be a bit heavy, but I will get used to it.
"We don't have much else to offer you. If you have that crown, keep it. We do not want it. Actually, Bendain, can we do anything more for them?"
Bendain replies "Not unless we have Noctite, the gem which shines like a night sky. It appears to be a catalyst to reforge magic items".
Keshyk and I at once realize that the crown & dagger that Bengram wielded are made with this process.
After this discussion, we ask: "Do you look for a way out?"
"Some of us do. Some with likely try to leave with you. Others will be content simply taking what is rightfully theirs, here."
We'll leave in the morning, after the celebration.
We recall that our necklaces open the doors, and disarm the traps for those wearing it.
We share that with the Forgehearts, who then decide not to tell everyone that there's a way out with these necklaces.
The doors to the North have always a potential exit. Some Jailbreakers left through it once. One made it back, said the whole party died in a confusing, dark place.
The Strothgan 'hunters' who were ordained to leave... never returned. They're likely dead. We presume that those tunnels likely the Underdark.
We leave towards the shelf. As we wander the city, there are some -- mostly Strothgan and Cogart (but some forgeheart) -- who resent our actions.
We have a feast, which includes Fire Brandy (which feels briefly like lava coming down your throat).
It's a bittersweet celebration, full of love and loss.
As the food and liquor settle, Gwen walks to the Forge and then addresses the people using the ring we gave her. She reads from a script:
"Friends, family, allies, and enemies. I come to you after today's events to give you a bit of hope. Let me explain some of our true history."
She talks about the history of the clans, the discovery of the forge, the camaraderie of the groups to create the city. She summarizes the sins they committed to anger Gond. And she describes the original Strothgans: concerned friends/fam sent to prevent a repeat tragedy, or join those who were imprisoned. She points out that many of them were empathetic to their cause, and chose to join in imprisonment. Everyone was sealed, branded heretics & traitors. It has been a long time; surely they have paid their penance. She theorizes that because the forge has reactivated, perhaps they have been forgiven.
Now they should unify, and honor their ancestors and Gond with the Forge.
"We have a long road ahead. You may not see us as equals.. but the MountainFists and the Cogarts are equally responsible for the imprisonment. We are equally imprisoned. And we can become one clan; the Tahmajal -- the expert craftsmen. We can break free of the jail of the caste."
She looks down, but continues. "We sorrow for those we have lost. I hope we shed no more blood. Let us be one people. For the Forge!".
We hear cheering everywhere, but see mixed reactions from the crowd.
Then she returns the ring.
A MountainFist approaches, holding my necklace. He found it in Bengram's office.
We Identify the elemental heart orb:
It's a condensed plane of fire. Many creatures there are formed of magic & fire. It's basically a pearl, generated by fire & mana.
Like... condensed Fire Elemental plane energy.
Zagarus must have sealed the creature energy from the orb within.
We also Identify Bengram's Dagger and Crown.
It's an Anti-Magic Dagger, which disrupts spells, concentration, and also can incite greed on nearby people.
The Crown makes the wearer more skilled in deception, and allows them to disrupt magic as well. The two items synergize.
As we rest up, I feel attuned to the armor.
And as we leave, I ask Thulgrim & Gwen to consider not killing Tolrim. I feel a sad sympathy for him.
They give us 10 fireweed cigars, which are high quality. In addition, they give us a satchel of spider silk, fire resistant. That satchel contains 1000gp.
We leave while they conveniently distract for us. As we leave, I turn back to see the city a final time. I feel a wish bubble up; a wish to be back, and to help these people regain some of their former glory and expertise.