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Mon 1st Mar 2021 05:27

A return to the tower of Zenopus

by Fremont \Benji

Abar, Fenik, Felix, Arastor
The Mad hermit's words tear at me and I feel unconvinced that the necromancer simon is disposed.
We first head to the town of Portsmouth to check on the poor girl Lamunda. Upon arrival we learn that the poor girl has succumbed to her disease and passed it on to her family. They are rotting to death. Fenik was able to detect the disease and learned that it is a form of mummy rot. The only way to heal them is for them to be brought to consecrated ground and have holy clerics look over them.
We informed the Mayor of Portsmouth of the diagnosis and he asked if the Red Citadel inquisition should be called. Ara-Stor aired caution for contacting the inquisition immediately for worry of the inquisition purging the town. We go into the tower now with two goals in mind. One is to find some magic cure to this disease that will plague the town. The other is to see if we cannot find information on destroying abberations that plague the catacombs of the lovers forrest.
We found kids outside the tower of zenopus. This did not sit well with me as these kids are playing close to horrors and evil things. I gladly informed them with some level of theatrics from my compatriots. The children fled home with great haste. As my friends worried about the effects of trauma I had instilled in the children I assured them I had seen worse as a child.
Among the new oddities we found in the tower there was a room with a sundial. A face in that room will answer questions for people. It has some light divination magic to it.
We asked the divination face several questions. Among them was where to find Simon. It is at the bottom of Zenopus.
To cure the disease, blood or fire are required.
We venture down and down. At the bottom we find a great hall with broken bridges. We could not see the whole way across. under the bridges were pits of bones that almost seemed to act as water. Skeletons attacked us and Abar pushed one into the pit. It was swallowed up and turned into a massive skeleton spider.