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Sat 7th Jan 2023 11:14

Journal Entry

by Mikaeus

Well, things could have gone better, all things considered. I'm no novice when it comes to heists and chicanery, but something seemed off about the job we somehow muddled through. No guards at all on the second floor, and only one locked door, which I wasted my time with breaking a pick when it wasn't even the target. Finished to satisfaction, and who doesn't love a lively sprint down dirty alleyways. Maybe it was just garbage luck. I suppose it doesn't matter. The job is done, and we've been inducted into the Court of Roses. I think? Besides, I have bigger worries. I wasn't concerned at first. Rikkavi had said we were allowed to leave twice a month, so it's not as if it's a prison. But then it's mentioned that we have to ask permission to leave, and then suddenly the opulence of this place seemed very much like a bribe. I'm certainly not opposed to taking bribes. But, I have a business to run, a reputation to protect, and sensitive materials hidden everywhere in the office. I will speak with The Mask and see his opinion on the matter. Of course, he wasn't aware that we even paid the girl at the desk. It's a good thing we never gave her a key. I had been tentative to take any more jobs until we had been granted audience with The Court, so it's not as if we will run risk of losing clients. I wonder if I could request a discreet gathering of my things and have it delivered here. After all, the only reason I kept my collection hidden in the office was to keep it away from the godsdamned landlord at home.