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Fri 28th Jun 2024 06:37

A Memory to Fight

by Sejen Mingari

We pick back up with the rest of the party at the arena. People are slowly filtering out.
Keshyk sees a dude that he vaguely recognizes from way back... from the Delfinium! He is with an older man who seems to be under duress.
Suspicious, he tracks them out of the stadium, flying.
Bim and Beau follow slowly out, guided via telepathy through the large crowds.
Keshyk vanishes, dashes mid-air, and silently creeps in close to the pair he's interested in.
Bim and Beau dash into the street, unsure of which alley, waiting for something to happen.
Keshyk can hear the older gentleman say "Please, idk what you want. I didn't mean to offend you!"
The other man snipes "Shut up, I've had enough of this. I'm quite hungry". He hisses and lunges.
Keshyk, hearing this, Psychic Lances him.
He rears back, and Keshyk sees not fangs, but... face-tendrils!
Beau rushes in, casts Fire Bolt.
Keshyk attacks again. There's an old lady who's trying to interfere too?!
He yells at her to leave, and telepathically tells Bim to get closer and save the old man.
Some other older man on the roof hits Keshyk with a crossbow.
Suddenly, the old lady attacks Beau! She has a flickering tongue like the main dude. They both look like... meat golems? With octopi on their face.
As the strange couple battle Keshyk and Beau, Bim steps in to bolster their defenses and take damage for them.
Beau casts Resilient Sphere to make a hamster ball, which he uses to protect himself a few times.
Bim lands that good heal.
Keshyk keeps blasting the first monster.
The monster's skin fully sheds, and he's looking UGLY. The 'woman' follows suit.
The woman monster grabs Bim and starts running, but Beau puts Bim in a magic bubble to save him.
As their fighting, the monsters are putting in work. Keshyk is near death.
He snaps Archimedes out and tosses his bottle to him, as he is sucked in. Archimedes retreats to give Keshyk time to regroup.
Beau hits with the lightning he's been casting.
Keshyk reenters the fight with more blasting.
Feeling left out, Bim decides to make a magic bubble too. It... kind of works.
But, man these monsters are scary. They've got weirdly long reach, weirdly high damage, and weirdly high accuracy.
And some of their damage is necrotic, reducing the max HP of the victim. Beau takes the brunt of this unfortunate effect.
But, Bim's shield does some good work. Tanks some hits, and also hits the monsters with that good fire damage.
Beau lands a Shocking Grasp, and then another Lightning Bolt. It's enough; the last monster slumps over.
The guards show up. One of them surveys the scene, and pukes. The old man lays unmoving, with neck gushing. The monsters are as unsightly as can be. There's blood everywhere.
While the party waits for the guard to figure out what to do, they investigate. They realize that they recognize the neat neck cut inflicted on the old man; it's the same as the husband in the Arget Forest.
I show up, followed by the Captain of the guard, who brings mages from the college to investigate. They collect the bodies for analysis, and leave. We are also allowed to leave, although we are warned that some superior will question us about this later. Whatever.
Later, we decide to hit the town once again to celebrate the fights. We hit the casino, and Bim participates with gusto. He makes good money. Beau and I quit early, losing <10g. Oh well.
Eventually Ryukir leaves, giving a somber goodbye as he laments his near future of assuaging political ties. He gives me the heads up that if he's not back in time, I'll take over as de-facto champion until he returns.
Soon we too finish our beers and call it a night. Tomorrow we'll begin prep for our next adventure, or perhaps visit the new Keep. Perhaps both!
Either way, I'll have to visit the docks to hear my father's decision.
Cheers and good morrow!