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2-5 Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree

Dreams and Peril

by Gael

The next day, we continued onwards with our journey. But it seemed that our luck from the previous day concerning the weather had turned. Once again we were in the front of the group. And once more, we were joined by Edward. Who was more than willing to stay with us as his sister remained asleep in their coach, with Hayley offering to join her to keep her company when she woke. An offer I am certain had nothing to do with the fact that our luck, when it came to the weather at least, had turned. For while we started our journey on a crisp early spring morning, now we were greeted by a thick, damp and grey fog.
It happened, a few hours after we started for the day. The hairs on my neck standing on end. Someone or something was watching us from the forest. Gazing at us, as if sizing up its prey just before pouncing. Some kind of woodland spirit or Fey, whose territory we were close to invading at the time. Or at least, that was what I suspected at the time. And while I am no stranger to a fight, I was more than content that this particular one seemed more then content to just keep gazing for now. So, with one eye on the treelines at all time, we continued our journey. But the feeling never left us.
It was nearing nightfall, when we finally caught site of our stop for the evening. Fortunately, the cold mist of the day had made way for warm yet damp temperatures. Which gave us a lovely view of a small valley, with several trees and rosebushes that were in already full bloom, despite it still being so early in the spring. Near the centre of this, stood a small hamlet and a just bit further from that, a most impressive castle. This, as Luke explained, was the valley of Rosebloom. Mostly known for its most peculiar climate. For you see, during the great catastrophe and rising of Irminsul, several fissures opened up in this valley, each quickly filling with magma. Now most of these had closed over time of course, but they nevertheless left their mark. For they left a small pool of water that was constantly boiling. Which caused this valley to essentially be caught in an eternal spring. Which for our young and inexperienced eyes, was quite something to see.
Now following Onvyr’s instructions, we made our way towards the largest house in the small village that we could see. This was the home and shop of Henry, the apparent leader of the people here. It seemed that before coming to Tarn, Onvyr had taken the initiative to arrange for some fresh supplies for the caravan to be waiting here. We were tasked to collect them and inform Hector of our arrival. When we entered the shop, we were greeted by a young girl, whom we guessed was around 10ish of age. Anna, as we later learned she was called, was quite startled at our entrance and quickly made herself scarce. Returning a bit later with her grandfather Hector. He was most pleased to see that we had already arrived and quickly told us where we could set up camp near the village.
As you can imagine, our caravan quickly drew the attention of everyone in the village. And before we knew it, a small party had started. With laughter and dancing a plenty. And while it was tempting to just remain there, I decided to stretch my legs and take in the view of this beautiful place. I was however not alone, as I quickly fell into a group with Hayley and Dadroz. They had the same idea as me and decided to take in the sights. But sadly there is only so much to see in a place like that, so we decided to take a walk towards the castle.
When we arrived, Dadroz and I were wondering what to do next when Hayley simple marched up to the castle and knocked on the door. Not the first time I would be amazed by her sheer boldness. Which was further enforced when she requested to meet the lord of the castle. Fortunately, unlike lord Colline, Ser Flinn proved to be quite agreeable. Even inviting us to join him for dinner. During which he told us that he had only recently became the lord of Rosebloom after becoming a knight for the order of the rose. A notion that was most interesting for Dadroz as he too had dreams of becoming a knight. Though it seems that he had his sights set on a different order then Ser Flinn. I also took this opportunity to ask Hayley on her goals for Keralon. Partly out of genuine interest and also because admittedly at the time I didn’t really have any plans myself. And was hoping it might give me some ideas. But she simple replied that she was going in order to further her studies, in order to be able to better help people. A most admirable goal, but sadly not an answer that really helped me forward.
Not to say that I had no dreams for the future at the time mind you. Just nothing concrete, they were just more like goals. One of which was to learn more about my Elven heritage. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents and siblings greatly and I would do anything for them. But it is a fact that being raised by humans, I have a very limited understanding of what it means to be an elf. Sylvesse did teach me a few things, so I wasn’t completely ignorant. I just wished to know more about myself, which naturally included things about Elves. The second one was rather simple, but also rather vague. You see, I wanted to make my place in the world. Like my parents before me who went out on adventures and made a name for themselves. The only problem was of course, how I would go about this. The obvious answer would be to attempt to become a knight, not something I was opposed off. I mean who hasn’t dreamed of becoming a knight, slaying the monster and saving the damsel in distress. It was one of the things I would play out when I was young, going on adventures in the nearby forests. Only to get scolded by Sylvesse for not keeping my attention on my surroundings and presence. Ha memories of youth. But I digress once more.
The conversation with Ser Flinn lasted till a few hours after midnight, after which he proved the ever gracious host by offering each of us a room. And while I certainly am someone who can appreciate sleeping outside under the starlight on nice evening and will prefer this when possible. I am also not someone who will turn down a comfy bed in a warm room with prospects to a nice breakfast in the morning when offered. I mean that would just be rude towards our host. But sadly the night was not a peaceful one. For I and I later learned a few of the others such as Luke and Alstan were haunted by a most troubling dream. In it, we stood around the boiling pond of Rosebloom. With various figures made of steam, which resembled little imps, dancing in front of us. All the while a voice singing in Sylvan the words: "In shadows cast by Twilight's Mourn A town lies still, its fate forlorn Whispers haunt its one dead street Where sorrow and despair entreat Hollow Windows, Shattered panes, Reflect the echoes of past refrains. Once bustling with life's vibrant hum, Now silence reigns, a dirge begun". Most ominous, especially when I learned that I was not the only who experienced it. I suspected Fey trickery, or at least that is what my instinct told me. And if it is so, was it a warning or a threat? And to whom? To our merry group or to this town? As always it was difficult to see through its intent, as is often the case with the fair folk. Later, just before we left, I decided to quickly leave a message for Ser Flinn with Hector. Telling him about the dream, but admitting that I had no further details. But while I still did not know its true meaning, as they say a warned man is worth two.
It quickly became obvious when we regrouped with the others, that we seemed to have missed something last night. For our good friend Luke simple could not help himself from staring daggers at poor Robert. Later Liliana would tell me a bit sheepishly, that she might have accidently caused Luke to be distracted at the party, By bringing little Anna to talk with him. Apparently she was being a bit ostracized from the rest of the village due to the fact that she preferred the company of books over others. And in an attempt to help the poor girl gain a bit of confidence, she introduced her to Luke, whom she thought could relate. And while he was busy talking to her, Robert took the opportunity to spirit Elsa away for a few rounds of dancing. It seemed that there was a new rival in town for both Luke and Alistan. Something that put a bit of a damper to both of their moods it seemed.
Now the rest of the day was rather uneventful. The only thing of note was the fact that when we left the valley, we quickly greeted again by the mist we left behind yesterday. As well as that creeping feeling that we were being watched being back. But while the day was unremarkable, the evening was anything but. For you see, we were informed by Onvyr that it was our turn to keep watch. So we quickly divided the labour. And seeing as I only need around 4 hours, a little trick I learned from Sylvesse, I volunteered to take two shifts. It’s not something that I mind you see and I make sure to get more hours when I have an actual roof over my head. Like the night before, so I was all good.
It was during my first shift, that I shared with Liliana, that we saw it. A light passing through the forest. I had heard stories of creatures tempting travellers away in this manner and with that creeping feeling still present, I was well on my guard. But I nonetheless decided to address it in Sylvan, in order to gauge its reaction. The light seemed to flicker for a bit, before coming towards us. When it got closer, we saw the image of a transparent elven woman approaching us. She addressed us in Elvish and seeing that Liliana only speaks Sylvan, I decided to translate. Which proved to be a big mistake, for she asked us to follow her to some ruins. This caused Liliana to excitingly start jumping up an down. Reminding me of a puppy we used to have, just around dinner time. She wasted no time waking up the rest in order to go on an adventure. Which Hayley, Dadroz and I quickly attempting to dissuade her from this. Seeing as it was a terrible idea, especially with that damned creeping feeling still haunting us. My fear was mostly that if we split up from the caravan, whatever was behind that feeling would see it as an opportunity to strike. Either at us or at the rest. But Liliana was undeterred and insisted that adventure was waiting for us. But as my mother had always said, there is being adventurous and there was being stupid. Knowing the difference often meant the difference between success and an early grave. And my instincts were telling me this was the latter. As a final ditch effort, I proposed putting it to a vote. Either us all going, or no one going. The no’s had it, with only Alistan and Liliana really wanting to go. But that damned sparkle in her eyes did not diminish one bit. So I asked if she was still planning on going, despite us agreeing to follow the vote. And she said yes, she would simple go with her brother. My last ditch effort was pointing out that seeing as she could not speak Elvish, she could not follow the figure. But sadly I forgot that while she is fluent in Sylvan, he is fluent in Elvish. Which I had forgotten, so it was a bit embarrassing. So reluctantly I decided to go with them. They might have been acting foolish, but they were still good people and my friends. And I simple could not live with myself if something were to happen with them out in the woods at night while I stayed near the warm, safe and dry campfire. Luckily Luke decided to join us as well, while the rest remained in order to keep watch.
We followed the figure for a while, until we ultimately reached the ruins of a small house, standing near a pond. The figure floated towards a small grave, pointing towards it. But as we approached, a second figure rose from the pond. She looked similar to the first one and started to sing. Which caused poor Liliana’s mouth to begin overflowing with water, threatening to drown her. Alistan moved to engage, but not being able to reach her without entering the pond, could only throw a handaxe at her. Which passed through the image effortlessly and with no harm. Fortunately, the magic bow I had received a few days prior, as well as Luke’s magic had more effect. It did not take long for Lilana to recover, at which point Luke overwhelmed it with a barrage of magic missiles. The song it sang, spoke of two elven sisters. Who were both in love with the same man. A rivalry that ended in tragedy when one drowned the other. Which pointed to the identity of the two figures. This was confirmed when we figured out that the woman wished to be buried with the man she loved. A request that we happily granted her, giving her peace and allowing her to move on. I will admit that we did a good thing there. And that this only happened because Liliana was insistent about going out there. But that does not take away from the fact that it was a stupid thing to do and that we mostly got lucky that it wasn’t anything more dangerous. In fact I feared that this would only prove to embolden Liliana even further in the future. But there was little I could do about it at that point.
The next day, the weather had turned once again. But unlike last time when we got a warm spring day, we instead got snow. Not uncommon at that time of year of course and it proved a welcome distraction from everything as snowballs flew and puppets were being made in the cart. But this joyous feeling was quickly soured when that feeling of dread became even worse. Being tired of this, Hayley jumped out of the cart, took two steps towards the forest and demanded that whatever it was, to leave us alone. Like I said, sometimes Hayley can be an avatar of boldness when she wants to. She quickly got a response however, when large white wolf, the size of a horse came out of the woods.
I had never seen a wolf as fierce and beautiful as that one at that point. Dadroz and Luke identified it as a winter wolf, a magical creature imbued with the power of frost. And with howl it proved this, as it caused the snowstorm to pick up in intensity. This made it difficult for Dadroz and I to hit it with our arrows as it leaped towards us. Edwine however took this as an opportunity to dash beneath it before slashing at its unprotected underbelly. But the creature persevered through the pain, and with a massive howl conjured forth a blast of frost directly at myself, Alistan and Dadroz. Luckily Alistan shielded Dadroz and I from the majority of the hit. Though it bring him to death’s doorstep, as it seemed like he would fall over if he took even one step. At this, Luke and Hayley started blasting the beast with their magic, as Liliana and Elsa moved towards Alistan. Elsa wasted no time and kissed him on the cheek, using magic to heal most of his wounds. This caused to surge forward with renewed vigour as he attacked the wolf. Seeing the tide had turned against it, it attempted to flee, as the storm became worse. But Luke, channelling most likely all his jealousy and frustration for Alistan at the time, bombarded it with as much magic as he could handle, killing the beast.
It frustrated me to no end that as a hunter I could not give this creature the respect it deserved. It went against all my instincts not to make sure that all its parts would be properly used and collected. But I simple did not have the time to process it properly and it was too big to carry onto the cart. So regretfully, I decided it best to leave it be and be part of the circle of nature. Knowing that in its death, others would find life. But before we left, Hayley decided to take its tail in order to make a protective charm against other Fey. Admittedly, not exactly something I would use as a charm, as I prefer the use of plant based charms, but I wasn’t going to argue with her. I can safely say that she knows as much, if not more then me when it comes to dealing with Fey. Her methods are simple different from mine, but are no less effective. Liliana wanted to take the head, but changed her mind when we explained that it would simple rot, as we could not preserve it. Instead she settled on a few fangs and claws.
Many questions remained. Foremost where did this wolf come and who sent it? For that feeling, while diminished, had not gone away. But while we were wondering this, I suspect that Alistan had different matters on his mind. As I nervously thanked Elsa for the healing and the kiss. She was equally nervous and explained that she spend a few years at a convent, where she picked up some divine magic. Now I admit that divine magic is not an area of knowledge that I know a lot about, but I’m pretty certain that just touch is enough for a healing spell. And not so much a kiss. Though depending on her teachings and beliefs this might be different. Or maybe the fair lady had already made a choice concerning her suitors. It was interesting to consider, as Alistan was being a bit to passive lately. Allowing Robert and Luke to take the forefront. Hopefully this would cause him to get out of his funk and also be a bit more proactive in his pursuit. Afterall, who does not like a good romance to inspire and warm the heart. Where a lady is respectfully courted by a few young suitors before ultimately making that fateful choice. Provided of course the rivalry remains friendly and all parties involved respect said choice in the end, regardless of what it may be.

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  1. A day of celebrations and beginnings
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  2. A trial of brambles
    30th of Daga, 121 year of the tree
  3. Departure
    1st of Lug, 121, Era of the Tree
  4. Dreams and Peril
    2-5 Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  5. City of Strife and Secrets
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. A complicated situation
    6th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. Onwards towards the west
    7th & 8th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Strangers in the mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. For now I am the hunted
    11th of Lug, Year 121, Era of the Tree
  10. Hunted no more
    12th of Lug, Year 121 Era of the Tree
  11. Trial by fire
    13th - 14th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  12. Keralon at last
    15th of Lug, 121 Era of the Tree
  13. Has it truly been five years?
    1st - 2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  14. The Journal Entry’s title
  15. Escorting the envoy
    2nd of Nuan, Year 126, Era of the Tree
  16. Heart of fire
    3rd - 4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  17. A festive day
    10th Nuan, Y126 Era of the Tree
  18. The Journal Entry’s title
  19. Shadow of Ravenfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  20. The Tomb of Hollow Hill
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  21. The Journal Entry’s title
  22. The battle for Ravensfield part 1
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Journal Entry’s title
  24. The battle for Ravensfield part 2
    16th - 17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. The Journal Entry’s title
  26. Return to Keralon
    18th - 21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. The Embassy ball
    22nd - 23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Searching for Norgar
    23th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. The fall of Robert Talespinner
    23rd of Nuan, Y126 E.O.T.
  30. Intermission: Letter home
  31. An Audience With The King
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. The Journal Entry’s title
  33. A new beginning
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree