Thu 16th Jan 2020 05:24

Journal #11: Mirror World

by Aniks Aliforn

Another day, another shopping trip. Cid was already out and about before any of us. Today I just stood outside and watched the rest of the party buy board games, play knives and other things. Sometimes they’re really like children.
Somewhere along the way, we picked up some strange snake person thing, Farron of, well I am not wholly sure where.
Despite how simple the day started, it for lack of better way of saying this was probably one of the worst days I have ever experienced. Though I could think of a couple of days that would easily beat it. Magic and what, I can only assume it was a stupidly cursed mirror, I’ll get to that damned thing!
Honestly, we found a dead body; I must have been spacing out about something because I didn’t understand how or why. Kraia decided to resurrect the girl, during this Celu if I recall correctly shied away from the Divine magic. The action of bringing this girl back gathered quite a crowd. The human came back as an Elf.
It turns out this girl was dating a Whisperbreath, Tarragon Whisperbreath, a cousin of our ratfolk. Going with this little misadventure, we made our way to find Pin’s Aunt. She was the only one that the moment at the household. Tarragon had been missing for a week according to the aunt. She was lovely; Pin tried to introduce most of us, The Aunt for some reason called me Indigo. Rather odd since even for drow I have dark skin. Maybe she was looking at my scars since they are tinted light purple. While they were getting caught up, I felt that it would be wrong if I were to tell Pin Aunt about anything I genuinely think. The family is prominent, and I would never actively say slander in front of their blood.
But to me, I guess family doesn’t end at blood.
Auntie Whisperbreath then asked when Pin would finally settle down; she avoided that question somewhat. The Aunt pointed to Cid as somebody she could settle down with, I got a laugh out of that one, but hide it quite well. Then was reminded there are only two guys in our main group since Kazric is no longer with us.
The only reason why the Aunt did not point out myself was that to anybody else it looks like I’m very much taken. Celu was very much close by at almost all the time.
It’s not a bad thing, but I’m conflicted about it.
Tarragon’s warehouse was the next location to explore from a helpful hint from his mother. Which is the where I started to distrust this “Farron” he seemed too wild too impractical? For somebody who cast magic, they were very headstrong and did not think things through.
Let me explain.
Upon finding Tarragon’s workshop, we cased the building to see there were people within the storage facility. The people inside were not our Ratfolk’s family, a human couple of drow and maybe an Orc. I cannot recall the amount correctly, but I do remember that the Wizard and our Paladin were the only two knock on the door. We chose to hide around the corner and spread out just in case we had to start a fight. Farron tried to his “quiet approach,” which was casting an enlargement spell and attempting to break down the door. This is where a good portion of chose to stand back or stop him.
After the deal with that and the people inside, in a nonviolent way for once, we were leading the under a portion of the city. With the past of a couple of outings to the town of Undria, there are far more residents from the Underdark than usual in this portion of the city. Even more so than the Ball would bring in, which could never is a good sign.
What is stirring in the Underdark? What is the cause of such a strange surfacing?
Now what is to come next is complicated, we walked into something more significant than we planned for. After failing a password, and combat that happened with some less than notable skeletons with pistols. Tarragon had been talking with the wrong people, people wanting to overthrow the government.
[Scribbed note about stupid explosions]
Please do not misunderstand me, revolutionaries are good but only when it has cause for them. These people were being manipulated by people with power than “could” help them. Drow was also involved, it may only clear indication that these people wanted change and dark elves and people took advantage of their suffering and wishes. My people rarely do anything that would make them be seen in a good light. Most Drow who start to hate their life, either die to try to leave or live on the surface.
We found Kazric magically bound to one of the Drow Wizards. I asked him a question, and he only replied in DLS which was primarily meant We should be leaving or was it why are we here. Whether one was a problem. Pin and Ashlyn for the first time were not thinking clearly. Letting their emotions cloud their judgment, we’re in an openly hostile place, and they’re going around demanding things and yelling about arrested the revolutionary.

Farron decides to try and get things done his way again. Why did he choose to follow us the entire way here? Gods I’ll never know. He attempted to threaten one of the people in there. At this point I was done, It was I believe the first time in a long time I drew a blade to protect and was willing to attack. I pressed my knife against his neck and protested for everybody to calm down and think.
No such luck.
I can sum up my entire fight as BLACK TENTACLE BULLSHIT, and I hate magic sometimes. I don’t wish to go into that fight. Though I did something, using Bronze Griffin to find the invisible drow wizard better, his name is Apollo. Picked up a book on cults to see if there was any information on The Entity was there. I was not having the best time with luck.

Pin went around recruiting people for her monastery and sent them to our temporary homes. I spoke with the Drows, one was from Kazrics house, and other was from House Alas’thil. Both houses are never good news, Alas’thil's are spies, and the other is torture fanatics. Asking too many questions, I told Apollo to drag me away so with its mental break it did as such.
Celu decided at this point to walk over and ask if I was alright. Cute that she cares.
With slight teleportation to the castle to keep Ashlyn from walking to a strange door, she claimed that Midna was behind and Cyne as well. We heard no such voice. She calmed down, and we teleported back thanks to Pin’s quick thinking. The only reason I tagged along was that I tackled Ashlyn with I guess that means I paid her back from the time in the boneyard.

Finally entering the Door, I thought it best to begin first since the drow wizard escaped through this weird door. I was alone, the rest, and I could hear them, but I did not see them. I made a couple of snarky comments about our wizard when I knew they were in the room. We passed through a fake mirror and entered a white space together again.
We were forced to watch our most horrible memories to find Tarragon, what lengths we go to for family.

[Written in Abyssal Making sure my friend's memories are kept secret]
Pin: Telling the local police that her parents were making magical artifacts and other magic things.
Ashlyn: Being kidnapped by Lizard people.
Kraia: A burning forest with beavers running everywhere.
Cid: watching his village burn.
Kazric: Being reincarnated to a Half-Orc.
Celu: Being turned into a vampire (I believe)
Licia: Her lover was killing her group.
I do not want to dwell on this since it’s their memory and the only reason we know is that of that mirror. I would not get a chance to smash it once we left it. Some people were far better off than others, Licia, Kazric, and Celu did not take well to this.

A disembodied voice told us to leave we must solve her puzzle. A simple map appeared in front of us and what should have taken a fair amount of time lasted what seemed forever, since we did not know the voice definition of wealth. Pin eventually just pointed out a trade route, and we proceed with the next puzzle. Statues of many different types and poses and the voice wanted to find a statute that showed progress. Simple enough I found the one that was walking forward.
The third puzzle was a multi-armed woman with six orbs of differentiating colors. On the walls, we found clothes of the same colors. Like before we test a couple of ideas and before long we started placing the same colored clothes on the respective orbs.
During this point, Smitten was slightly annoying to the point I believe he leaped on of the purple orb. Pin should keep that cat under control.
With all of the cloths being correct orbs we found our way into a room where we had to tell a secret in whispers or something weird like that. All I can recall is every girl, but Ashlyn slapped me. After saying all that we were in that blank whiteness again.
This time we had to share right memories.

Kraia: Finding Artemis with her brother.
Ashlyn: Reading her family's letters to her
Pin: ???
Celu: A memory of being rescued by us
Licia: When she was proposed to by her lover
Cid: Time spent with his old group.
I was more than annoyed after this; I didn’t feel like saying much to them. At that point, I didn’t care. Pin made a comment to me, and I flipped her off and walked away. I was done with that day. Celu and Kazric followed me to our temporary house.
Funny how the worst memory didn’t affect me as much as the good ones. The good ones were so so much worse.

Continue reading...

  1. Journal #1: Welcome back to the land of the living.
  2. Journal #2: The Gods speak to us, sort of.
  3. Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia.
  4. Journal #4: The Prince is not a Prick.
  5. Journal #5: Introduction of Celuriel
  6. Journal #6: Everybody loves the bar.
  7. Journal #7: Getting to know the vampire.
  8. Journal #8: The Vetala [Text Roleplay]
  9. Journal #9: Undria
  10. Journal #10: We adopt or kidnap a child, still unclear on this one.
  11. Journal #11: Mirror World
  12. Journal #12: Recovery from the world.
  13. Journal #13: Dancing with Vampire and Political Problems.
  14. Journal #14: About Sir Pennswaggle
  15. Journal #15: This Temple is Odd
  16. Journal #16: The Half Elf Liese
  17. Journal #17: Warning Ashlyn did not help her.
  18. Journal #18: Priestess with the Silver Orbs
  19. Journal #19: Celu is reading romantic books.
  20. Journal #20: Demons, Dungeons, and Dragons OH MY!
  21. Journal #21: Regrets.
  22. Journal #22: Demon's Champion [Text Roleplay]
  23. Journal #23: Homecoming
  24. Journal #24: Castle Umbra and their Bloodwalker.
  25. Journal #23: The Grand Game
  26. Journal #26: All magic comes at a cost.
  27. Journal #27 The capital and asking for diplomatic immunity.
  28. Journal #28: Teaching Celu Undercommon
  29. Journal #29: Pray to Fate
  30. Journal #30: Mistakes we're made, Surprisingly it wasn't my fault this time.
  31. Journal #31: Why am I Orpheus?
  32. Journal #33: The 'safe' return of Eurydice
  33. Journal #32: Back from hell [Text Roleplay]
  34. Journal #35: Fey Friends.
  35. Journal #36: Life before The Lost Ones
  36. Journal #34: Her thoughts on life. [Text Roleplay]
  37. Journal #37: Departure
  38. Journal #39: The Apology [Text Roleplay]
  39. Journal #38: Black Marble floors and apologizes
  40. Journal #40: The Lost's One's Save Christmas; what's Christmas again?
  41. Journal #41: The Elder Sister [Text Roleplay]
  42. Journal #42: Dear Niks
  43. Journal #43: Family Matters
  44. Journal #44: The Samsaran and Her Dreamers [Text Roleplay]
  45. Journal #45: 3 Years well spent.
  46. Journal #46: Emperor Aneirin of Aletheia
  47. Journal #47: Matron Nivinle Alas'thil [Text Roleplay]
  48. Journal #48: Not Alone
  49. Journal #49: The Dark Spire [Text Roleplay]
  50. Journal #50: Death's Champion
  51. Journal #51: Desk Duty of the Spire [Text Roleplay on going]
  52. Journal #52: Longest Four Days of Our Lives
  53. Journal #53: Stolen Book [Text Roleplay]
  54. Journal #54: Basics to Necromancy, why is this even a book.
  55. Journal #55: Soul to Soul Talk [Text Roleplay]
  56. Journal #56: Gold is not what King’s Envy
  57. Journal #57: The Trail of the Sapphire Shrine
  58. Journal #58: The sign says it all
  59. Journal #59: The oldest sister
  60. Journal #60: A bartender once again.
  61. Journal #61: The Dreamcatcher
  62. Journal #62: Discussion and a price that will be payed.
  63. Journal #63: The Five Stages
  64. Journal #64: Ring of Amethyst and Diamond
  65. Journal #65: Clash of Ideals
  66. Journal #66: A Friend and A Story
  67. Journal #67: The Nature of the Shards
  68. Journal #68: Return of Black Marble [Text Roleplay]
  69. Journal #69: Broken and Forgotten Shades
  70. Journal #70: Forging Bonds
  71. Journal #71: The Haunted Fey Mansion
  72. Journal #72: Another Shard
  73. Journal #73: Dancing with Demons in the pale morning light
  74. Journal #74: The Succubus's Ultimatum
  75. Journal #75: The City of Twin Souls
  76. Journal #76: The Worry of a Barkeep.
  77. Journal #77: Have a Little Hope.
  78. Journal #79: Dreamwalker Jinne [Text Roleplay]