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Wed 29th Mar 2023 09:27

Journal Entry

by Mikaeus

I’ve been played a fool. How very gauche. I am made to belittle myself in the name of cooperation, and this is the return I’ve received. Instead of working towards transcendence together, he has thrown his lot in with something else. Something that he was aware had an active interest in stealing him away from me. In truth, the fault lies with me. I allowed him to worm his way into a higher standing than I should have. I got complacent. And now I linger upon this precipice of sanity because of it.
And the one with the audacity to come and scold me? I have well been aware of her ridiculous ideals regarding killing. What sort of mercenary worries with morals? It’s not too late to change, she says. What trite. We are what we are until the end of time. What I am will lead me to greatness or death. And I haven’t died yet.