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23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

Searching for Norgar

by Gael

The ambassador explained that his guards had informed him that Norgar had not been seen for some time. And while I was hoping that he had simple slipped away, recent events suggested caution was necessary. After all, if the cult was involved, he faced more than just mortal danger. he real question now was how to proceed. Our only real clue at the moment was Robert, whom we knew was involved with them. However, confronting him at the party would not only be time-consuming, but it could also cause a panic amongst the guests.
Luke fortunately had a more elegant solution. Using his magic, he was able to cast a spell that would indicate where a specific item was located. In this case the ruby that Norgar possessed and the cult had previously attempted to steal. With some luck, finding it would also lead to Norgar. It also served as a good reminder that although Luke often dazzles people with his flashy and powerful fire spells, his true strength and talents instead lied with the more subtle arts of divination magic. As they say, don’t judge a book by its cover.
The spell revealed that the ruby was located somewhere to the north and was beneath us. As in below the ground. Which was unfortunately all we could learn as just then, the item left the range of Luke’s spell. Which was about one thousand feet. Meaning that it was still on the move. However with this information, we were able to determine that at the moment Norgar and his kidnappers were somewhere deep below palace hill.
Now I can’t quite recall who it was, but someone raised the possibility that the embassy, which used to be an old fortress, might possess a secret passage that they had used to smuggle Norgar out undetected. So in order to find Norgar, the first step would be to find it. To help us with the search, ambassador Rachnar gave us a master key that could open every door in the embassy. Which raised another issue. As this key was identical to the ones we had found in Robert’s room yesterday.
That problem would have to wait however, as for now we made our way into the basement. We figured that this would be the most likely place for the entrance of an underground passage to be located. We conducted a thorough search of the basement. With me looking for abnormal tracks, Dadroz searching for traps. And while at first I thought he was being a bit over cautious considering this was still the embassy after all and not some evil lair, I would quickly be proven wrong. As when Hayley attempted to open one of the doors, a massive fireball erupted, engulfing both her, Dadroz, and Liliana. In other words, if your lockpicker says it is best to search for traps, it is best to search for traps.
As the smoke cleared, we could see various figures in the room ahead Nearly a dozen cultists were gathered around a pentagram, performing some kind of ritual, as some kind of flesh golem stood guard at the door. In an attempt to interrupt their ritual, and considering that I was unarmed, I released a spell that would cause magical vines to grow and entangle them. But as if they were possessed, the cultists simple continued chanting undisturbed. Causing Luke to put an a permanent end to it, by engulfing the cultist in a massive fireball of his own. Killing them instantly. Meanwhile the other made quick work of the golem.
According to Luke and Hayley, the cultists had been attempting to summon a demon named Durzal. Alarmed by their boldness, we immediately informed a few guards of this and continued our search. But sadly we found no trace of a hidden passage. That was when Elsa, who had come to check on Luke and offer some magical healing, suggested that one might be hidden in one of the embassy’s auxiliary buildings.
While trying not to alert the other guests, we stepped outside in order to continue our investigation. We decided to mainly focus on the norther buildings for now. However, our progress was slow. This was not helped by the fact that all the buildings we inspected were abandoned. Even with most of the focus being on the party, we should still have encountered one or two guards. A most worrisome fact.
Just as I began to question whether we should change our approach, fate intervened. it happened when Allistan opened a door in the basement of the guardhouse that we were in. he suddenly found himself flanked by two half-dragon warriors lying in ambush. Taking full advantage of our surprise, the ensuing battle turned out to be a brutal one. And although we were victorious in the end, it was not without suffering some serious injuries. Fortunately, Hayley and Liliane were able to use their healing abilities to prevent the worst from happening.
Upon inspecting the room they had been guarding, we finally discovered a hidden passage in the northern wall. And while Dadroz struggled with a particular stubborn lock, we found ourselves at a crossroads. Should we take the time to recover from the attack, or press forward without delay? Opinions on this were divided. On the one hand, it would offer several tactical advantages. As not only would we be able to heal a few wounds, our spellcasters would also be able to recover some of their magics. Not to mention that it would allow Allistan to formulate a battleplan for our current situation. But on the other hand, with no clear understanding of Norgar’s kidnappers’ motives, any delay might spell his doom, or worse. In the end, we ultimately decided not to risk it and continue on our way.
That said, we weren’t entirely at a disadvantage. We managed to gather a few supplies from the guardhouse to ensure we were properly equipped before entering the tunnel behind the hidden door. Though just to be safe, Hayley sent Fiachna, who had been scouting the embassy from the sky, to deliver a message to the ambassador. Making sure that should we fail, others could still carry out our mission.
As we ventured deeper into the tunnel, the brick walls gradually gave way to natural stone and dirt. Most likely this used to be some kind of mine. Eventually, the tunnel opened up into a large natural cave, illuminated by luminescent crystals. And more importantly, with fresh tracks to follow.
The tracks led us to what appeared to be some kind of ancient ruins. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly where these were located. But my best guess would be somewhere right below the palace, or close to it. Before venturing further, Luke decided to recast his spell in order to confirm that Norgar was in fact in these ruins. And with that confirmation, we pressed on.
However our enemies were no fools. Not content to rely solely on the obscurity of the location, they had stationed sentries throughout. A fact that became painfully obvious when we were attacked from the shadows by what seemed to be an experienced assassin. Fortunately, we eventually put an end to him, but the attack served as a stark reminder to stay on guard.
As we pressed on, we explored the various rooms we came across. It quickly became clear to us that these ruins were serving as a base for the cult. As there were clear signs that it was inhabited. Though fortunately, most of the rooms were empty at the time. Except of course for one such room, that was inhabited by a particularly nasty looking ogre.
I was certain that we would have no choice but to fight him, but Liliana surprised all of us by deceiving him into believing that we were in fact part of the cult. And thus fact allowed to be there. To be honest, I never would have imagined Liliana, with her sunny and bubbly personality, to be such a skilled manipulator. Though I guess the fact that I couldn’t picture her like that is what makes her so skilled at it in the first place.
We soon found ourselves in a large hallway, lined with doors leading to other rooms. But what caught our attention most was Robert Talespinner, sitting casually on a stone in the center, greeting us with a wide smile.

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  1. A day of celebrations and beginnings
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  2. A trial of brambles
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  3. Departure
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  4. Dreams and Peril
    2-5 Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  5. City of Strife and Secrets
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. A complicated situation
    6th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. Onwards towards the west
    7th & 8th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Strangers in the mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. For now I am the hunted
    11th of Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  10. Hunted no more
    12th of Lug, Year 121 Era of the Tree
  11. Trial by fire
    13th - 14th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  12. Keralon at last
    15th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  13. Has it truly been five years?
    1st - 2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  14. The Journal Entry’s title
  15. Escorting the envoy
    2nd of Nuan, Year 126, Era of the Tree
  16. Heart of fire
    3rd - 4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  17. A festive day
    10th Nuan, Y126 Era of the Tree
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
  19. Shadow of Ravenfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  20. The Tomb of Hollow Hill
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  21. The Journal Entry’s title
  22. The battle for Ravensfield part 1
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Journal Entry’s title
  24. The battle for Ravensfield part 2
    16th - 17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. The Journal Entry’s title
  26. Return to Keralon
    18th - 21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. The Embassy ball
    22nd - 23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Searching for Norgar
    23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. The fall of Robert Talespinner
    23rd of Nuan, Y126 E.O.T.
  30. Intermission: Letter home
  31. An Audience With The King
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. The Journal Entry’s title
  33. A new beginning
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree