Thu 16th Jan 2020 05:37

Journal #31: Why am I Orpheus?

by Aniks Aliforn

Needless to say, I spent the day alone without the contact of everybody. They decided to go back into The Alethein Empire to capture Celuriel’s sister. Prolonging the quest The Lady of Graves sent us on. Granted capturing a Lich's soul which is not small feet and I can assume she has at least some information on us by now. I can only imagine taking away Celuriel from that Necromancer’s tower can just have put us on her scrying eye. Now that Celuriel is away from us I fear that Ludrissiel might know, which could only lead to a more complicated problem in the future. Hopefully, we can retrieve Celu before things get fair to out of hand. Traveling back through the Elven Gate, we brought back Talinde Ae’tharis, who Kraia has already tried to seduce. None of us really batted an eyelash at this. A different Elf that Cid was tapping in more ways than one, I regret writing that, but it’s very much true. I’ll never understand the elf’s fascination for trees.
With a rather shortstop back to Iron Falls, We go to the Temple to help look up any information on the Lich from the Keepers of Divinity. Which we found some document not many lead us to find a rough estimate that Celuriel is roughly 900. The Keepers of Divinity did not have any real information on the Geltharieth which is understandable given the circumstances that Celuriel grew up in, which is probably one of the few reasons that family survived for so long. Consulting the High Priestess of the Temple of Celesthem, she suggested going to Tenaerul. A place if I recall, and currently we’re currently in while I’m writing this, is a land full of corruption but more on that later. Tenaerul was a place that a Champion sacrificed themselves to create a barrier to seal the corruption of dark being, cultist and has I learned today. Outsiders. The deciding factor was Cyne using telling Ashlyn they’re Rovagug Cultists somewhere within this corrupted land. The High Priestess warned us, especially Lirian and Myself who were not Champions that the corrupting influences will have a more pronounced effect on us. Since we don’t have any protection from any deity. Though many of us can suffer the influences of this land. One of use, not sure exactly which one but they asked when we know when we’ve been influenced or change because of this land.
I sarcastically said that you’ll know when I stab you.
Strange to know that Cyne talks about us to her, since the High Priestess remarked that she understands why Cyne and I get along the sense of Humor is similar.
After constructing a contract with the Devil, one that Whisperbreath was happy with, and making a remark about not messing with Celuriel shooting a rather icy glare. At least for now I know she is safe, which puts my mind at ease so I can deal with whats around us now.
Tenaerul is hard to describe as a place, distortion and discord run rampant through the trees, land, and sky. There is no sun within these walls and a heavy almost Eldritch fog. Rather annoying really. The trees are twisted, and the bark is cracked and dimly glowing with purplish light. Everything here seems to be tainted and twisted from extended time form here. So far we’ve been alright, physically speaking anyways.
Mentally, our time is slowing running out.
While we first enter the unhallowed ground of Tenaerul. Our transportation, Pins old magical train, stopped and standing outside was an ethereally beautiful Celuriel Geltharieth, and not. The image of Celuriel shifted to somebody I used to know, a woman by the name of Claire Therwel. The Creature formed shifted between the two, rarely did the entity shows a complete version of one or the other. The contorted image of the two of them placed overlapping each other as if the image itself couldn’t settle on one to pick. It hurts to say, but It pulled at my heartstrings making my chest feel slightly hollow. Silver could probably feel my plus in my hand. Whatever strange machinations this being has plans it probably could have killed us on the spot, but I have a feeling it’s planning something. It told us that entering Tenaerul without payment or giving something up was not allowed. It “Took” from us.

  • From Ashlyn, it took the “Sun.”

  • From our Gunslinger “Strenght.”

  • Kraia, her “Growth” was “taken,” though I don’t think she’ll be growing much more.

  • Whisperbreath’s “Time” was removed.

This is rather problematic for us, this being was able to dampen or “take” away their champion powers. The concept of Taking is scary. For something to be able to TAKE champion power is scary. From what I’ve learned from the research into Champions, for something to be able to effect their Champion powers have to be above a Demonlord level of power, or at least on par with divine powers. So many questions but I’m concerned about what that could lead to. Everybody else seems to be speaking with voices, there's at least two that I know of. One is the Being that pulled at my heartstrings the voice is the same, it keeps telling me to not be distracted, that I can’t forget about my quest for Eurydice. The Second voice is the fairly neutral voice, neither male or female, who wants to have a conversation with me and is just annoying me. Both of them called Orpheus. I am not sure who that is. Some of my traveling companions have struck deals, and I’m slightly concerned for Lirian since the female voice, the False Celuriel, took something from Lirian and me.
Either one of us had “Protection” or “Hope” taken from us.
With the way Lirian has been speaking, I am worried that Lirian was hope. I know she’s made deals. How far is this rabbit hole going to go?
I need to sleep for tonight. I”m going to try and be the most sain one fore once which means I need to keep my wits about me. With my luck, I might just get out of here.
Pb qdph lv dqlnv dodv'wklo, ruskhxv lv d ohjhqg. l dp qrw ruskhxv, l nqrz l'p dqlnv. l fdqqrw irujhw wklv! vrphwklqj lv diihfwlqj pb shufhswlrq. zkb gr l zdqw wr fdoo pbvhoi ruskhxv? slq lv uhihuulqj wr khuvhoi dv euljk, vduhqudh lv qrw wkh ddvlpduv qdph exw l'p irujhwwlqj lw. d yrlfh lv fdoolqj fhoxulho, hxubglfh. pb qdph lv dqlnv, l nqrz vrphwklqj lv zurqj, pb txhvwlrq lv zkdw dqg pruh lpsruwdqwob zkb?

Continue reading...

  1. Journal #1: Welcome back to the land of the living.
  2. Journal #2: The Gods speak to us, sort of.
  3. Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia.
  4. Journal #4: The Prince is not a Prick.
  5. Journal #5: Introduction of Celuriel
  6. Journal #6: Everybody loves the bar.
  7. Journal #7: Getting to know the vampire.
  8. Journal #8: The Vetala [Text Roleplay]
  9. Journal #9: Undria
  10. Journal #10: We adopt or kidnap a child, still unclear on this one.
  11. Journal #11: Mirror World
  12. Journal #12: Recovery from the world.
  13. Journal #13: Dancing with Vampire and Political Problems.
  14. Journal #14: About Sir Pennswaggle
  15. Journal #15: This Temple is Odd
  16. Journal #16: The Half Elf Liese
  17. Journal #17: Warning Ashlyn did not help her.
  18. Journal #18: Priestess with the Silver Orbs
  19. Journal #19: Celu is reading romantic books.
  20. Journal #20: Demons, Dungeons, and Dragons OH MY!
  21. Journal #21: Regrets.
  22. Journal #22: Demon's Champion [Text Roleplay]
  23. Journal #23: Homecoming
  24. Journal #24: Castle Umbra and their Bloodwalker.
  25. Journal #23: The Grand Game
  26. Journal #26: All magic comes at a cost.
  27. Journal #27 The capital and asking for diplomatic immunity.
  28. Journal #28: Teaching Celu Undercommon
  29. Journal #29: Pray to Fate
  30. Journal #30: Mistakes we're made, Surprisingly it wasn't my fault this time.
  31. Journal #31: Why am I Orpheus?
  32. Journal #33: The 'safe' return of Eurydice
  33. Journal #32: Back from hell [Text Roleplay]
  34. Journal #35: Fey Friends.
  35. Journal #36: Life before The Lost Ones
  36. Journal #34: Her thoughts on life. [Text Roleplay]
  37. Journal #37: Departure
  38. Journal #39: The Apology [Text Roleplay]
  39. Journal #38: Black Marble floors and apologizes
  40. Journal #40: The Lost's One's Save Christmas; what's Christmas again?
  41. Journal #41: The Elder Sister [Text Roleplay]
  42. Journal #42: Dear Niks
  43. Journal #43: Family Matters
  44. Journal #44: The Samsaran and Her Dreamers [Text Roleplay]
  45. Journal #45: 3 Years well spent.
  46. Journal #46: Emperor Aneirin of Aletheia
  47. Journal #47: Matron Nivinle Alas'thil [Text Roleplay]
  48. Journal #48: Not Alone
  49. Journal #49: The Dark Spire [Text Roleplay]
  50. Journal #50: Death's Champion
  51. Journal #51: Desk Duty of the Spire [Text Roleplay on going]
  52. Journal #52: Longest Four Days of Our Lives
  53. Journal #53: Stolen Book [Text Roleplay]
  54. Journal #54: Basics to Necromancy, why is this even a book.
  55. Journal #55: Soul to Soul Talk [Text Roleplay]
  56. Journal #56: Gold is not what King’s Envy
  57. Journal #57: The Trail of the Sapphire Shrine
  58. Journal #58: The sign says it all
  59. Journal #59: The oldest sister
  60. Journal #60: A bartender once again.
  61. Journal #61: The Dreamcatcher
  62. Journal #62: Discussion and a price that will be payed.
  63. Journal #63: The Five Stages
  64. Journal #64: Ring of Amethyst and Diamond
  65. Journal #65: Clash of Ideals
  66. Journal #66: A Friend and A Story
  67. Journal #67: The Nature of the Shards
  68. Journal #68: Return of Black Marble [Text Roleplay]
  69. Journal #69: Broken and Forgotten Shades
  70. Journal #70: Forging Bonds
  71. Journal #71: The Haunted Fey Mansion
  72. Journal #72: Another Shard
  73. Journal #73: Dancing with Demons in the pale morning light
  74. Journal #74: The Succubus's Ultimatum
  75. Journal #75: The City of Twin Souls
  76. Journal #76: The Worry of a Barkeep.
  77. Journal #77: Have a Little Hope.
  78. Journal #79: Dreamwalker Jinne [Text Roleplay]