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Visiting Ruby's House! And killing animals or some junk.

by Eileen Dupont

Dear Diary,
I revisited Rocca to get our payment from the whole evil person in a cave with the gnoll things, and I'm sorry to report that it was not as impressive as his last performance. Ugh. SO disappointed. Last time when he **** ** ** *** **** he was imaginative and creative even! This time when he ***** *** * ****** **** *** *** it felt FAR less inspired. I mean, I guess it was a LITTLE better than average. Though that might have been what we were on. STILL. I did my usual flair of AWESOME (even if I was a little tired). Anyway, I went out the next day to find some a nice sash for my outfit, and while I was there I found another job! I was a bit hungover (which is rather impressive) so I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but BUT it was for RUBY'S house! It was a little out of fashion, but it was still definitely an old money house and there were so many nice things~. Ruby DEFINITELY comes from money. She had money and looks~. God I can't wait to bang her. Luckily for me, Grayson was also along for the ride! And OH. MY. GOD. It was even BETTER than last time. I have GOT to keep him around, if only so I don't have to walk the next day. Basically he **** **** *** ****** **** *** (and she spends about three paragraphs on this nonsense) -with just the right amount of firmness~.
After a MIND BLOWING (among other things) night, we went to go look into some giant critters that had been spawning around, and they WERE a pretty decent side. On the upside, I now have two massive ram horns to turn into a flask! That'll look so adventure sheek! I'm thinking asking to get it carved with some flowers or maybe something less physical. That would look so pretty~. If I can make a second maybe I could sell it~!. Also, bear peeeelts! I have no interest in such things, but they sell well since bears are so BIG. I'd rather fox or mink pelts, but whatever beggers choosers all of that. It turns out that the river was the thing that was making the animals huge! So we followed the river and found out that there were some robed assholes that were doing crap to the water! Naturally I returned the favor and made Grayson and Ruby huge to with that. They caused some sort of bit yellow pee cloud which looked fucking disgusting, and when it hit some of our friends they went nuts and started ATTACKING us. RUDE. It wasn't their fault, but I got misted on and I was civil so WHATEVER. Anyway, I (in my INFINITE wisdom) figured out that there were three big nasty statues. Grayson and Ruby wrecked those statues with issue whatsoever. Wait. Omg. Grayson was TWICE as large...this might be applicable to some of the smaller partners I've had. I could make their dicks twice as big! THE POSSIBILITIES.
So HOPEFULLY that solves the problem. Though it did seem like the assholes were not the head honchos. Maybe there's more going on there....?