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Sun 19th May 2024 04:06

The Principal's Office

by Sejen Mingari

Zagarus delivered us a message from Thulgrim that Gwen isn't back from the school, as expected.
Zagarus can lock it down, so we run off to the school.
One of the casters telepathically communicates to Gwen, who reports that she has been taken hostage by Bengram. She wants us to focus on finding the book of history which was her goal here.
Bim and Beau enhance Keshyk, who is sent in to stealthily investigate. He creeps through and spots some guards, so he sends me a message to try the other side of the compound. I jog over, armor clanking, and a guard from inside spots me through the window. Busted. I wave at him and politely knock at the door. As he opens it, I try to lie, saying that I'm bere to report a fight at the well. Be sees right through that, and asks me to follow him, as Bengram expected me. Shrugging to my hidden compatriots, I follow him in.
Inside, I follow him past a few other guards, into Bengram's office, where I see Gwen tied up. I also see him put the book away into his robes. Keshyk was invisibly trailing me through the building. I find this out when he whispers "get ready" and then blasts Bengram.
Bengram was trying to negotiate for Gwen, but upon being attacked, he sours and stabs her with a magic dagger.
The guards start swarming in. An intense battle begins, and Bim and Beau are out in the cold, having just been alerted to the danger.
Keshyk and I are gettin pummeled as Bim and Beau teleport wildly towards us. Bengram's crown is seriously limiting our abilities. Apparently it casts Antimagic Field. Eventually, Keshyk is able to get in close and snatch the crown from Bengram. He leaves out a window with it.
The battle is now raging on 3 fronts;. To the North, Keshyk defends the crown he took from those who followed. In the main room, I (and now Bim) are trying to handle the guards who rushed in. At the rear, Beau is attacking the remaining guards who didn't get a chance to make it it.
With the crown gone, and our reinforcements arrived, the tide turns. Although our party looks to be confidently on the upper hand, I cannot help but start to flee. Bengram and his men did a number on me, and I am close to death. However. Bim actually looks a bit hurt himself, so together we flee out the western window. I leave a clone there as a distraction. It... doesn't really work. and a guard follows and knocks me out. When I come too, Bim is healing me after having defeated that pesky guard.
As we reenter the main room, so do Keshyk and Beau, seemingly finished off their guards. However, Bengram is still up, and streaks out of the room, fleeing out the Southern exit. We follow, alternating sprinting and attacking. When it seems like he'll make it out, my clone FINALLY lands a hit on him as he flees, stopping him in his tracks. Thank you Sentinel.