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Tue 14th Mar 2023 08:44

Journal Entry

by Mikaeus

Everything is normal. I have what is mine, again, albeit in a less artistic form. I will admit here alone that the incontrollable urge to decimate those that touch my things is rather cumbersome at times. But it’s certainly not the first time I’ve acted in such a manner. Simply lay on the charm and the pleasantries for a little while and it will be forgotten again. He’s more susceptible to manipulation than he realizes. Although I suppose that’s what has him so eager to be the plaything of whatever is in that crystal.
I’m still not convinced that the Guild wasn’t at least partially involved in this, however. The note could have been entirely inconsequential to the robbery. The fact that only the names beginning with K were missing is enough proof for me to know that this was targeted. If The Mask was truly not involved as he says, then I will not be forced to do away with a useful tool in my pocket. But it means keeping whatever this hunter is at bay. If he was involved, and I have chosen to take him at his words and this entire crystal hunter schtick is simply a façade... Well, he is a fool, not an idiot.
I am quite desperate to get my gloves bloody again. This new cabinet is so bare, and I would love to add a hero’s essence to the collection. It is unlikely, however, having been told explicitly on this next assignment to not kill them, and man’s typical and stubborn refusal to part willingly with anything beneath their skin.