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Neutral Good Wood Elf (Inheritor)
Ranger 6
46 / 46 HP

29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

A new beginning

by Gael

Early in the morning I received a message from the royal administrator. He requested us to meet him at the old keep in Dogville at noon in order for him to hand over the keys to us and tour the district. We met back up, as had become tradition, at Erna’s wish, from which we rode over the bridge towards the keep. When we got there, we noticed a carriage waiting for us near the entrance. As we dismounted, Nodric, the old administrator, stepped out to greet us.
We had actually met him before, when we first arrived in the city. You see, when Allistan and Liliane were having a dispute with another noble family concerning their family home in Keralon, it was he who eventually mediated the situation. Remembering that incident actually reminded me of how easily we tend to forget the small details. As I could no longer remember the name of the noble family that had ultimately claimed the house.
Our tour began with the keep itself of course. Though once mighty, time had certainly been most unkind to it in the years. A fact made clear not just by its look of disrepair, but also by the stale air that greeted us as we opened the heavy doors. With the dust layered the floors acting as proof that no one had entered these halls in years. Still, the potential it had was clear. And with some hard work, this place could soon become a home for us.
Next, we ventured into the district itself. Where we got to meet several of its still remaining residents. Each if which had their own view of course on what need to be done for this area to grow. Now instead of going over each one of them, for now I would like to focus on two individuals that stood out for the moment. The ferryman and farmer Tommel and his family.
Let’s start with the ferryman shall we. He too was a familiar face. In fact it was Tevon, the bugbear that had smuggled us out of the city when the Fernhunter’s forces arrived. He was absolutely delighted to hear we were the new lords of the district. Though this might have something to do with the fact that he had once assisted the new lords of the district with his smuggling operations.
He was quick to ask if we might turn a blind eye to some of his more questionable activities. As a favour from one friend to another. While I was hesitant, Allistan and Liliane were more vocal in their opposition of the idea, especially after hearing rumours that some of his patrons often caused trouble for the locals. But in the end I had to agree with Hayley’s wisdom in this. She pointed out that out that removing him would simple create a power vacuum. And as nature abhors a vacuum, it would then quickly be filled up by someone else. And that person might very well be of worse character then Terin.
So for now, it would be better to simple let him be for now. Besides, I am certain that our resident knight of the Moon Blossom would be more than willing to keep a watchful eye on him. Just to make sure that he doesn’t go too far. As for his patrons, I was certain that once we established some proper guards for the district, they would be less keen to cause trouble.
Which brings us Tommel’s farm, where we were waylaid by the young "robber knight" named Kas. Armed with his mighty sword, he demanded a toll from us in order for us to pass. Frightened by this display, Hayley was quick to push Allistan in front of her. And when these two great knights stared each other down, a duel was quick to follow. But even righteous Allistan was not able to best the skills of Kas and found himself quickly disarmed. Forcing Allistan to pay him a toll of 2 whole copper.
But it was then that the young Kas was quickly reminded of the fact that in this magical world of dragons, mages and gods, there is truly no force as mighty and fearsome as an angry mother. As she dashed out of the farm, she scolded the five year old for bothering the travellers and demanded he apologized. But we were quick to ease her worries by stating that it was all in good fun. And as she turned to guide us to her home, Hayley was quick to pick up the coins that Kas had dropped and handed them back to him.
Once inside, she introduced herself as Laina Dresner, the wife of Tommel. At a quick glance, it was easy to see that the poor woman was exhausted. And after some gentle questioning, she informed us that her husband had been sick for the last couple of weeks. It was in fact so severe that they had even called for healers from Keralon, but even they were not able to cure him. Worried and perhaps also a bit curious, Liliana and Hayley both offered their services before going upstairs to investigate.
While waiting downstairs, I spotted the most curious sight. In one of the corners of the house, stood a painting on the floor, covered by a sheet. It depicted a young man standing next to a deer. A silver coloured deer with golden antlers. As you can imagine, it was a bit of a shock I tell you. The resemblance to Sylvesse was uncanny, though I couldn’t be certain. It could after all be another one of his kind.
When I asked Laina about it, she said it belonged to her husband, depicted him in his younger years when he was still a scout, standing next to a talking deer that he had once met. Though she believed that he was simple making up stories. She laughed it off as one of his tall tales, after all, who had ever heard of a talking deer?
Soon Hayley and Liliana made their way down the stairs with a look on their face that indicated that trouble was afoot. Hayley assured us that Tommel had been cured. But that he had in fact been cursed instead of sick. When asked, Laina stated that she didn’t know of anyone who would do so. The only one that came to mind was an old friend of his that he recently had a falling out with. We had in fact met him earlier but he hardly seemed like the guy who would or even could do such a thing.
Just then she remembered an odd situation that happened a few weeks ago. An old woman had come to the district in order to hand out some apples. And when she came to their home, her husband was quick to run out and start arguing with her. Laina had no idea what about, but when the old lady left, she did pick up a few of the apples.
Strangely, the apples hadn’t spoiled since and remained fresh. Luke inspected one but found no signs of magic. Thus the question remained, could he have been cursed by the old lady? Or was something else going on?
We didn’t have much time to dwell on this however as Nodric, who had been more than patient with us, was eager to return to his normal duties. So we returned to our keep and after bidding him farewell, we turned to that most dreadful of tasks that awaited any new homeowner. Namely the division of rooms.
Now as you know, I am more than willing to spend the night sleeping outside. In fact there are some nights were I actually prefer it. In particular a warm summer night, with clear skies filled with stars and a full moon. With perhaps a slight hint of romance floating on the breeze. But there are also some nights were I much prefer a soft pillow to rest my head on with matching sheets in a large king-sized bed, or queen-sized, after all I’m not one to be picky. And if that meant that I would have to make the sacrifice of claiming a slightly larger room on the second floor with access to a private washroom, then that would be a sacrifice that I was more than willing to make. And you can judge me all you want for that if you must, but I can assure that when I lie down in my comfy bed, it is the farthest thing in my mind.
But that childish little rant aside, we did make sure that everyone had at least one slightly larger room along with a smaller one. So I do believe that we were all rather content. Especially when we realized that the budget we were given was more than enough to add a few communal areas, such as a kitchen and dining room. Which was something that I was most pleased about as enjoying a warm meal together with dear friends is one of the best ways to both spend ones time as well as strengthening said friendships.
With everyone settled and the day still young, we decided to spend a bit more time exploring the region. Our next stop, a small rundown church in the nearby forest that we had heard about. It was easy enough to find, but the sight of unsanctified graves was troubling, as they could quickly spawn undead. But that was not what filled me with dread.
What did were the tracks we found at the back of the church. Tracks made by webbed feet that led deeper into the forest. Seemingly made by a goose the size of a horse. I had only ever heard of one creature that could have made them. A creature that had been passed down in legend from hunter to hunter in hushed tones, the dreaded Dire Goose. If one of those was stalking these woods than surely this district was already doomed.
And yes, I am pulling your leg here as there is no such creature. But the look on your face was totally worth it. In all honesty, I had no idea as to what kind creature made those tracks. But we were eager to find out.
We followed the tracks to a small clearing in the woods. Where we found a lovely little cottage next to a small pond. Surrounded by a few apple trees. A most idyllic image that was slightly ruined by the giant geese that immediately started hissing at our approach. One of which, and this is not a joke, was the same size as the cottage and possessed up to five heads. The only way I can really describe it, is as some kind of cross between a goose and a hydra, a goosdra if you will.
As we pondered what kind of creatures these were, an elderly woman emerged from the cottage, scolding the geese for waking her. Though she quickly regained her composure when she noticed that she had guests. Now I immediately suspected that there was most likely more to her then what we could see. An old lady seemingly living alone in the woods that are often frequented by Fey with three magical creatures as guards? I think not.
Now as a general rule of thumb when dealing with an unknown entity, it always pays to be polite. If the entity is in fact a benevolent one, then there is no reason to antagonize him. On the other hand, if it is of malevolent intent, then it serves no one to provoke it. So I humble apologized for disturbing her nap and introduced us as the new lords of the Dogville district.
She wasn’t too impressed by our titles, but still introduced herself as Aunty Patty. And the importance of that name hit me a few seconds too late for my own good if I am honest. As this was the name of one of the hags that belonged to the circle that had made a deal with Keralon so long ago. Which was very bad news for us.
Hayley, ever the bold one, asked if she knew anything concerning the fate of farmer Tommel. And while she stated that she had no idea as to what we were talking about, I can safely say that most of us doubted that severely. But with little else to go on, we decided to simple leave it at that for now and said our goodbyes.
That didn’t stop us from continuing to discuss the situation on our way back to the keep. Allistan was quick to suggest that we find a permanent solution to aunty Patty. But I pointed out that this was a terrible and dangerous idea. Not just because of the deal that they had made with Keralon. Which provided them with protection by royal decree. But also because if we attacked them, then we would be breaking the deal that was stuck. And there are few things more dreadful then a broken promise. Especially ones made with beings of such power.
But that was not to say that we were completely without options. For entities such as this often despise being caught in agreements that leave them with no room to manoeuvre. Which is why they often added loopholes. One only needed to find them. After all, the one thing more powerful then a promise broken is a promise kept.
Back at the keep, Dan was waiting for us. Not just to congratulate us one more time, but also to ask us a question. Namely he wanted our permission to open a new building in the district in order for him to continue the work that he was doing back in Ravensfield. Namely setting up a new branch for the Restoration Society in the district. And while Hayley was more than willing to allow this, I hesitated. For while I completely agree with his motives, it does not change the fact that his organization was technically still a guild. Which are forbidden by the laws of Keralon.
A line was quickly being drawn, with Allistan and Luke voicing their concerns while Hayley and Liliane were more open to the idea. Perhaps if we could argue that this was more of an initiative by one of the knights of Keralon, instead of a guild, in order to stabilize the northern region, with one of us acting as the face for it, we might be able to get away with it. Though that is a very thin distinction to make. And call me crazy, but I wasn’t really too keen on breaking the law in my first week as a noble simple because it suited me. As that would be a slippery slope that could quickly turns us into the kind of nobles that would wish to avoid becoming.
We decided to revisit the issue at a later time, as more refugees from Ravensfield had begun gathering at the pasture where the new village would be built. Thus we spend the remainder of the day helping people set up temporary camps. With Hayley even convincing the former miller of Ravensfield to take up his trade at the rundown mill of Dogsville. And finally, we retired to our new rooms, in order to rest and see what the next day might bring.

Gael's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A day of celebrations and beginnings
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  2. A trial of brambles
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  3. Departure
    1st of Lug, 121, Era of the Tree
  4. Dreams and Peril
    2-5 Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  5. City of Strife and Secrets
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. A complicated situation
    6th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. Onwards towards the west
    7th & 8th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Strangers in the mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. For now I am the hunted
    11th of Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  10. Hunted no more
    12th of Lug, Year 121 Era of the Tree
  11. Trial by fire
    13th - 14th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  12. Keralon at last
    15th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  13. Has it truly been five years?
    1st - 2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  14. The Journal Entry’s title
    09 Jun 2024 07:24:44
  15. Escorting the envoy
    2nd of Nuan, Year 126, Era of the Tree
  16. Heart of fire
    3rd - 4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  17. A festive day
    10th Nuan, Y126 Era of the Tree
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
    15 Jul 2024 06:15:47
  19. Shadow of Ravenfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  20. The Tomb of Hollow Hill
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  21. The Journal Entry’s title
    26 Jul 2024 03:50:19
  22. The battle for Ravensfield part 1
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Journal Entry’s title
    28 Jul 2024 04:36:02
  24. The battle for Ravensfield part 2
    16th - 17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. The Journal Entry’s title
    10 Sep 2024 08:06:08
  26. Return to Keralon
    18th - 21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. The Embassy ball
    22nd - 23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Searching for Norgar
    23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. The fall of Robert Talespinner
    23rd of Nuan, Y126 E.O.T.
  30. Intermission: Letter home
    29 Sep 2024 01:21:29
  31. An Audience With The King
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. The Journal Entry’s title
    06 Oct 2024 04:10:04
  33. A new beginning
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

The major events and journals in Gael's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 27: More than one court

12:35 am - 16.10.2024

Session 27: More than one court

06:05 pm - 15.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

A new beginning

Early in the morning I received a message from the royal administrator. He requested us to meet him at the old keep in Dogville at noon in order for him to hand over the keys to us and tour the district. We met back up, as had become tradition, at Erna’...

10:59 pm - 07.10.2024

An Audience With The King

During my first week as a knight of the Rose Garden, I presented myself as the picture-perfect image of a knight. Is what I would like to say, but that would be a stone-cold lie. In reality, I fumbled rather spectacularly. A mix of my nerves and an overea...

04:12 pm - 06.10.2024

Session 25: Nobles and Knights

02:38 am - 02.10.2024

Session 25: Nobles and Knights

06:09 pm - 01.10.2024

Intermission: Letter home

Hello Everyone, I hope you're all doing well back home. Sorry for not writing as often lately, things have been quite hectic here in Keralon. Honestly, I’m not quite sure where to begin. If I were to share everything on my mind, it would probably ...

01:22 pm - 29.09.2024

Session 24: Honor and Reward

02:16 pm - 24.09.2024

Session 24: Honor and Reward

02:16 pm - 24.09.2024

The fall of Robert Talespinner

Robert immediately raised his hands, assuring us he wasn’t there to fight. He then admitted that it was in fact him who had spirited Norgar away. But that he was more than willing to return him to us. All he asked in return was that we allowed them to f...

08:48 pm - 22.09.2024

Searching for Norgar

The ambassador explained that his guards had informed him that Norgar had not been seen for some time. And while I was hoping that he had simple slipped away, recent events suggested caution was necessary. After all, if the cult was involved, he faced mor...

06:16 pm - 22.09.2024

Searching for Norgar

The ambassador explained that his guards had informed him that Norgar had not been seen for some time. And while I was hoping that he had simple slipped away, recent events suggested caution was necessary. After all, if the cult was involved, he faced mor...

06:16 pm - 22.09.2024

Searching for Norgar

The ambassador explained that his guards had informed him that Norgar had not been seen for some time. And while I was hoping that he had simple slipped away, recent events suggested caution was necessary. After all, if the cult was involved, he faced mor...

01:32 pm - 22.09.2024

The Embassy ball

After a long and well deserved night’s rest, we regrouped at Erna’s wish in the morning. As expected, the others had also each received an invitation for tomorrow’s ball. Meaning that it promised to be an even grander event then I first anticipated....

04:38 pm - 16.09.2024

The Embassy ball

After a long and well deserved night’s rest, we regrouped at Erna’s wish in the morning. As expected, the others had also each received an invitation for tomorrow’s ball. Meaning that it promised to be an even grander event then I first anticipated....

04:29 pm - 16.09.2024

The Embassy ball

After a long and well deserved night’s rest, we regrouped at Erna’s wish in the morning. As expected, the others had also each received an invitation for tomorrow’s ball. Meaning that it promised to be an even grander event then I first anticipated....

06:15 pm - 15.09.2024

Return to Keralon

The enemy army was content to simply wait and watch as the last remnants of Ravensfield continued to burn to ash. worked to our advantage, as it allowed us us to slip away unnoticed. Now I must admit that, as foolish as it sounds, my mind was quite troubl...

08:08 pm - 10.09.2024

Session 23: no longer an old friend

04:23 pm - 04.09.2024

Session 23: no longer an old friend

04:23 pm - 04.09.2024

Session 22: Lost and found

09:01 pm - 27.08.2024

Session 22: Lost and found

06:01 pm - 27.08.2024

Session 21: The embassy

07:33 pm - 22.08.2024

Session 21: The embassy

07:33 pm - 22.08.2024

Session 20: Return to Keralon

03:07 am - 07.08.2024

Session 20: Return to Keralon

06:00 pm - 06.08.2024

The battle for Ravensfield part 2

Time seemed to have been slowed down to a crawl as the wyvern rider stared us down. When the expected attack didn’t come however, Hayley and Liliana, quick on their feet as always, seized the moment in order to cast a few healing spells for us. After...

04:37 pm - 28.07.2024

The battle for Ravensfield part 1

We managed to make it back to Ravensfield just before nightfall. Which was good, as it allowed us to put our new plan in order to deal with Reynis’s transformations in motion. The plan was rather straightforward, namely wrap him up in heavy chains in or...

03:54 pm - 26.07.2024

The battle for Ravensfield part 1

We managed to make it back to Ravensfield just before nightfall. Which was good, as it allowed us to put our new plan in order to deal with Reynis’s transformations in motion. The plan was rather straightforward, namely wrap him up in heavy chains in or...

03:54 pm - 26.07.2024

The battle for Ravensfield part 1

We managed to make it back to Ravensfield just before nightfall. Which was good, as it allowed us to put our new plan in order to deal with Reynis’s transformations in motion. The plan was rather straightforward, namely wrap him up in heavy chains in or...

03:52 pm - 26.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

12:28 am - 24.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

12:28 am - 24.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

06:07 pm - 23.07.2024

The Tomb of Hollow Hill

We set out for the Hollow Hills Tomb at the crack of dawn, as soon as Raynis came to. Mind you, he wasn’t too thrilled about returning to the tomb, but we sadly didn’t really have another option. As we had no guarantee that we would be able to return ...

08:16 pm - 22.07.2024

Session 18: Death comes to Ravensfield

10:17 pm - 17.07.2024

Session 18: Death comes to Ravensfield

10:17 pm - 17.07.2024

Shadow of Ravenfield

Feeling the urgency from the letter Hayley had received, we set out the morning after the celebrations. The journey would take us about three days, which fortunately passed without much issue. Meaning that we arrived at Ravensfield just after noon on the ...

05:59 pm - 16.07.2024

Shadow of Ravenfield

Feeling the urgency from the letter Hayley had received, we set out the morning after the celebrations. The journey would take us about three days, which fortunately passed without much issue. Meaning that we arrived at Ravensfield just after noon on the ...

06:17 pm - 15.07.2024

Session 17: secrets of Hollow Hill

10:37 pm - 12.07.2024

Session 17: secrets of Hollow Hill

10:37 pm - 12.07.2024

Session 16: The Ravensfield Mystery

10:17 pm - 24.06.2024

Session 16: The Ravensfield Mystery

10:17 pm - 24.06.2024

A festive day

Things were relatively quiet after our adventure in Cairn Fussil. And for the next couple of days, the city was bustling with preparations for the arrival of the Velora Morenthene’s delegation. This also meant that for the next five days, I was blessed ...

10:25 pm - 12.06.2024

Heart of fire

Following the inaugeration of both Hayley and Allistan into the circle of the Long Table. Apologies, I meant Lady Hayley and Ser Allistan. We returned to Erna’s Wish in order to host a small celebration. As for Dadroz, we did not hear from him again tha...

10:24 pm - 11.06.2024

Session 15: the Joyous Entry

08:54 pm - 11.06.2024

Session 15: the Joyous Entry

06:16 pm - 11.06.2024

Heart of fire

Following the inaugeration of both Hayley and Allistan into the circle of the Long Table. Apologies, I meant Lady Hayley and Ser Allistan. We returned to Erna’s Wish in order to host a small celebration. As for Dadroz, we did not hear from him again tha...

07:37 pm - 10.06.2024

Escorting the envoy

As expected, the fight was neither long nor easy. I am not ashamed to admit that had this been a one-on-one battle, none of us would have stood a chance. This became clear quite quickly when poor Allistan took a vicious counterattack when he led the charg...

09:03 pm - 09.06.2024

Has it truly been five years?

In order to continue my story, I’m going to have to jump forward about 5 years. Although we tried to stay in touch for as much as possible, the sad truth is that we were mostly focused on our own lives during that time. Therefore, there is not much poin...

08:33 am - 09.06.2024

Has it truly been five years?

In order to continue my story, I’m going to have to jump forward about 5 years. Although we tried to stay in touch for as much as possible, the sad truth is that we were mostly focused on our own lives during that time. Therefore, there is not much poin...

08:33 am - 09.06.2024

Has it truly been five years?

In order to continue my story, I’m going to have to jump forward about 5 years. Although we tried to stay in touch for as much as possible, the sad truth is that we were mostly focused on our own lives during that time. Therefore, there is not much poin...

08:32 am - 09.06.2024

Has it truly been five years?

In order to continue my story, I’m going to have to jump forward about 5 years. Although we tried to stay in touch for as much as possible, the sad truth is that we were mostly focused on our own lives during that time. Therefore, there is not much poin...

08:32 pm - 07.06.2024

Session 14: Dying Flames

08:09 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 14: Dying Flames

04:59 pm - 28.05.2024

Keralon at last

Despite our best efforts, we were sadly unable to reach Keralon before nightfall. The good news however is that, considering that we were so close, it was no problem at all to find an inn where we could rent a few rooms for the night. And while I enjoy a ...

06:09 pm - 23.05.2024

Session 13: Opposing scales

01:37 am - 22.05.2024

Session 13: Opposing scales

04:55 pm - 21.05.2024

Trial by fire

After everything that had happened to us over the last couple of days, we wisely decided to spendsome time in Logvale in order for us to recover. Which, speaking for me personally, was more than a little welcome. As helping around Logvale allowed me to pu...

03:30 pm - 19.05.2024

Session 12: Has it been that long?

07:45 pm - 15.05.2024

Session 12: Has it been that long?

05:28 pm - 14.05.2024

Session 11: Keralon, Finally?

07:47 pm - 07.05.2024

Session 11: Keralon, Finally?

05:02 pm - 07.05.2024

Hunted no more

The most important rule when dealing with any crisis is to keep calm. This so that you can make the right decision in order to resolve it as efficiently as possible. Of course this is easier said than done. Especially when you are being chased by a homici...

09:50 pm - 04.05.2024

Session 10: Keralon, finally?

08:54 pm - 30.04.2024

Session 10: Keralon, finally?

04:58 pm - 30.04.2024

Session 9: Wooden walls and slippery slopes

09:46 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 9: Wooden walls and slippery slopes

04:30 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 8: Bloody mist

08:05 pm - 02.04.2024

Session 8: Bloody mist

04:56 pm - 02.04.2024

Session 7: On to Logvale

03:42 pm - 30.03.2024

Session 7: On to Logvale

06:03 pm - 26.03.2024

Session 6: Satyr Unrest

10:19 pm - 19.03.2024

Session 6: Satyr Unrest

05:59 pm - 19.03.2024

Session 5: Troubles with tears

09:29 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 5: Troubles with tears

05:47 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 4: Troubles with tears

08:56 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 4: Troubles with tears

05:56 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 3: Going West

09:29 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 3: Going West

09:29 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 2: The Bramble trial

09:09 pm - 13.02.2024

Session 2: The Bramble trial

09:09 pm - 13.02.2024

The bow is the wise man's weapon. You can defend your dwelling without opening its gates.

07:21 pm - 29.01.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gael.