Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia. by Aniks | World Anvil
Fri 17th May 2019 11:03

Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia.

by Aniks Aliforn

Where do I even start with this hellish cluster of a day, best to start at the beginning? Right now everybody has mostly knocked sprawled out across the middle of the train's bar which is where I live. Pin thought it would be a smart idea to buy 10 gallons of liquid drugs. That vexing substance called Elven Ale, sooner rather than later we get rid of all of the “Ale.” Or destroy those damn kegs. That shit knocked out Kazric, the only other heavy drinker besides our resident wizard. It could be handy given the right circumstances but I cannot see that going all to well. However, when Kazric awoke from his sleep his reaction to the "Ale" was somewhat different than mine when I took it two months ago? Was it two months, I cannot recall?
Kazric finally noticed that Vanbrute was not on board and got Pin to turn the Cart the hell around. Kazric now owns Pin one, which might be one of the scariest things I have ever heard. I would not want to be the one who owns Pin a favor. That was at the beginning of the day coming back to Ilendras while somehow in the process ended up picking up Cyne.

He was better than last time… that is to say; I did not want to punch him. We met some weird robot and Pin got pissed or annoyed, it’s hard to tell with her. Her ratlike face makes discerning emotions harder than say, humans. This robot told her of a small island of robots which she might want to overthrow since they were oppressed and had no freedom. Cyne was firmly against that idea. The Wizard worries me a little, and I think I need to cut her back on the alcohol. She might have a list of places she wants to over through, the idea of a drunken wizard revolutionary is not one I like to keep thinking about. I had a small conversation with Cyne in DLS. Which I am surprised he knows Drow Sign Languages. In fact, I think he's the first person I have ever known to be able to use that was not a drow. I honestly might have gotten off on the wrong foot with him. He wasn’t as bad. We’ll have to see.
After basically kidnapping Cyne almost everybody was in my bar, save for Cid and Ashlyn.
SO all of this shit is going to be in Abyssal so nobody can read this. Who knew Demonspeak could be so useful for something other than talking, I think I’m the only one in this cart who knows the language but I cannot be too sure. Cyne and Kazric might be up for debate since they deal with or are from the Underdark. But as long as Licia does not speak or know Abyssal I think it will be fine. In the middle of our travels to the second tower on our list of future homes. Licia, our half-elf shaman, started casting magic. Even with my perceptive eyes, I had noticed her nearly silent chanting in the middle of the group's loud chatter a bit too late. She had cast a spell and it had found it's mark, and I was extremely annoyed at this.
Then as the spell began to take hold for the life of me, I just wanted to kiss her. If I had to describe that damn feeling, it is like an impulse with every fiber of your being wanting to fulfill that impulse. Similar to how I have those weird whims like stealing the demon rock. But slightly different since I’m not stealing Demon rocks. Anyways I end up succumbing to that feeling and end up kissing her in front of almost everybody. Then Cyne kissed Kraia, and I’m pretty sure Kazric ended up kissing Vanbrute.
Oh she just woke up, anyways now Licia just being slightly weird and just looking at me while drunk, she was probably still under the effect of that damnable drink. Elven Ale is somewhat odd. The effects seem to differ from person to person. As well as depending on how much you consumes, the strength of the particular ale your drinking. I wonder what she saw. However, after everybody passed the hell out from that bullshit drink. Which after Licia woke up she stirred awake the lovebird. Not too long after Kraia and Cyne disappeared, I assume knock boat in Kraia's room. I have noticed that people who drink that Ale, it's very rare for people, not the pass out from it. Save for Pin it seems but that's the alcoholism for you. While the slept I had covered them with blankets made sure they were at least as comfy as they could be, even the shaman though I was still displeased with what she had done. I’ll still have to figure out how to get her back for that. Not now, it would be unfair while that drink is in her system. For now, I’ll play nice.

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  1. Journal #1: Welcome back to the land of the living.
  2. Journal #2: The Gods speak to us, sort of.
  3. Journal #3: Magic is kinda bullshit, stay away from Licia.
  4. Journal #4: The Prince is not a Prick.
  5. Journal #5: Introduction of Celuriel
  6. Journal #6: Everybody loves the bar.
  7. Journal #7: Getting to know the vampire.
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  9. Journal #9: Undria
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  11. Journal #11: Mirror World
  12. Journal #12: Recovery from the world.
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  14. Journal #14: About Sir Pennswaggle
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  26. Journal #26: All magic comes at a cost.
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  28. Journal #28: Teaching Celu Undercommon
  29. Journal #29: Pray to Fate
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  62. Journal #62: Discussion and a price that will be payed.
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