Journal #29: Pray to Fate by Aniks | World Anvil
Thu 16th Jan 2020 05:39

Journal #29: Pray to Fate

by Aniks Aliforn

“I have a request to ask of you, I am not one who is familiar with praying in general. To the one who watches Fate, Pharasma a deal was struck with one the of my companions. Normally this would not be a reason to pray for guidance. I made stupid deals and touched demonic doors without much thought to the repercussions. However in retaliation for my companion denying the deal had even been stuck, Celuriel Geltharieth was dragged into hell for compensation till my companion agrees with or makes a better one. I am not asking for you to snap your fingers and make everything better, this is somebody else problem. One Whisperbeath has to learn, and Celuriel had to pay for. Needless to say, we are on the right track to finding the Artifacts, but this might place a bit of a damper on your request. I ask that you watch over her for just a little while until I can get her back. She going to need help and I can’t be there for her. Her life far worse than mine and I wanted to help her, but I can’t do that now. I know you hate the undead, but you spoke through her once to give me a warning about my future course of actions. I told you while we spoke that as long as I’m alive, I would try and protect my new family which included her from anything, I’m not sure I can ever do that without help. Your the only Deity that I trust enough to even ask this favor. Can you make sure she’s at least not alone like she was in that tower. I’m tired of losing people I care about, I would be eternally grateful if you would honor this request My Lady of Graves.”

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  5. Journal #5: Introduction of Celuriel
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  28. Journal #28: Teaching Celu Undercommon
  29. Journal #29: Pray to Fate
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