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10th Nuan, Y126 Era of the Tree

A festive day

by Gael

Things were relatively quiet after our adventure in Cairn Fussil. And for the next couple of days, the city was bustling with preparations for the arrival of the Velora Morenthene’s delegation. This also meant that for the next five days, I was blessed with some extra free time on my hands. An opportunity that I decided to use in order to go out and meet some new people. Maybe even make a few new friends along the way. After all, you can't just stay in your own little corner of the forest, waiting for others to come to you. Sometimes, you have to go out and meet them. Luckily I was not alone as Luke decided to join me. And it was quite interesting to act as his wingman during his endless quest to find the next future ex-Mrs. Thomas. I’m afraid however that that is a story for another time.
There is also one more thing that I should mention before I continue. During this week of preparations, Robert found his way back to us. He had finally returned from his latest journey and was most pleased to see us again. In fact, he came baring a letter from Hayley’s village. Besides a few pleasantries, it also mentioned that some kind of creature had been stalking the village for a while now. Killing some sheep and even two shepherds. Learning about this, we resolved that as soon as the festivities were over, we would make way to Hayley’s village in order to straighten things out.
But that is for later. For now, let me bring the focus back to the day of the festivities. Even in the early morning, the tantalizing smells of various dragon-themed delicacies was filling the air, offered by the dozens of street vendors that had come out. The sounds of children playing with toy dragons, streamers and wooden swords echoed everywhere. And people were lining the streets that the delegation would pass through in droves, hoping to catch but a single glimpse of them. And amidst all this festive energy, there we were. Sitting once more upon the roof of Erna’s Wish.
Around noon, we could see a small group leaving the draconian camp and heading towards the city. In response, four mounted knights departed from the city to meet and escort them back. And as they entered the Foregate district, the crowds erupted in cheers and excitement. However, none of them could hold a candle to Liliana's enthusiasm. For the moment that she swa that both Norgar and commander Ergoll were at the head of the delegation atop their drake mounts, she jumped to her feet, shouting and waving her sword wildly in order to get their attention. She even went so far as to set her sword ablaze with green flames, just so that she might be easier to see. And while I worried that a few errant sparks might set the tavern ablaze, her efforts did pay off. For both Norgar and Commander Ergoll noticed her, and by extension us, and gave us a short but respectful bow. And with that, the chaos of the day was unleashed.
As Commander Ergoll straightened his back, Norgar suddenly collapsed, falling from his drake. The knights were quick to surround them in order to figure out what had happened. We too, were worriedly trying to make sense of the situation when both Hayley and Liliana noticed three cloaked elves standing on a different roof, bows in hand. Just as they were turning to flee, Hayley and I unleashed our respective spells, binding them with magical plants that erupted from the roof tiles. One of them managed to avoid us, but Allistan was quick to intercept him, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. But just as he was about to close the distance, a vicious bolt of magic hit him in the side, nearly knocking him off the roof. A spectre floated atop the roof on the opposite side of the street, glaring at Allistan with murderous intent.
What happened next is exactly why I no longer hold much stock in the so-called laws of physics that some scholars like to prattle on about. Instead choosing to believe in the age-old law of the bards, the rule of cool. For without missing a beat, Allistan, clad in full plate armor, turned on his heel and charged at full speed toward the spectre. Crossing the streets below by balancing atop a clothesline without slowing down. And yes, he actually made it. What made this even more ridiculous was that, just a few seconds later, one of the elves, who was wounded by arrows and magic from Dadroz and Liliana respectively, attempted the same feat. Only to slip and break his neck. Please take a moment to appreciate the insanity of these events. To this day, I still don’t know what impressed me more, Allistan’s portrayal of a squirrel or the sheer strength of that clothesline.
Allistan engaged the spectre with the help of Luke’s flames. Meanwhile, the remaining elves were quickly dispatched by the rest of us. But just as Liliana and Hayley turned to join their brothers, a new beast descended from the sky, a manticore. It surged toward me, one of its claws striking my shoulder. Fortunately for me, Liliana and Hayley quickly turned their attention towards it. Hayley weakening the beast with her magic and Liliana stood between us, intercepting it. Together, they managed to keep it at bay, allowing Dadroz and me to unleash a volley of arrows upon it. Eventually knocking it out of the sky. The spectre meanwhile met a similar fate as it was defeated by the combined efforts of Luke and Allistan.
We had no time to recover however, for the sounds of battle in the air signaled more assailants out there. Allistan, who was closest, could see that several attackers in the same red robes as before engaging the delegation. But they were of little match to the trained soldiers and knights. However just as we were preparing to jump in, Allistan noticed one of the attackers stealing something from Norgar and making a dash for safety. Allistan pushed his way through the busy crowds in hot pursuit, along with Dadroz and me following closely. We nearly lost him in the winding back alleys, but Fiachna was quick to point him out for us. We then managed to corner him in a small square. Or at least that is what we thought when suddenly two more attackers jumped at us.
Despite the surprise attack, we were easily able to hold them off. At least up until the point that one of them opened a door in order to release a monster. It was a flesh golem, a misshapen heap of flesh that moved through alchemical and arcane might. And more importantly, just like the construct from before, completely impervious to non-magical attacks.
We quickly dispatched the remaining attacker before turning our attention to the hulking monstrosity. Our first instinct was to run, but we feared that if we did, innocent civilians might get caught in the crossfire. So with little alternative, we decided to hold it off to the best of our abilities in order to buy time for the others to arrive. We were surely in hot pursuit of us. It went as well as you might expect. Allistan tried to block as many attacks as he could, but each blow threatened to shatter his bones by sheer impact. Something I can confirm, as I felt one of those hits when I pulled Allistan aside so he could down a healing potion.
We did manage to figure out that it had a weakness to fire when I lit a torch to see if fire might work better than steel. Making me really wish that Luke was with us. But despite our best efforts, it was completely one-sided. Our small glimmer of hope was quickly extinguished when Dadroz confirmed, by using the Tarn stone, that the others wouldn't be coming to our aid. They were instead still busy helping the wounded from the earlier attack. A most noble venture, but really not where we needed them to be at that moment. So with little alternative, we decided to retreat. Taking extreme care as to keep the golem focussed on us as it pursued us.
Eventually our deadly game of cat and mouse came to an end when we finally managed to reach the streets. The golem was quickly dispatched by the knights and their magic blades. At that moment, we nearly collapsed as we caught our breaths. It was then that we were addressed by Ser Donovan of the Octagon. Liliana, remembering the rule of magic weapons and knights, quickly passed her magic sword of to Allistan as she tried to look as non-suspicious as possible. However Ser Donovan was more intrigued by the fact that we were again present during an attack by these cultists. It seemed that these attackers were indeed part of the same group as the guards from earlier, confirmed by a similar tattoo that each of them possessed.
I’m not completely sure if he was suspicious of us or not. But seeing that we had nothing to hide, we simple told him the truth of what he had witnessed. What surprised him most, was the fact that we had to retreat from the golem due to not having a magic weapon. All the while eying Liliana’s sword that Allistan was holding. He scoffed and proclaimed that as a knight of Keralon, Allistan should always carry a magical weapon in order to be better able to defend the city. So he turned to one of the knights and pulled his out the knight’s sword before handing it to Allistan. Stating that this sword was no his. I will admit that I was quite shocked by the nonchalant attitude of Ser Donovan. As well as feeling quite sad and angry for the knight who essentially had his sword stolen. After all this could very well be a family heirloom. Confused, Allistan asked if this was alright to do. But Ser Donovan stated that the knight would be issued a new blade upon returning to his headquarters.
He then turned to the rest of us and removed two of his rings as a reward for protecting the city. Partly out of pointless pride and partly out of anger for his attitude, I declined this however. I did not consider myself of such low character that I would need a reward in order to do the right thing. Sylvesse had taught me better then that. Having more clarity however, the others graciously accepted the reward. And before you draw undue conclusions, no I am not attacking their character with my earlier statement. As I said, I was simple being stubborn and prideful at that moment, something that I would work on. And considering the cost of living in Keralon, accepting the reward was the smart thing to do. Double so for the mages who also had to refresh the material components they used in the battle.
With that business done, Ser Donovan took his leave. And considering that the delegation had already been moved to the palace, there was little reason for us to remain. Also if there is one thing you can say about Keralon’s citizens, it is that they are a resilient people. For not even an attack of this magnitude was enough to dampen their spirits. And it wasn’t long before the festivities began anew. But before we could join them, there was one more piece of business that we had to take care of. Namely repairing the damage to Feyris’s roof that we had caused when fighting the manticore.

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  1. A day of celebrations and beginnings
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  2. A trial of brambles
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  3. Departure
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  4. Dreams and Peril
    2-5 Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  5. City of Strife and Secrets
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. A complicated situation
    6th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. Onwards towards the west
    7th & 8th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Strangers in the mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. For now I am the hunted
    11th of Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  10. Hunted no more
    12th of Lug, Year 121 Era of the Tree
  11. Trial by fire
    13th - 14th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  12. Keralon at last
    15th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  13. Has it truly been five years?
    1st - 2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  14. The Journal Entry’s title
  15. Escorting the envoy
    2nd of Nuan, Year 126, Era of the Tree
  16. Heart of fire
    3rd - 4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  17. A festive day
    10th Nuan, Y126 Era of the Tree
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
  19. Shadow of Ravenfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  20. The Tomb of Hollow Hill
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  21. The Journal Entry’s title
  22. The battle for Ravensfield part 1
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Journal Entry’s title
  24. The battle for Ravensfield part 2
    16th - 17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. The Journal Entry’s title
  26. Return to Keralon
    18th - 21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. The Embassy ball
    22nd - 23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Searching for Norgar
    23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. The fall of Robert Talespinner
    23rd of Nuan, Y126 E.O.T.
  30. Intermission: Letter home
  31. An Audience With The King
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. The Journal Entry’s title
  33. A new beginning
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree