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Thu 11th Mar 2021 05:42

Following Abar to Treasure

by Fremont \Benji

Abar, Uncle Buttershins, Granny, Felix
Following Abar we hear to Harpersgarten to try to find some treasure. We plan on making a replica map and asking around the town about what different landmarks may be on the map.
As we close to the city we meet a troll that Uncle Buttershins knew as short stack. He clarified a task he bartered with the troll. He wanted to troll to gather trees for the sake of the town so they could use it for lumber. Short Stack seemed unable to comprehend the idea still, he wanted to eat the trees. Uncle buttershins struggled to try to iterate the wishes of the town to the Troll, and after a while he seemed satisfied with his attempt and we pressed on.
We realize that the bridge is out and start heading west until we find a place where we can ford the river. Near the edge of lovers forest we find such a place and almost lose Abar to the current in the process. The forest is eery and almost seems to beckon us to wander in and die.
At Harpersgarten we are met with walls and guards who tell us we are unable to enter the city. Abar, Felix and Uncle were able to work together to fake papers and get Uncle into the city with a copy of the map. For future reference, I need papers from the red citadel or be with a paladin who can vouche for me. They chose to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Red Citadel, due to having relied heavily on them in the past. It seems no one in this realm has had the best interactions with spellcasters. I guess I should be much less open about my own abilities.
Uncle was successful in finding some information from the town about the various landmarks. Apparently the standing stones north of the river is a meeting place for some sort of mages. Given the land's hostility that may be a good or a bad thing. We decide that the best course is to check the lover's forest for the treasure.
Into the woods we ran into some beasts that seemed to transcend the plane as they attacked us brutally (displacers). We managed to fend off three of them. We wandered deeper into the woods and happened upon a ritual ground of some sort. We lingered too long and were happened upon by a group of orcs who had a necromancer. It seemed they were likely going to be scarificing the poor lass.
A small victory was that I was able to gather some herbs and bring them to the Mad Hermit.