Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731

The Cestea Campaign

by Jedi Knight VN Ysadora

15 Melona,
12731 T | 1008 R



  • Mystic Mob Investigations: Where's Commander Maeques?!

    Make this make sense.

    Why did Commander Ivana Maeques take off a year ago? What warnings did she have? Why didn't the entire Order go on high alert in time to stay alive?

    Why did she not do what we're doing, go find other uninformed members of the order, and then inform them?



  • Chalcedon

    So you say you need General Kerplocken or the world will end?

    There's been a lot going on there, because we got greeted on arrival with
    1) A series of "customs scans" that were not looking for Eborreans, but for Reavers.

    2) Enthusiastic hugs, even from people who ordinarily are touch-averse.

    3) People handing us their Top Secret Problems and asking us to take custody.




Episode 3.09 - Escape Velocity, Chapter 7

| Sep 7, 2024



15 Melona

12731 T

a.k.a. 1008:07:15 RR


It's very gray here on Cestea. Except for where it's purple.


Captain Kolene is here! She has a great summary of the top three crises in play.

  1. The Katana Fleet is coming, and not to be friendly or diplomatic.

  3. Big mechanisms, maybe centaur shaped, are generally anti-life. They can alter their shapes but we are not comparing them to Awakeen. They have taken hostages.

  5. There's a HOLE in Captain K's NEW SHIP. It was caused by a {sounds like some kind of holocron?} being ripped forcibly out of New Ship's cargo hold.


I have not really got much to contribute to the hole part of that third crisis, but I do think I will end up helping to tackle the "stolen possibly evil holocron" issue.

I have a tentative plan

okay, I have the start of a plan

let's be real: I have a notion on how to divvy up some starting actions on these crises, by putting people's personal strengths to where they'll have the most oomph.


Crisis One: Katana Fleet Incoming

Let's inform the regional navbuoys of emergency weather conditons. And thus reroute all incoming traffic to an uninhabited system elsewhere in this nebula.

Lead: Aerena Kolene, using her knowledge of illegal tactics. What would the Med-- what would the Fortune Hunters do? And then pick something smarter and less likely to get busted.

Team: KitKat the Mentat. Heath Barr the "outlaw tech". Assists part-time from Knight So'Zen al Saba, Instinctive Astrocartographer, and local Captain Nalso Duskstride of Nightwick City.


Crissis two: Mechanisms

They sometimes come up through the ground? Oh good.

We need telemetry archives about this for however long it has been going on.

Lead: Lord Danar Vorpadaran. We need Lord Danar to direct a strategy for locating the actual location of the hostages, plus what guards and passive fortifications may be in place. Hostages gotta eat and breathe and be kept too tired to escape, right?

Team: Dame Elania Kosh, Knight VN Ysadora. Assists part-time from local Captain Nalso Duskstride, xenoarchaeologist Steelrush.


Crisis three: the Holocron Ball

I do not yet understand enough about this to make useful decisions. Let's see what So'Zen and Rock can do about that.

Lead: Knight So'Zen al Saba. Diplomacy, research, and archaeology!

Team: Sir Rock Topna, Lord Errol von Dromas, local technicians and anyone else they dig up who's interested. Assist from Lady Zaye Kolene when she's not busy focusing on hull repair.


Crisis four: Clocktaurs are damage-resistant

Hicks tells me that the mechanisms in part 2 are extremely damage-resistant. So'Zen's first hit or two bounced off. Errol von Dromas had to cut into the "barrel" and then cut his way out. Captain Kolene's plasma blaster worked well, which drew entirely too much focused attention from the Clocktaurs.

I think a different combat approach is needed here. Hicks, Steelrush, and whoever else among locals is interested, will do "Field Quartermaster" work of gathering pressurized liquids that will solidify or otherwise gunk up joints and intakes and jet exhausts. Fire suppressant foam or sand; quick-crete; expired spray fondant; whatever they have.

Lead: Hicks Vorysadora.

Team: xenoarchaeologist Steelrush, the younger Kolenes, anyone else who gets interested among the locals.


Let's check in with each other again after about an hour's work on our respective snd see if we're ready to go do the rescue.


The "Black Gate" is a pair of doors into a ziggurat. It's an archaeological curiosity, but also a source of generational pain. We have been trying to find our origins. Behind that gate lie some of of what we would like to know. One of our predecessors managed to penetrate the Black Gate. Our primary trade is weapons research. He produced one of the most effective series of product at the time, but he also unleashed something ugly that nearly wiped us out. That would be the mechanisms. His efforts to follow "Project Reaver" caused this invasion several generations back. We know the information we want is in there; we also know something deadly is in there as well. How do we find this information without causing an extinction?


The gates themselves are enormous. They could fit two "blockade runner" capital ships flying through without touching the size. There are smaller doors within the Black Gate set inside those large doors. We have a research station just barely inside, but we have to cycle people out frequently because of hallucinations. We have to make sure no one stays too long, or they wander off in a daze and do not come back. Our brightest people believe that if we can solve the puzzle of the ziggurat, we will solve the problem of what has brought us here, and of our own past.


The settlement of other researchers on THIS side of the Black Gate is "Eclipse City".

Captain Nalso Duskstride defines "the Black Gate" for visitor Vanya Ysadora


We might be on a dirt-covered worldship.

Continue reading...

  1. Memorable meals
  2. And me without my datapadd
    Satunda, Telona 13th, 12731
  3. Mystic Mobs Investigations: Backstage
    Katunda, Telona 17th, 12731
  4. Thirty-six days and counting
    Nelona 12th, 12731
  5. Sequential report: Lights Snuffed Out
    Katunda, Nelona 12th, 12731
  6. Thirty-six days completed
    Katunda, Nelona 12th, 12731
  7. Give that Mentat a cookie!
    Satunda, Nelona 13th, 12731
  8. Faultline
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  9. Pumpkin Dinner
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  10. Four against One? Okiedokie.
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  11. Ysalamiri
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  12. Intermezzo
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  13. More and More and More Every Day
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  14. Jawas in Spaaaaaace
    Datunda, Nelona 14th, 12731
  15. Ides of Nelona Client Progress Report
    Natunda, Nelona 15th, 12731
  16. Welcome Back Kal Holst
    Atunda, 26 Nelona, 12731
  17. the Ghost of Future Vegetable Peeling
    Atunda, 26 Nelona, 12731
  18. Aggressive Negotiations Fremen Style
    Atunda, 26 Nelona, 12731
  19. Nobody knows I'm a detective.
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  20. Reese the Battlefield Sportscaster
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  21. post-hurricane
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  22. Braiding is a skill.
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  23. Aboard the Loaner Shuttle _Shenanigans_
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  24. The droid did WHAT?
    Datunda, 29 Nelona, 12731
  25. Chausid Station
    Natunda, 30 Nelona, 12731
  26. We Do Not Touch the Creepy Artifact
    Natunda, 30 Nelona, 12731
  27. Thin Darkness
    Natunda, 30 Nelona, 12731
  28. Perspective Adjustments
    Katunda, 31 Nelona, 12731
  29. Spider Pez
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  30. Intersections
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  31. Unauthorized scan detected
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  32. The Anti-Life Equation
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  33. one of WHOSE children?
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  34. Space Shanties
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  35. Threes
    Atunda, 6 Helona, 12731
  36. The old Chaos Goblin routine
    Satunda, 18 Helona, 12731
  37. SSD Hardridge Bulwark
    Satunda, 18 Helona, 12731
  38. First Rule of parrying incoming vehicular blasts: DO NOT
    Satunda, 18 Helona, 12731
  39. Zorphax
    Datunda, 29 Helona, 12731
  40. Ghostie al Saba
    Datunda, 29 Helona, 12731
  41. Okay, but why did you leave it in a vault?
    Datunda, 29 Helona, 12731
  42. Escape Velocity
    Datunda, 4 Melona, 12731
  43. chuck the faux Gamesman to the crowd
    Datunda, 4 Melona, 12731
  44. Here to Rescue Somebody
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  45. Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  46. Pest Control
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  47. No matter where you go
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  48. There you are.
    Natunda, 10 Melona, 12731
  49. Library Card
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  50. Detective Work
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  51. Act Three: Chaplaining
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  52. wear your hat tilted just so
    Satunda, 13 Melona, 12731
  53. Cleanup
    Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731
  54. The Cestea Campaign
    Natunda, 15 Melona, 12731