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Sun 21st Feb 2021 11:02

Another Foray into the Alleged forest for Lovers

by Fremont \Benji

Fremont, Barley, Hops, Abar, Ara-Stor
We stopped by the old hermit's place. Ara-Stor introduced himself and did dishes for the old man.
I offered the hermit my services to gather some medicines. He gave me the description of three plants I plan to look for as we foray around the forest.
Ara-stor was able to find some uses for his mushrooms he found on a prior expedition.
We continue on our way to the hidden temple that housed the necromancy work at play, we found orc rummaging around in the surface. Rather than diplomacy the group goes straight for a fight.
We subdued them. Some of them sadly died in the fight. Barley interrogated the orc and found the white ax represents the Frost Ax tribe. This Orc let us know that the wizard Constantina will be traded by the shaman if she is to be traded. The red skull orcs live in the greenskin gorge. The Orcs seemed to dislike "pinkies" due to them mostly using "dead magic." We only left two survivors. One of them promised to stop hunting soft pinkies unless he is attacked first.
We delved down into the temple, we found similar monstrosities to our last foray. Haggard and bloody we make it down to the infernal sigil. Despite my numerous warnings Ara-Stor and Barley kept casting spells. Neither could hold their magic and they set the infernal thing off. We barely made it out with our lives as some demi lich was brought forth.