Thu 16th Jan 2020 05:59

Journal #22: Demon's Champion [Text Roleplay]

by Aniks Aliforn

“Do any mortal have choices, Free Will, or are we just instruments for higher beings to use… if that is the case, I wanted nothing to do with them. I just wanted to live in a world where I am free from outside influences.
Though I am not a so dumb as to think people will not in need of deities. Being on the surface the people chose their gods to help them, each of them important for their own reason. The surface people when they are feeling down or when they need something, they pray to their gods for help. There is no sacrifice, no selling of your soul, just dedication and faith to a deity. This is different, these Gods, Deities and Demon Lords are picking us for a reason, if this helps us then so be it. I’ll accept being her champion for now, after this is said and done with. I just want to disappear and live the rest of my life.”
"Mortals will always have free will. This is why demons and devils must use trickery and coercion to enslave or enthrall. You are a special case. One without faith is... interesting, and lacks some of the protection the faithful take for granted. The smallest mistakes hurt you far more... in any case. You choose to accept her, without fighting it, yet you do it for a good purpose. She wants to ruin you, Aniks. The bond shared between a Champion and their god is extremely close. If you wish to remain free when this is over, do not let her take advantage of that closeness, or even death will not spare you. You'll remain at her side forever."
" I have never been a good person in the regards to somebody like Ashlyn or Kraia. I have no problem with murder. Growing up in the Underdark helped destroy any mortality on this subject. This Demon Lord knows me, she is my house Patron Deity. It won't take much to manipulate me into a favorable situation that benefits her more than me. I am not afraid of the want could happen, I am more scared that I might fall back into a older habits that I have worked so hard to get rid of. I don't use knives anymore because it would be to easy to kill, I went to the surface to be away from Drow Society. I took precaution to keep myself for become more Drow. I think for the most part I'll be alright till we start dealing with my family, that's when I'll probably stumble and fall. Hell I even started showing emotions so I wouldn't be as cold and heartless and my sister"
"Just as Celuriel is as good as one can be from her environment, you are one of the most pure in regards to yours. Your morals are grey, but you choose to do what is right more often than not, even if that means causing others pain. If Andirifkhu is able to, she will encourage your fouler personality to rise up. You know her. She uses knives. She is an assassin. She carries those aspects that you try so hard to change. Do you plan on resisting, or will you allow her to mold you into her perfect Champion, corrupted into the base instincts of a drow - of a demon?"
"For now Salvation and Damnation are the same thing, as long these people in the other room are Champion's I will do my hardest to keep them out of harms way. This also includes the person you seem to be talking though, or am I getting this wrong? Celuriel has never referred to herself in the third person, Don't disappear either I would rather like to finish the conversation. You clearly are somebody, something watching us since you can gather that I choose to do what is right. Thought you could just be grabbing this from Celuriel's Memories. You talk as if you are concerned about me keeping my neutral godless status, so why are you so interested in me?"
"Call my interest peaked on this new development"
Celu smiled. It looked almost wrong to see her genuinely smiling, actually. "I did wonder if you'd notice. Good. Keep those instincts. These is much at risk that could so easily be missed. I don't have an interest in you remaining godless, but should you fall to Andirifkhu's manipulations, the road ahead will be far rougher. The cleric gave you Torag's warning, did she not? Neutrality, at these times, is vastly more important than you'd ever be expected to understand. As for whether I sought through her memories, no. You and your companions have attracted attention across the cosmos. Few keep watch, but many know of you. Did you not wonder why your companions were deemed champions? Even your less-present associates - the half-orc, the prince, the sorceress - are claimed. Now that you are, too, only Celuriel of your group has strong reason to remain blank."
"The Prince?" Aniks sighed "Should have figured that one out far sooner, I'll have words with him about that later. So you are speaking through her at the moment, mostly likely because of Celu's Oracle Abilities that you've tapped into somehow. Although this is all understandable and I agree with you for the most part, though two questions still are rumbling around in my head. Why warn me? Not another member of my party to watch out for me and my future acitons. You came to me and wanted to speak alone, if it's a trap you would have already had enough time to do anything you want. Or wait intill night while Celu and I are most likley alone together. Then the most pressing question who are you? If you do not give you me a name what can I call you at least. I do not expect a answer to this one, I have a hunch your not somebody who is mortal."
"You will find him at the Temple. It may be wise for you to seek him out sooner, rather than later. As for why you would receive a warning? You still have chances to change your fate. Andirifkhu is not a true goddess, and thus has... weaknesses. You, of all those standing in your group, have one of the most important paths ahead of you. If that does not reveal my identity, then continue on to Celesthem. Remain wary, but continue your research. I believe it's time to return Celuriel to you, now. The demonic taint in her mind has left, and so shall I." With that, Celu's eyes slipped shut, and the vetala fell forwards... which was actually fairly impressive, considering vampires weren't meant to be able to be unconscious.
Aniks catches Celu and hold her for a while, in undercommon he whispered "what has my life become?"

It took barely a minute for her to awaken, eyelids fluttering open in a moment of panic - revealing a flash of vibrant golden eyes, for just a moment, before she blinked, unintentionally restoring them to their usual dull crimson. "...I don't sense the demons any longer. where are we? what happened?"
Aniks face was torn between concern and happniess, only a slight smile appeared on his face. "If you want to know, I will tell you. If not just know you we're in good hand"
Aniks kisses her on the forehead just glad that she is back and isn't more dead than normal.
Her eyes went wide as he kissed her on the forehead, glancing down to check what was holding her up and only looking more confused. Yet she wasn't about to move, instead leaning slightly into his grasp. "...knowledge is preferable to the unknown. I... the door. they approached it, and we are now here."
"From what I can tell, you and Kazric were taken over by forces of the demonic kind, after we destroyed the rift it seemed somebody else possessed you. Wanting to speak with me in person and alone. At first I thought you were just worried about me, but the tone and the way the person spoke told me somebody else was in control."
"...oh. I should have been more careful... are they well? the half-orc is destructive. wait.." She looks down again, this time frowning at Aniks's sleeve. "you are hurt, but not. a... mark? you..." She cut off, her eyes glazing over for a second, before she met Aniks's eyes with a horrified expression. "pain, knives... the demon lord?"
"Kazric will be fine, for the most part. No I'm not hurt, this well, this just makes things more complicated. Look's like my trip to the temple needs to happen sooner rather than later."
"please be careful. that place... I can't see what is truly there. it is shrouded in illusions of the kind even wizards cannot see."
"I'll be fine" He said trying to smile to make her feel better and less concerned about the trip. "Cyne will be there, if anything bad happen he'll have my back."
"...the mages together could not escape there. tell the others how long you will spend so they can help escape if necessary. he alone will not be enough to escape her if she doesn't want to let you go."
"She? I'll only be there for 5 day no more no less, I have to know more about what might happen to us. So we can be better prepared. With how events have been playing out recently the more... Do you want me to put you down?"
"I... don't know who she is. there is a woman. she is... dangerous? and... not really. this is... you should go sooner if you want to speak with the heir. he will be happy to see you."
"Yeah I'll go ask Pin for teleport to Cyne location" Aniks eventually puts down Celu to find Pin who is next to Kraia.
"Whelp Pin can't teleport me to Cyne" Aniks ponders this for a second thinking of ways he could possibly explain to the front of the Temple that he's not going to research totally evil things with a brand new tattoo on his left arm.
After a moment of silence, you hear a familiar and less-terrifying female voice whisper, "...Where exactly do you need to go? Er, sorry, we were watching the fight earlier and I didn't turn off the scry."
“Leise correct? So many voice not enough time to keep track of them all. I would appreciate being teleporting directly to Cyne, The Prince, to avoid some complication with the temple.”
"Uh, it's Liese. You're going to the... temple?" She sounded almost nervous at the prospect. "I can get you there, but... well, I'm going to try and keep an eye on you, alright? I'm not letting what happened to Azyel happen to anyone else. One moment, I'm going to dispel the scry and check where he is." A minute later, a the small blonde half-elf appeared next to him in a flash of light, glancing around to take in her surroundings before offering him her hand. "He's in the temple's royal chambers right now. I let him know he'd be getting a visitor and, uh, he may have spat his drink all over himself at the interruption... but I'm sure it's fine. There didn't seem to be any wards up that could stop me. Are you ready to go?"
"5 days, 5 days is all I need, Let's go..."
Taking his hand, she nodded and teleported them. Unlike Pin's teleportation, this felt much smoother, with far less disorientation - it was more like stepping through a doorway in reality. Cyne, who was apparently halfway through buttoning a fresh shirt, blinked at their entrance as Liese waved at them both and immediately popped back to wherever she'd been originally. "...Aniks? I half-thought she'd bring Azyel here. What happened?"
Watching the half-elf blink out of reality once again Aniks turned to Cyne. “I’ll show you mine, if you show me your. I’ll explain how I know that since well… events might have just gotten far more complex.” Aniks pulls up his sleeve revealing the new dagger tattoo on his left arm. “All jokes aside, I originally had planned Whisperbreath to teleport me here so I could do some research about the Fate of the past Champions. Possibly some help or guidance with the task the Lady of the Graves assigned to us. Those are my own reasons for being here but this being on my arm makes entering this place FAR more problematic. This temple and their guards are not fan of Demon Woreshippers and being a champion of one. Well you can guess what would happen if I walked up to the temple trying to get in.” Aniks fixed his sleeve and looked at the prince for a reply
Whilst listening, Cyne examined Aniks's new mark. Andirifkhu, hey... ah, right. House Alas'thil. "I don't need to guess, I've seen demon worshippers try to get in before. They don't get to leave." he said curtly, slipping up his own sleeve and pausing before undoing his bracer. "I had similar reasons for coming here. The past champions are... interesting, and the High Priestess has granted me access to all research she discovered on them. It's not exactly a good sign that multiple have been chosen all at once. Now, whilst I don't mind showing you mine, since you apparently already know it exists, I'm going to need an oath of secrecy... and I would like that explanation about how you learnt."
“I’m not sure what tattoo your talking about” Aniks said knowing smirk “Of course I won’t tell a soul. As for how I know, Pharasma let that slip when her and I had a little talk. Like I said, more complex."
"...You talked to Phara-- never mind." He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. When they reopened, they seemed to hold a golden glow. "Man, I hate having to do this. Aniks, I'm going to need an actual oath. Swear that you won't tell a soul unless I give you leave, or I'll bind you to the oath myself. Royal stuff means this is.. kind of important to keep quiet."
"I swear on my soul that I won't tell a anyone unless you give my express permission to"
A flash of gold sparked between the two, before fading, Cyne's eyes losing the glow. "Thank you. Sorry, that needed to be done. Anyway..." For the second time in as many days, he removed the bracer, revealing a dark, crumbling tower shrouded in mist reaching all the way up his forearm. Ravens, feathers and silvery swirls made up the rest of his pattern, and he studied Aniks's reaction carefully, unsure about whether the other would even know it. "'s not quite as traumatising as yours, but it's worrying nonetheless given some recent implications. Do you recognise the symbol?"
After looking at Cyne's tattoo for a minute or so, Aniks face frowned "To be frank with you, symbols of demon lords I'll know, the Gods depends on how obscure the deities is. That symbols is far beyond me.”
"Alright. I'm not surprised, you grew up in the Underdark away from anyone who would've taught you this, and I don't believe you've encountered many fey on your travels. This is the symbol of the Lost Prince, one of the fey Eldest. They're... essentially the fey equivalent to empyreal or demon lords, though their motives are less comprehensible." Hiding the haunted look in his eyes by turning away, he summoned over a pair of wineglasses, each already filled, and offered one to Aniks without meeting the other's eyes. "The fey are capricious creatures, and the Eldest are strange enough that, in this religion-dominated nation, I could face some.. rather serious issues if anyone finds out. At the very least, you can state unwillingness with yours. Aside from this, it seems that as the tattoos spread, they begin changing the person they're bestowed upon down to the fabric of their being. The Temple has records of ancient legends that speak of changes in height, species, powers, personality... some Champions have become little more than avatars of their gods, even." Notably, he'd avoided explaining what the Lost Prince represented.
Taking the glass he paused to listen to Cyne, Aniks could understood that he could easily accept being this Demon Lord Champions. It wouldn't even be that hard. Cyne is taking this differently than Aniks thought somebody of his nature would. If his has spread then does than mean he has accepted his fate as one? In a monotone voice "Great by this end of this Ashlyn is going to be a Flaming Angel of Justice..."
Placing how Cyne felt about this was difficult. "Well I have five days, 5 days before Whisperbreath comes to get me. Hopefully the two of us can get gett a better understanding of this" He gestured to his arm.
Downing his glass with ease and refilling it in one smooth handmotion, Cyne smirked, the grin not reaching his eyes. "I fear more what Pin and Azyel might become. Giving those two powers of creation is dangerous." Taking the second glass slower, he thought for a moment. "Are the champions all you wanted to research? I can move the scriptures on them here, but if there's anything else, let me know. Whilst I don't detect any demonic taint on you, I can't say how much more precise the clerics might be. It may be best for you to stay either near me or in these rooms. Not like they're small."
Aniks shuttered at the thought alone of Pin being around powers of Creation, Aniks thought it might be the best to leave that out of the notes. "Yes and No, my goal was more to see what happens to after the fact, What the likelihood we all wake away. That changed when the Cleric said the end of the world was coming, or rather something equal to the Magic War. Now any and all information is good since The Lady of the Graves thought it was a good idea to do my research. Whether she wants me to find some important note or fact I'm not sure".
"This tattoo is new, as of today. I had a momentary lapse in judgement and thought a good way to open a demonic door was with blood. I did not think that Andirifkhu could mark me by placing a dagger with my blood on the door. So I am not as far along as the others."
"The actions of gods are often inscrutable to us mere mortals. She might want you here to learn something, to find someone or even just to stay out of the way." He shrugged, waving a hand to summon a pile of notes onto a table nearby. "I had these with me here. They're on the events surrounding the Worldrend, including the aftermath. I can see if there's anything else later. And you really didn't think there'd be a consequence for offering a willing blood sacrifice to a demon?" He looked vaguely amused, his eyes resting on Aniks's mark. "Still, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to catch up on lost time. Has she.. made contact?"
"You're still listening in the background Huh" Aniks said his head slightly leaning back
"If you look at the tattoo any harder it's going to start bleeding again, You want to see it again, touch it? If not I will probably have to cover it up because it does bleed at it's rather annoying." Aniks sticks out his arm once again.
In the back of his mind, Aniks heard a lilting laugh. "I'm always with you, my pet. Do introduce me to your friend."
As she talked, Cyne was looking curiously at Aniks. "It bleeds under observation but not when touched? You have a very strange patron. Though I can't say I know what happens when one examines a champion mark that isn't theirs. Let's find out?" Not waiting for Aniks to say anything further, he gently took Aniks's arm and muttered the familiar incantation for Detect Magic. What neither man was likely expecting was for a razor-sharp dagger of blood to spear Cyne's hand as he did so, though he looked remarkably calm about it until they both heard the woman speak.
"A perfect choice for you to learn with, my love. His blood runs with the--" Whatever she was going to say was cut off as an annoyed Cyne shadowstepped away, freeing his arm, his own mark beginning to glow a faint silver. He watched Aniks warily.
"...So, you're not letting anyone else poke that now. Sounds like yours is overactive."
Aniks rolled up his down his sleeves “Duly Noted… I honestly think she spoken to me more than the other’s respective deities and it’s only been a couple of hours. The other’s have not said that their respective gods talked to them so it is only an assumption at this point. Andirifkhu is a rather talkative Demon Lord, which is great since I have more things rumbling around my head.” Aniks places down the glass not really having drank any “On the more light hearted side of things, am I bunking here or am I going to figure out how to get a room.”
Copying Aniks, Cyne slipped the bracer back on and rearranged his shirt. "I can't speak for the others, but the Prince generally just listens. He's not very sociable." Finishing off his own glass and wrapping a shred of fabric over the wound Aniks's new friend had left, he gestured to a few of the other doors. "These are the royal rooms, so.. pretty much all of these rooms are free. The ones used by my family will have names and are locked, but there are always guest rooms here. They come in handy when, say, your mother is trying to convince you to marry someone and has dragged all of the available women along with us on a pilgrimage." He grimaced at the memory, putting down his glass. "Somehow I don't think you'd be able to get a room in the usual areas, not without going through their ridiculous checkin process or following their schedule, so just pick whichever."
“You live a understandable strange life Cyne, I’ll take of of the guest rooms” He stopped to think about it for a second before finding the first open guest room they had “One of these days here I will need to stop by Pharasma’s Temple but that doesn’t have to be soon.”
Following Aniks to check out which one he picked, he raised an eyebrow. "Because you spoke to her, right? Hoping her clerics will be able to give you more advice?"
"More hoping I'd find something that would give me a lead to those artifacts everybody seems to have forgotten about."
"I think you mentioned those a long while ago. Recap me?"
Stopping to open a door "You know the plant creature and Kazric's Sword, Pharasma told us we had already seen a third but that comment was directed at us. I might not have been there when the group saw it."
"Six in total and two are already gone"

Continue reading...

  1. Journal #1: Welcome back to the land of the living.
  2. Journal #2: The Gods speak to us, sort of.
  3. Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia.
  4. Journal #4: The Prince is not a Prick.
  5. Journal #5: Introduction of Celuriel
  6. Journal #6: Everybody loves the bar.
  7. Journal #7: Getting to know the vampire.
  8. Journal #8: The Vetala [Text Roleplay]
  9. Journal #9: Undria
  10. Journal #10: We adopt or kidnap a child, still unclear on this one.
  11. Journal #11: Mirror World
  12. Journal #12: Recovery from the world.
  13. Journal #13: Dancing with Vampire and Political Problems.
  14. Journal #14: About Sir Pennswaggle
  15. Journal #15: This Temple is Odd
  16. Journal #16: The Half Elf Liese
  17. Journal #17: Warning Ashlyn did not help her.
  18. Journal #18: Priestess with the Silver Orbs
  19. Journal #19: Celu is reading romantic books.
  20. Journal #20: Demons, Dungeons, and Dragons OH MY!
  21. Journal #21: Regrets.
  22. Journal #22: Demon's Champion [Text Roleplay]
  23. Journal #23: Homecoming
  24. Journal #24: Castle Umbra and their Bloodwalker.
  25. Journal #23: The Grand Game
  26. Journal #26: All magic comes at a cost.
  27. Journal #27 The capital and asking for diplomatic immunity.
  28. Journal #28: Teaching Celu Undercommon
  29. Journal #29: Pray to Fate
  30. Journal #30: Mistakes we're made, Surprisingly it wasn't my fault this time.
  31. Journal #31: Why am I Orpheus?
  32. Journal #33: The 'safe' return of Eurydice
  33. Journal #32: Back from hell [Text Roleplay]
  34. Journal #35: Fey Friends.
  35. Journal #36: Life before The Lost Ones
  36. Journal #34: Her thoughts on life. [Text Roleplay]
  37. Journal #37: Departure
  38. Journal #39: The Apology [Text Roleplay]
  39. Journal #38: Black Marble floors and apologizes
  40. Journal #40: The Lost's One's Save Christmas; what's Christmas again?
  41. Journal #41: The Elder Sister [Text Roleplay]
  42. Journal #42: Dear Niks
  43. Journal #43: Family Matters
  44. Journal #44: The Samsaran and Her Dreamers [Text Roleplay]
  45. Journal #45: 3 Years well spent.
  46. Journal #46: Emperor Aneirin of Aletheia
  47. Journal #47: Matron Nivinle Alas'thil [Text Roleplay]
  48. Journal #48: Not Alone
  49. Journal #49: The Dark Spire [Text Roleplay]
  50. Journal #50: Death's Champion
  51. Journal #51: Desk Duty of the Spire [Text Roleplay on going]
  52. Journal #52: Longest Four Days of Our Lives
  53. Journal #53: Stolen Book [Text Roleplay]
  54. Journal #54: Basics to Necromancy, why is this even a book.
  55. Journal #55: Soul to Soul Talk [Text Roleplay]
  56. Journal #56: Gold is not what King’s Envy
  57. Journal #57: The Trail of the Sapphire Shrine
  58. Journal #58: The sign says it all
  59. Journal #59: The oldest sister
  60. Journal #60: A bartender once again.
  61. Journal #61: The Dreamcatcher
  62. Journal #62: Discussion and a price that will be payed.
  63. Journal #63: The Five Stages
  64. Journal #64: Ring of Amethyst and Diamond
  65. Journal #65: Clash of Ideals
  66. Journal #66: A Friend and A Story
  67. Journal #67: The Nature of the Shards
  68. Journal #68: Return of Black Marble [Text Roleplay]
  69. Journal #69: Broken and Forgotten Shades
  70. Journal #70: Forging Bonds
  71. Journal #71: The Haunted Fey Mansion
  72. Journal #72: Another Shard
  73. Journal #73: Dancing with Demons in the pale morning light
  74. Journal #74: The Succubus's Ultimatum
  75. Journal #75: The City of Twin Souls
  76. Journal #76: The Worry of a Barkeep.
  77. Journal #77: Have a Little Hope.
  78. Journal #79: Dreamwalker Jinne [Text Roleplay]