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6th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree

A complicated situation

by Gael

I will admit that I was a bit worried that the discussion of the previous day might sour the mood in the group a bit. Fortunately however I was proven wrong as we simple decided to drop the subject for now. Instead we decided to have a lovely day of simple touring the city. Seeing the sites and browsing the various wares of the Mariket. All in all a quit enjoyable first part of the day.
As for the second part of the day, well this is where things got rather complicated. For you Alistan could no longer ignore his sense of responsibility to his people. And told us that he wished to investigate the insurrections that were happening. In order to make sure that his people were safe. There was a bit of hesitation to his however as Luke voiced his concern that in doing so we might be getting in the way of the investigation of the guards. But Alistan assured us that this would not be an issue as we would in fact be helping the guards bringing this case to a close a bit sooner. So with our worries cleared up, we agreed to help him.
In order to get us started, we decided to pay a quick visit to the guard station. Our hopes was that Sergeant Berris, a guard we met after the satyr attack from the other day, might be able to give us some information and maybe even point us in the right direction. Now admittedly, he wasn’t to keen on having us “assist” with the investigation. But after Alistan pointed out that the De La Roost family had a keen interest in this and would take responsibility, he decided to give us the information.
Berris informed us that the activities of these rebels started occurring several weeks ago. And that their actions have been steadily escalating. At first they were simple content with rousing people up and organizing small riots and protests. That is until a few days ago, when a large group of them attacked a local guardhouse. Which got even worse yesterday when the attack on the gate happened where they were simple content with killing random civilians. As for the who, while it was true that a large part of them consisted of satyrs. Their number also included other races such as bugbears and other humans. Essentially reflecting the various mercenary groups that made up the self-proclaimed baron’s army.
Armed with this information, as well as an overview on the where most of the attacks occurred, we set out in order to see what we could get ourselves into. And it is at this point that I must admit that I got a bit over excited. For you see in my enthusiasm, I came up with a rather ambitious plan in order to flush the rebels out. The basic premise of this was to send Ileas in as a spy in order to find out where the group came together. Maybe even have him “liberate” a few captives in order to get in their good graces. All so we could round them up in one fell swoop. A bold plan I admit. A fact that became more clear as Ileas his face became paler and paler. So with that plan rejected, we instead decided to do some legwork in order to find our prey.
As we made our way down the streets discussing alternative plans, we heard a large commotion in the distance. Worried, we made our way towards the sound and found ourselves in front of the local monastery. Along with a large crowd that was demanding to be let inside. Something that the priests adamantly refused. Seeing that the mood of the crowd was getting evermore heated, Alistan took charge of the situation and stepped forward. Then with a calm yet commanding presence he managed to calm the crowd down before they did something stupid. With that done, he turned around to the priests and politely asked them for the reason as to why the monestary was closed. The priests informed us that it was out of their control as the Abbot, father Ethon, had ordered it so. Following this, Alistan requested an audience with the Abbot. In the hopes to resolve this situation quickly so that we could continue with our investigation.
We took a side entrance into the chapel in order not to antagonize the crowd. And upon meeting the Abbot, it quickly became clear as to what the problem was. For of the three statues dedicated to Belanus, the lord of light, two of them had been vandalized. Their faces being smashed in beyond recognition. But that was not the most disturbing thing of this scene. For the middle statue, that had remained untouched, was crying tears of blood. A most ominous omen indeed. It was for this reason that the Abbot had closed the chapel for now. As he wished to study this omen in more detail. So that he might appease Belenus and not cause undue worry with the people. Especially with the recent troubles that the city had been dealing with. Naturally we offered our assistance with this, something that the Abbot was most pleased with. For he himself had no idea as to who might have been responsible for this. All he knew was that this act of defilement must have happened sometime last night. But as there was no obvious signs of breaking and entering, the means as to how they got inside was as elusive as their identity. Thus we started with combing every square inch of the immediate area around the statues.
Sadly however, we did not learn anything special. The only thing we really learned was confirmation of the fact that this area had been desecrated. A fact that Liliana was able to deduce thanks to her own abilities. Which was further confirmed by the Abbot himself. Fortunately luck was on our side. Which is another way of saying that Hayley was one step ahead of us. For she remembered that while she was observing the crowd outside, there were a few individuals that caught her interest. A group of dwarves that were keeping their distance. Who, after observing the crowd for a bit, made their way to a sewer entrance that was out of sight. Before ultimately descending into it. At first she paid it little mind, but seeing as what had occurred inside the temple, she figured that it might have something to do with this. Something we all agreed with, so we quickly made our way towards this entrance. Promising the Abbot that we would get to the bottom of this all.
One of the things of adventuring that appeals to me the most, is the ability to experience something new. To see things that no one else has seen before. To experience the new of the future and the wonder of the old. Which unfortunately includes experiencing the worst stench I had ever experienced in my life up to that point. An experience that I could have certainly done without. But alas such is the flipside of the glamourous life of an adventurer. But as if this stench was not enough, we also had to content with the water. For with little room to stand, we had to take a most uncomfortable trek, sludging through the water as we desperately tried not to think about what was flooding our boots in the process. It was only when Alistan noticed sounds in the distance that the monotony of it all was broken.
Now despite Alistan’s insistence that it was not necessary, Me and Dadroz decided to go ahead and scout out the situation. If only to ensure that we would not bite of more than we could chew. What we found in that horrid sewer, were a group of dwarves who had dug out a small cavern. A cavern that they were actively still mining out. Also when Dadroz and I turned around, we noticed a strange creature lying asleep in a cage. This was an Ettercap we would later learn, a humanoid like spider creature with a most unpleasant morning temper. Not wanting to leave things to change, Dadroz wasted no time in making sure that the cage was most definitely closed.
Upon returning with the rest, Dadroz attempted to sneak in a little closer into the cave. In an effort to get a better view on what the dwarves were doing. But sadly with them being more accustomed to tunnels and the like, it did not take them long to spot it. But fear not, for as Dadroz was attempting to talk his way out of this, Liliana stepped forward and demanded to know what was going on here. And this is where things got rather messy. For while Liliana and Alistan are indeed part of a noble family in Hillfield, at that point in time they did not yet have an official position in Hillfield. So Liliana’s threats of arresting the dwarves were not really taken seriously by them. Leading into some sort of an impasse, where they did not accept our claims of authority and we not wanting to let them go. Especially when we realized that the place they are digging is right under the temple. So for a while we stood there with the dwarves holding their pickaxes at the ready to defend themselves and us not really sure on what to do next. This stalemate was broken however when Alistan stepped forward in order to arrest the leader. At which point things went to hell in a handbasket. The dwarves as one moved to defend themselves, while we attempted to knock them out. With Liliana and Alistan quickly forming a small shieldwall in order to hold the line as Ileas darted between them in order to get a better stab at the leader of the group. At the same time Luke and I harassed them with spells and blunted arrows respectfully. Which was made even easier thanks to Hayley using her arcane gifts to demoralize them with the venom in her words. Words that are best not repeated in polite company, especially as she got a little mean near the end of it.
Now you might be wondering why I haven’t mentioned Dadroz his role in this fight. And I assure you, that there is a good reason for this. I first wanted you to have a pretty good idea on how the fight was going. Before Dadroz made a most lucky or unlucky shot, depending on how you see things. For he made a perfect shot. Piercing the dwarf with an arrow in the throat in such a way that there was simple nothing that could be done about it. No magic would have been able to heal a wound such as that one. Or at least no magic that we had access to at the time. Now I want to be clear that I don’t blame Dadroz for this. Afterall I have no problem with using lethal force when a life is threatened or to protect my own. And even if I did, we were part of a group and the responsibility of the actions of an individual fall upon the responsibility of the group as a whole. It is merely sad that, with the benefit of hindsight, this could have been avoided. Had we simple waited there and send one of us to get the guards it might not have gone the way that it did. And that is what made the whole situation so unfortunate.
But if that was not enough, it still got worse. For at that moment, that damn Ettercap woke up and broke out of its cage. And this is where our inexperience got the better of us. For as the Ettercap charged towards Luke, both Liliana and Alistan moved to intercept it. Now while the Ettercap was indeed the greater threat and Liliana and Alistan were both one hundred precent correct in their assessment that it needed to be locked down. The fact that both of them moved towards it, had the unfortunate effect of turning our frontline into our backline. Something that Hayley immediately regretted as the last dwarf that remained standing socked her right in the jaw. Fortunately Ileas and myself were able to subdue him before he could do more harm. But it did illustrate to us that while we were good at working together, we still needed to iron out the details of our tactics when working together. Now again, this does have the benefit of hindsight.
After this it did not take us too long to take down the Ettercap. For while it was formidable, we had numbers on our side and we quickly overwhelmed it. Following this, the magic twins offered to go and get the guards in order to arrest the dwarves. Naturally I joined them in order to make sure that they would not get lost. The fact that this meant that I would also have to leave the sewers for a while was just a happy coincidence. Now I should point out that while Luke, Hayley and I were gone, the rest of our group were greeted by some unexpected visitors. A handful of priests had heard the commotion down here and came to investigate. Not too surprising, considering that we were fighting below their feet and that they would be on alert following the desecration of the temple. Brother Marik, the leader of the priests, seemed pleased that the situation was nothing to major and quickly returned to the surface.
A little while later the leader of the dwarves, who goes by the name of Dorr, woke up. And after a few questions, explained that he and his friends were hired to dig these tunnels in search of treasure. Some kind of book that was hidden below the temple. However it came as a shock when he told them that they were in fact hired by brother Marik. He did not however have much time to elaborate on this further as at that point Luke and I returned with the guards. Hayley had decided to stay behind in order to keep an eye on the monastery. Which was a choice that I am sure was in no way motivated by her desire to stay as far away from the sewers as possible.
Now you would assume that that would be the end of things right then and there. The guards come, arrest the henchmen of the villain and after finding the leader we would celebrate our victory in the inn right. You would however be wrong. For at that point things would get complicated, a bit more complicated and then very simple. For if you recall, as I said before we did not have any jurisdiction upon making that arrest. So it quickly turned into a we said they said situation where we argued that we took them captive when we found them doing something illegal and them saying that all they were doing was defending themselves. Which technically was both correct and that is before adding in the unfortunate dead dwarf in the mix. Fortunately for sergeant Berris, who was clearly at a loss on what to do, the decision was made for him. Because Sophia De La Roost then appeared and used her influence to make it all disappear.
Naturally Alistan argued against this. Stating that the responsibility of the lost life was his and that he would face whatever judgment would come his way. As this was the right thing to do. In response however lady De La Roost made it qut clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that if this were to go to court, Alistan would not be judged. Instead it would be Dadroz who would have to face justice for the murder. And that as a commoner he would most likely by judged guilty without to much trouble. So in short, if he wished to keep his friend out of jail, he would keep his mouth shut and consider the matter closed. Reluctantly Alistan agreed to these terms, not wanting Dadroz to go to jail. And that is what I meant with things becoming very simple in the end. Though on a moral view, this didn’t sit right with any of us. But there was nothing else we could do, besides promising to ourselves to do better in the future.
in order to round out the day, we decided to return to the Abott. We explained to him what happened in the sewers and he was most surprised to hear that we encountered brother Marik there. For you see, the brother indeed used to belong to the monastery. However he was removed from it a while ago do to a difference in interests. For instead of religious teachings, he was more interested in the forbidden part of the library that contained various dangerous books. Arcane books with knowledge that is best forgotten. Though Luke might beg to disagree, as he himself was most interested in this.
Unsure on what to do next, we decided to investigate the statues one last time. And fortunately thanks to Luke we had a bit more success this time. This time he used smoke in order to check for a draft that might hint at the location of a secret door. And he was successful, there was indeed one located behind a small statue in an alcove. We wasted no time and opened the thing, finding ourselves in a small hidden room. A room that contained a small altar, upon which a human skull was located. Along with the three priests that accompanied brother Marik. Upon seeing us, they lunged at us but they were no match for us. So we tied them up and looked around the room, finding a small ladder that lead into the sewers. In fact leading to the very tunnel where we fought the dwarves. Only in the opposite direction. We all felt rather stupid at that point. All we needed to do was investigate the sewers a bit further and we could have avoided a lot of trouble. Let us just say that this was once more an example of how inexperienced we were at that point and leave it at that shall we.
We questioned the priests on what they were doing and after a bit of probing, they explained it all. They were in fact followers of the lich Morhim. A lich that several hundred years ago attacked Keralon itself. I’ll admit that I am a bit fuzzy on the details, but the short version is that as a man he had a vision that he would bring death and destruction to Keralon. And in his efforts to avoid this fate, turned into the verry thing he tried to prevent. A most depressing tale and a valuable lesson on the caution one must take with visions and the like. The reason they were there is because Marik believed that below the monastery a book was hidden that was written by Morhim himself. In fact he believed it was one of the three books that explained his fall into lichdom and he hoped to reveal these secrets to himself. You know, I never understood this. Why some spend all their time trying to attain eternity, if the end result is losing the very thing that made them be alive. But perhaps I am not the right person to judge this, as I due belong to one of the most long-lived races. As for the location of Marik, sadly they did not know. For he had left them just after finding us in the sewers. The only reason he left them is because he blamed them for this. It seemed that they had gone behind his back to desecrate the statues as a tribute to their lord. Not realizing that all this would do is draw unwanted attention to themselves. Which naturally it did, as otherwise we would never have gone done into that sewer in the first place.
And with that we decided to call an end to the day. Alistan and Liliana returned home with Ileas, no doubt expecting another barrage of a dressing down for their actions earlier in the day by their mother. The rest of us returned to the inn. Where the day did end on a funny note. For you see while the inn was stacked, Hayley decided to use this to her advantage. She ordered two mugs of beer and took them to the masked stranger in the corner. Only to realize when she sat down that it was un fact a scarecrow. Something of a running gag in the inn where they tried to pull one over unexpecting newcomers. But to Hayley’s credit, she took it in stride and played along. Using her magics in order to fool them back in return and hold a whole conversation with the scarecrow with her ventriloquism act. Something that brought more than a little smile on her face as the onlooker were shocked when the scarecrow started answering back to her. And that was the end of our second da in Hillfield.

Continue reading...

  1. A day of celebrations and beginnings
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  2. A trial of brambles
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  3. Departure
    1st of Lug, 121, Era of the Tree
  4. Dreams and Peril
    2-5 Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  5. City of Strife and Secrets
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. A complicated situation
    6th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. Onwards towards the west
    7th & 8th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Strangers in the mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. For now I am the hunted
    11th of Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  10. Hunted no more
    12th of Lug, Year 121 Era of the Tree
  11. Trial by fire
    13th - 14th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  12. Keralon at last
    15th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  13. Has it truly been five years?
    1st - 2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  14. The Journal Entry’s title
  15. Escorting the envoy
    2nd of Nuan, Year 126, Era of the Tree
  16. Heart of fire
    3rd - 4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  17. A festive day
    10th Nuan, Y126 Era of the Tree
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
  19. Shadow of Ravenfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  20. The Tomb of Hollow Hill
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  21. The Journal Entry’s title
  22. The battle for Ravensfield part 1
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Journal Entry’s title
  24. The battle for Ravensfield part 2
    16th - 17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. The Journal Entry’s title
  26. Return to Keralon
    18th - 21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. The Embassy ball
    22nd - 23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Searching for Norgar
    23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. The fall of Robert Talespinner
    23rd of Nuan, Y126 E.O.T.
  30. Intermission: Letter home
  31. An Audience With The King
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. The Journal Entry’s title
  33. A new beginning
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree