Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731

Act Three: Chaplaining

by Jedi Knight VN Ysadora

13 Melona,
12731 T | 1008 R



  • Natural adversaries temporarily cooperate to visit a Library

    Commissar Celestima, who identifies as also being the ancient Sith Empire ship that is probably what we have been calling the Sun Spear, wears a uniform consistent with the First Sith Empire. She is always happy to burn the heretics.
    I have done the most convoluted yarnball of Al'Saba School of Diplomacy. I talked a First Sith Empire digital person down from Murderhobo Conquest. I talked a Sargon-serving career naval officer into collaborating, first with me, then with Commissar Celestima. I talked a Death Trooper formerly named Rul Ja into remembering who he was, telling me that he nearly died because of a battle between a Crimson Knight and an Eborrean. He got infected with a parasite.

    I think they each nearly killed me five times?

    For now, we have a truce between all of us. We are going to take the Sun Spear to one of the Galactic Imperial Library hubs, where a military ship with the proper codes should get priority docking.


  • Montage of ship preparation, travel through the Outer Reaches, approach to a free-floating "local branch" of the Galactic Star Empire Library System


    Just a quick experiment, we thought. See if the Mentats can make any progress with the palatreum, since I have not managed to get contact with So'Zen for the past couple of weeks.

    They wanted me to settle down near the Night Sparrow's hyperdrive, then reach out through the Force to contact So'Zen, who has (supposedly) a connectible palatreum and the knowledge of how to use it.

    The Force had other ideas.

    — VN Ysadora, summarizing to her Datapad


  • After an unscheduled rest

    Commissar Celestime did not care about that briefcase. Therefore, it is smuggling something into the Library Collection.

  • The library station suddenly shudders violently from impacts!

  • Five initiates in total have been affected: four more than Initiate Challa Zanulla. Doctor 2b says this was a mini concussion to the memory cortex. Each one has a tiny puncture wound duo, entry point for some sort of venom. 2b believes it is a modified bone worm venom that causes an overload of the nervous system for a second or two. Patients will recover in, at most, four weeks. including partial recovery of lost memories

  • list of persons present, independent of Staff List and Visitor List. Contrast with BoSS list. Looking for anomalies, and also for persons who have been here more than once -- with the 2nd being within the last 15 days.
    1) Gin Taaks (Human)
    2) Zoh Keeng (Rodian)
    3) Ulid Mar (Human)

  • montage of Almon "Heath" D'joy giving an infodump, then Kitkat "Reese Pieces" handing out investigative assignments to the team. We will solve this mystery methodically!

  • Tech team working digital security for the Library: "Checkmate", war veteran group. Chex, Knight, Rook, Bishop, Castle. Probably veterans of the 212th.

  • Chex, retreat! Now!

    The HS in the main room has a gripper attachment, so we find out after we disable its handkerchief-sized baffle cloth and its attack field. Reese and Chex determine that the gripper attachment had a piece of Librarian Roku's hair. It was likely stolen as a means to unlock the stolen container. Meanwhile, the miscreant -- disguised as a Library Initiate -- has escorted Librarian Roku out of the main hall, toward the medical wing, for "a concussion check".


    Most Initiates probably do not fire weird green bocce balls of plasma from their fingers, when thwarted.


Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 8

| Aug 17, 2024


13 Melona

12731 T

a.k.a. 1008:07:13 RR


Once the opponent is in custody -- and boy oh boy, did that take a LOT of heavy stun blasts! -- we have a possible identification that she may be "Nassha", a Witch of Dathomir. Checkmate and I transport her to Medbay for a medical scan, removal of all gear including a microdot tracker, and a Conversation.


Nassha is primary contractor on this job because someone male, and strong in the Force, has taken away her options.


Sir Rock Tapna and Minsa Sol do their own interview. They tell me that Nassha has been "tethered" through some kind of Dark Side hijinx. The tether, according to what she believes, establishes a link that if she says this person's name, she can be harmed through the Dark Side even over extreme distances.


Okay: I sort of know how to deal with this problem. Namely, Chaplain Talks Through Spiritual Therapy.


Nassha is involuntarily serving Sargon Xan Duran, who we will nickname "Alex" for today's philosophy chat. If Nassha gives herself over fully to the Light Side of the Force, it could form into a spiral shell of protection that will deflect the Dark Side's attacks away.


A Dark Force Wraith turns out to be shadowing over Nassha, glaring at me, listening to all of this. Of course, Dark Force Wraiths are not resistant to cheerful chaplain distractions -- which sets up me being able to shove it directly over to Sir Tapna and Minsa Sol.


Minsa Sol devours it.


That leaves Nassha as a prisoner for now, which makes it useless for Alex to attack his hostages among her clan.



Chex advises me of a problem. Bishop has ceased responding to communications. He had gone down to the reactor core with the two Mentats.


Captain Alina Zargat, up until this past hour "mission partner" for Nassha, is probably there. She is not being coerced by Alex. She is also a Nightsister, formerly trained up as a Bene Gesserit assassin.


Captain Zargat is absolutely susceptible to the investigator's query approach. Why is the Bene Gesserit (female-only religious order) myth of a Chosen One centered on a boy? It's not like the contents of the trousers change whether any untrained sentient being has more or less resistance to The Voice.


That buys enough time, enough full distraction, for Almon and Kitkat to take necessary steps toward their own safety.

Continue reading...

  1. Memorable meals
  2. And me without my datapadd
    Satunda, Telona 13th, 12731
  3. Mystic Mobs Investigations: Backstage
    Katunda, Telona 17th, 12731
  4. Thirty-six days and counting
    Nelona 12th, 12731
  5. Sequential report: Lights Snuffed Out
    Katunda, Nelona 12th, 12731
  6. Thirty-six days completed
    Katunda, Nelona 12th, 12731
  7. Give that Mentat a cookie!
    Satunda, Nelona 13th, 12731
  8. Faultline
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  9. Pumpkin Dinner
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  10. Four against One? Okiedokie.
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  11. Ysalamiri
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  12. Intermezzo
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  13. More and More and More Every Day
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  14. Jawas in Spaaaaaace
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  15. Ides of Nelona Client Progress Report
    Natunda, Nelona 15th, 12731
  16. Welcome Back Kal Holst
    Atunda, 26 Nelona, 12731
  17. the Ghost of Future Vegetable Peeling
    Atunda, 26 Nelona, 12731
  18. Aggressive Negotiations Fremen Style
    Atunda, 26 Nelona, 12731
  19. Nobody knows I'm a detective.
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  20. Reese the Battlefield Sportscaster
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  21. post-hurricane
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  22. Braiding is a skill.
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  23. Aboard the Loaner Shuttle _Shenanigans_
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  24. The droid did WHAT?
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  25. Chausid Station
    Natunda, 30 Nelona, 12731
  26. We Do Not Touch the Creepy Artifact
    Natunda, 30 Nelona, 12731
  27. Thin Darkness
    Natunda, 30 Nelona, 12731
  28. Perspective Adjustments
    Katunda, 31 Nelona, 12731
  29. Spider Pez
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  30. Intersections
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  31. Unauthorized scan detected
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  32. The Anti-Life Equation
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  33. one of WHOSE children?
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  34. Space Shanties
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  35. Threes
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  36. The old Chaos Goblin routine
    Satunda, 18 Helona, 12731
  37. SSD Hardridge Bulwark
    Satunda, 18 Helona, 12731
  38. First Rule of parrying incoming vehicular blasts: DO NOT
    Satunda, 18 Helona, 12731
  39. Zorphax
    Datunda, 29 Helona, 12731
  40. Ghostie al Saba
    Datunda, 29 Helona, 12731
  41. Okay, but why did you leave it in a vault?
    Datunda, 29 Helona, 12731
  42. Escape Velocity
    Datunda, 4 Melona, 12731
  43. chuck the faux Gamesman to the crowd
    Datunda, 4 Melona, 12731
  44. Here to Rescue Somebody
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  45. Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  46. Pest Control
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  47. No matter where you go
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  48. There you are.
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  49. Library Card
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  50. Detective Work
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  51. Act Three: Chaplaining
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  52. wear your hat tilted just so
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  53. Cleanup
    Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731