18 Helona
We have just finished up dinner at the General Kerplocken "Estate", cooked up by Lady Zaye.
Lord Vondromas says the tactics of the raids by the Killian-Tilles Alliance has changed more than what Vance already described to us. He has some video passed along from an embedded spy.
- The Gamesman has been spotted on Chalcedon!
He is "hosting" a gladiatorial challenge here on the world.
He is still a prisoner, but he's also hosting and coordinating these gladiatorial fights, and officiating at them.
- The scouts that have been following these pirates have gone missing.
- According to the telemetry, Port Nevermore, Carapace Station, everything but Chausid have been hit hard.
- The video is of a recent attack on Port Nevermore. It might be bodycam? The Tilles and Killian combine forces are specifically targeting supply line items: food, tech, ten metric tons of supply.
- Vondromas: "And this is why:"
We see a big bulky block-shaped transport, which flies in and drops off four AT-STs. For a split instant, we saw one of the AT-ST's apparently ignire a yellow-bladed "lightsaber" to proportional size.
Also it has retractible E-WEB cannons on its sides.
- The AT-ST has no pilot.
Droideka pilot brain?
- The view shifts again. Here is Almon d'Joy! He is discussing a blueprint on his datapad with a tech/mechanic.
- The spy is Ivan Vorpatril, who says, "And they're making more!"
And the transmission ends.
Vondromas says this is no more than twelve hours old.
He has narrowed down the current base of operations as an old ruin in the hills.
Oh and that's not a massive lightsaber. That's a fragmentary freeze frame of a superlaser charging up and firing. You know, like in the
Oh and the Hutt Council is calling the Freedworlds government "thieves". Vance points out that this makes the government eligible to join the council,. I suggest using the name of the Kerplocken Kajidic. They can suffer a hostile takeover by the Kanter Kajitic! It'll be fine."
Finally, in "good news": Vondromas has created an experimental "Tenocron Codex Page Capture Device". There's a "briefcase" part and there's a "tractor pistol" part, and between the two they form a trap.
Most of the party is going in disguised as Tilles pirates with some Adepta loot. Captain K and her associates "Pops" and "Ioz". Davish will make up his mind what name he's using whenever someone asks him.
So'Zen and I dropped off before they swung around from the west. We climbed up to the side of the protective cliff wall.
by Miska
There is a sandstorm approaching from the east.
We found an ancient hatch into the original buried starship. This might be Eborrean Original. So'Zen found that the hatch had been badly welded shut; I found a slightly crisped Fremen comms earpiece.
The chamber below has a bit of water on the floor. It has a rockfall that complicates progress directly westward to the next room. So'Zen knows there are various lives in that next room, some quite large, others anxious.
Those proved to be a guard posting of "pirates" and large pampered predators ... plus one freshly arrived Cap'n Kolene.
Medusan booty call procedure just started. We might be here a minute.
- Vanya to So'Zen
This chamber has water in it. It has air in it that is not stale or smelly, which means it had air flow even before we opened that hatch. There logically must be another route -- this is, at minimum, a T intersection.
So'Zen found a maintenance hatch. This is not a comfortably full-size tunnel. We don't have to crawl, though, so we'll take it southward.
by Miska
We arrive at the west central turbolift chamber. Great! I take a second to change the password on the controls.
- the current password to access the west turbolift in the Dread League base
In the next room, we have an opportunity to make friends!
- two pit droids
- two piratical techs
- two all-purpose pirate types
- one Crimson Nova bounty hunter
Hello there! would you like to talk about the church of the Force?
- Jedi Knight So'Zen al Saba to five pirates and two droids from the Dread League