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Fri 7th Jun 2024 05:37

Finders Keepers

by Sejen Mingari

After discovering that Thief symbol -- which invites us back the way we came -- we decide to continue ahead.
We move through the catacombs, tracing our way along the route that the princess showed us before.
As we pop out of the sewers into a back alley near the guild, we have a strangely familiar sensation. A gray-black ashy powder permeates the air. Almost exactly the same as Besmadon Avor, but with a slightly more sour, acrid taste.
Likely, it's the same effect, but without fireweed to filter it out.
Ah, it must be that the volcano erupted.
As we approach the guild, we note that there are more low-level adventurers passing through... not many highly ranked adventurers around at all! Not a good omen.
Neither is the quest board, which is thin with jobs available to the vast majority of new adventurers.
Gembin, the Dragonborn front desk worker, perks up at our entrance.
"Fate's Pendulum! Good to see you! We've been anxiously awaiting you."
He pulls out a small wrapped box. "This one is for Keshyk. Oh, um, which one of you is Keshyk?" XD
Next, we visit Rukyir, who was stressed out and hyper-focused (and talking to himself) as we enter.
He dispatches a message of our arrival to Orik, and then fills us in:
The ash is hurting Bhailmor's trade relationships, which were already hurting because of lack of access to the Craghaids.
As he lays out the scope of the issue, Rukyir mentions 'Chult', which Bim/Beau recognize from their past. He goes on to detail the "Triceratops Society", and they definitely remember that. Those are the leaders of Port Nyanzaru, as well as Chult at large. They are responsible for the independence that Nyanzaru currently enjoys. The society is composed of powerful individuals with trade interests the world over.
Rukyir says he must visit Chult, and then continue onwards to visit other trade partners. There are many allies to renegotiate with (and make feel better).
This conversation prompts Bim to remember that his family runs the "Jade Serpent" inn there. Beau remembers that his family works there as clockmakers.
As conversation stalls, we head over to the castle to meet with Orik. Rukyir and Marais are here to be looped in.
We give a full briefing of our travels. There is cautious optimism shared about potential for trade and for magical study.
Next Marias shares. She presents a staff that is studded with a diamond containing swirling purple energy.
"I think we'll give this to you all. It's called the Staff of the PlaneWalker. It can absorb powerful conduits of energy, each tied to a different plane. It then channels its magic into the conduits, teleporting you to that plane.
There is only one conduit (of 12 possible) active in there now though.
She also gives us a pouch containing 7 diamonds, each of which is worth 1000g+, for powering up the staff!
Wow, what an expensive tool!
The second thing Marais mentions to us is a barrier generator technology she's been researching, possibly at the behest of Rukyir. It's for emergencies only. She has one charge available: it can be expended to create a force-field across Bhailmor for 1 hour.
Lastly, Rukyir updates everyone. "I'm leaving to shore up our relationship with our allies. Also, the other (diamond) group we dispatched to the Creghaids is still missing."
Now Orik speaks up. He believes we're due a reward for our service.
He approaches from the throne, draws his shortsword, and taps us on the shoulder. "I promote you from Knight of Bhailmor to Baronette of Bhailmor". We all understand that this makes us eligible to own land.
"Now that you can own land, I have a gift: 5000gp each, or some land at the foothills which is named 'Daldreth Keep'. It is slightly Northwest of here, and it is an old stronghold that I have recently begun renovating".
He explains that if we choose the Keep (worth multitudes more, but requiring more responsibility) we'd get a small fleet of cooks, guards, maids, hirelings, etc. In addition, the Keep comes with some general rooms and the potential for some specialized rooms.
In exchange for these elaborate gifts, Orik requests that we stay on Glentolis. He feels overwhelmed with the duties of ruling at the moment; and he feels our group can help.
He also requests that I show up for the tourney tomorrow. The big event is a needed distraction.
And, who is the champion who I will face if I win the general fight? FUCKIN RUKYIR! Called it!
Here's hoping.
Anyway, as we depart, Rukyir mentions that he will be promoting us to DIAMOND! What a meteoric rise for Fate's Pendelum.
Before she splits off, Marais asks if we have some way to power up this staff... some sort of condensed planar energy?
Oh yeah! The orb Zagarus tossed me.
She inspects it and declares it to be compatible with the magic. Great! Hopefully Beau can figure this one out.
Speaking of, Beau announces his desire to head to the inn for the night. At only 8:30? That's now how I was raised!
Everyone else agrees, so I'll join them. For now. Once I freshen up, I'll go find Rukyir for some cards. Perhaps his strategy will give me some insight into his fighting style?