The Former Manticore Family by Kai'okoa | World Anvil

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8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998

The Former Manticore Family

by Kai'okoa

The captain of the militia that are also farmers is called Gallus. Dhok healed the injured farmer Walter and after, they requested us to hunt the Manticore to it's lair.
We made progress for the few hours we had left and came upon a cave between some hills. A large Troll emerged and attacked us immediately but we made short work of it. We rested for the night and were interrupted by some large hornets and it turns out Zora'kas and I both know how to Shatter enemies.
The next morning we traced back to where we lost the manticore's tracks and found the right path to it's lair. Upon finding it it was about to attack Aethelwulf's friend. Battle ensued and ended with Zora'kas shattering the parent and their 3 cubs. Such a shame really, that their parents prayed on creatures smarter than them which led to their demise.

Continue reading...

  1. Adventure on a boat
  2. Adventure through the jungle
  3. Adventure in the city
  4. Adventure in the forest
  5. Letter from a bird
    1st of Zarantyr 998
  6. The drinking champion!
    2nd of Zarantyr 998
  7. Storms & Manticores
    3rd - 8th of Zarantyr 998
  8. The Former Manticore Family
    8th - 9th of Zarantyr 998
  9. Noble's Box
    10th - 11th of Zarantyr 998
  10. Errand Running
    11th - 12th of Zarantyr 998
  11. The Field of Night
    13th of Zarantyr 998
  12. I enjoy being drunk.
    13th - 17th of Zarantyr 998
  13. Crime and Secrets
    17th of Zarantyr - 4th of Olorun 998
  14. Crabs and Pixies
    4th - 8th of Olorun 998
  15. Snuffing out flames
    9th - 10 of Olorun 998
  16. The Omega Facility
    10th - 12th of Olorun 998
  17. Picking Up Payment
    16th of Olorun 998