The Field of Night by Kai'okoa | World Anvil

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13th of Zarantyr 998

The Field of Night

by Kai'okoa

The kids that we terroized went home and told their parents. They tried to confront us but I told them the truth and maybe downplayed what we did a wee bit.. Not long after a woman tried to reward us for saving the sheep from the manticores. Told her to go buy some new ones, I don't need to take money from people who value sheep so much.
We started trekking through a forest to reach the old woman's house as Keryn asked us too. Lots of crows following us and watching, extremely unnerving.
The forest cleared enough for us to find the field of nightshade and immediately I felt another entity grab onto my mind and I couldn't control my body. I felt a 4th person in my mind fighting for control and the voice cleared and became Aethelwulf's and suddenly I was following him.
Dhok had also been affected and had wandered in further than I. As we were trying to rescue him some dark fey creatures emerged and attacked us. I tried to help but the field called to me and pushed my body out of my control again. Aethelwulf dragged me out, maybe I should be nicer to him.. as much as we antagonize each other, he is always willing to help any of us.
I've never felt so scared.. the feeling of not being able to control myself reminds me of when I was little.
We made it to the old woman's cottage and she introduced herself as Caderyn. She told us some stories about travelling with a druid while drinking tea with us. After helping her around her shack Esi had a conversation with her while we waited outside.

Continue reading...

  1. Adventure on a boat
  2. Adventure through the jungle
  3. Adventure in the city
  4. Adventure in the forest
  5. Letter from a bird
    1st of Zarantyr 998
  6. The drinking champion!
    2nd of Zarantyr 998
  7. Storms & Manticores
    3rd - 8th of Zarantyr 998
  8. The Former Manticore Family
    8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998
  9. Noble's Box
    10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998
  10. Errand Running
    11th - 12th of Zarantyr 998
  11. The Field of Night
    13th of Zarantyr 998
  12. I enjoy being drunk.
    13th - 17th of Zarantyr 998
  13. Crime and Secrets
    17th of Zarantyr - 4th of Olorun 998
  14. Crabs and Pixies
    4th - 8th of Olorun 998
  15. Snuffing out flames
    9th - 10 of Olorun 998
  16. The Omega Facility
    10th - 12th of Olorun 998
  17. Picking Up Payment
    16th of Olorun 998