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Fri 19th Apr 2024 01:38

Mining for Information

by Sejen Mingari

... We pick up having just dropped off the dwarves we saved from that Fire-Elemental-Looking-Dude(TM) and his Magma Mephit minions.
The heat, even in the mines, is causing some of us exhaustion.
Bim & I suspect these Dwarves look a bit more like Duergar.
As we explore, we climb a cliff that has Mephits at the top. We see them consume crystal off of the walls. We kill them & an Ash Elemental.
(I stashed one of these crystals -- pale blue).
We identify the emerald ring we picked up: It has 6 charges per day, and a charge extends your voice up to a mile, and allows any creatures you can see to understand you (requires attunement).
We also identify the necklaces we got from the room with the Forge Art + Guardians.
We refill our water skins via Create Water (tanx Cleric :))
We realized that I don't have my necklace (my clone dropped it atop the stairs when we entered the city)
We head to Thulgrim's (head of the Forgehearts, and also of the Jailbreakers), seeing no guards.
He has a neat blackened shell that appears akin to a walkie-talkie (might only be one-way).
We wait for Gwen and Dolram to show up. They do.
Sounds like a hatch in the kitchen ... where did Gwen disappear to?
"There are skirmishes between the clans. Never dethroned the Strongthams. Gwen found out that ..."
She speaks in good common (cuz she almost a Cogart :p)
She has a dwarvish script "I extracted this paper in the Academy's library. An excerpt of the original clansmen, the perpetrators. I read a few pages before I had to return it to the restricted section."
"This was a small settlement back then. MountainFists were the OG miners. Get the most blame for delving too deep. But, were controlled by the Menland, the Watch of the Cogarts (called the 'priests of Gohnd' back then ... just normal ass priests from the mainland). She blames a few of those priests for commanding it. Said the MountainFists were being worked to exhaustion. What were the Strothgans? Friends and Family of those responsible, VOLUNTARILY choosing to be exiled to warden && 'care' for the rest of us. The mainland exiled those responsible for the eruption. This has been warped since then.
She says the Forge was put over something very powerful.
Grandpa shows up: "The forge is everything".
Gwen: "Yes. We need to control it to take the city"
Grandpa "The forge is the sole reason that our people still survive. Gives us the power to survive here. The crafts and glory it has produced were leagues above what they are now".
"Rumors are that it can do impossible things. Reforging magical weapons. Melting down metals and alloys unseen" *he gets fervent, zones in on the forge and starts ranting*
Grandpa's name is "Tormil". Daydreaming of the forge. He's been desperate to use it.
Bim asks what the note in Dwarvish script will do.
Gwen: 'It'll shake up everyone's belief about the relationship between the commands. Break the rigid caste'.
Thulgrim, to Gwen: "We will also show them *something*. Bring them here please".
Thulgrim: "These will strike fear in those that oppose us, and take the forge... We have 2 goals: take the forge, take the book"
Heavy thuds sound from kitchen, and a glow emits from it.
Gwen brings in a large fiery red/yellow skinned individual, coal-red eyes, rippling large muscles. imposing figure, looks down at us. Large horns, flaming hair.
"This is Zagharus, he's our weapon".
He's an 'Efreet' or 'Efritti' . Basically a fire genie.