Snuffing out flames by Kai'okoa | World Anvil

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9th - 10 of Olorun 998

Snuffing out flames

by Kai'okoa

We stayed at the Peckish Pixie and early the next morning we ventured out with the wagon towards the research facility. We travelled for most of the day before coming up to a crossroads not long before we heard marching.
Turns out it was the group of zealous Silver Flame. I hold no remorse for these people, I have seen how they destroy shifters without hesitation and shatter their communities. It isn't their fault they were born a shifter and yet they are punished and hunted for it. I prepared for battle even though some of the group would have preferred to talk. We fought and wiped the floor with them, leaving none alive. Zora'kas wasn't happy at Aethelwulf or myself for how the situation was handled but I can't sit by and ignore what they do to people who have no control over what they are. Zora'kas ended up walking away from us until we stopped to make camp for that night.
The next day we arrived at the facility and now we face an interesting adventure.

Continue reading...

  1. Adventure on a boat
  2. Adventure through the jungle
  3. Adventure in the city
  4. Adventure in the forest
  5. Letter from a bird
    1st of Zarantyr 998
  6. The drinking champion!
    2nd of Zarantyr 998
  7. Storms & Manticores
    3rd - 8th of Zarantyr 998
  8. The Former Manticore Family
    8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998
  9. Noble's Box
    10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998
  10. Errand Running
    11th - 12th of Zarantyr 998
  11. The Field of Night
    13th of Zarantyr 998
  12. I enjoy being drunk.
    13th - 17th of Zarantyr 998
  13. Crime and Secrets
    17th of Zarantyr - 4th of Olorun 998
  14. Crabs and Pixies
    4th - 8th of Olorun 998
  15. Snuffing out flames
    9th - 10 of Olorun 998
  16. The Omega Facility
    10th - 12th of Olorun 998
  17. Picking Up Payment
    16th of Olorun 998