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Entry for 03/19/21

Basement Dwellers and Fire Men Egg Things

by Eileen Dupont

Dear poor, UTTERLY NEGLECTED diary,
So I didn't realize that I forgot my journal at Rocca's place and OMG I couldn't write in here for aaaaaaaaaages I was so mad. ANYWAY, so we went to go do some mining or something (I was mostly there for what came AFTER the mining, because I was NOT going to ruin my nails) and found some sort of weird basement hatch thing in the middle of like, nowhere. When we went down into it there was some dead guy who's fashion sense was just as dead as he was. He looked like he was wearing Galdorean style armor, though OBVIOUSLY that hasn't been on trend since forever ago. There were also some mushrooms down there which totally did nothing except for explode into something (didn't even feel buzzed which was lame), as well as a bunch of stalactites (or is is stalagmites? Whatever. Cavey bullshit) Along the way we met an absolutely ADORABLE little jester person named Sunny, a funny little cat...child (ugh), and some other people. Sunny doesn't really make a lot of noise, but I bet I could make them loud if I REALLY put my mind to it, and BOOOOO Elora doesn't do WEED. Like, who doesn't do WEED? It's awesome. WHATEVER, at least she was willing to drink whiskey with me. That was fun. When we got to the bottom of the cave system or whatever there was a really deep pool thing down there with an alter at the bottom in a weird fountain formation thing. The water was so cold, but it felt so nice after getting all gross and sweaty fighting giant spider things. I don't think that the alter thingie was active, though. Just as well, OMG PUN.
We left the cave hatch thing and got back on track to go get this really cool metal stuff (I totally got Ruby to help me fashion it into an absolutely STUNNING hair piece once we got our hands on it, but the things that we got the metal from hatched into...large metal men. Now, don't get me wrong, metal can feel GREAT, but these were more of the 'I'm coming to kill you' kinda metal men and less of the 'I come with three settings' metal men, which again BOOOOO. But it's fine, we totally wiped the floor with the one that hatched. Oh right, the rock hatched. Did you know that metal men can hatch out of rocks? 'cause I certainly didn't before now. On the absolute downside, it was an AWFUL hair day. All that dry air made my hair frizz up, and not in the way that just gives it volume. I'm going to have to do some SERIOUS conditioning after this.
Yours once again,