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Mon 15th Feb 2021 05:57

Wellness Check

by Fremont \Benji

Flynn approached us about finding a wizard named Constantina. We are tasked with going to the tower of the wizard named Kestrel. Constantina is apprenticed to him and therefore he may have some knowledge that can lead us to her.
Adventurers : Beardless, Malnom, Flynn, Fremont, and Twigg
As we head out we find difficulty again with this tall grass. Maybe someone can do something about building a road.
Two nights of camping ended fine. We made it to the tower with no issues. It approaches evening and I hope refuge is to be found here.
The door to the cottage at the bottom of the tower is a magic talking door, that yelled at us for knocking on him. Flynn asked the proper way for approaching, and the door sidestepped the question. It may be best practice to say " 'ello" to any door that may belong to a wizard. When we asked about the wizard the door asked if we were the law. The door had no idea Constantina was missing, and was in apparent shock when we told him (him? them? we forgot to ask for the door's pronouns, another fact it may find rude of us).
The door finally let its face sink back in and let us in to see the wizard Kestrel. He did not believe us that his apprentice was missing and started looking under stacks of paper and books. After a minute of thought he remembered she was sickly and went to a hermit would dealt in apothecary means of healing. Kestrel said of the hermit that he was off his rocker, but overall a nice fellow. He may speak in a way we do not understand.
If we were to find Constantina, Kestrel said he would offer gold and tutelage. I asked further on the tutelage and he offered Abjuration as the finest of schools. He called me a man of culture, but was in grim agreeance when I argued I was a man of necessity. He briefly mentioned that and inquisitor was looking around last week. We had not had time to inquire further.
The hermit was closer to Maria Pool, about a day away from town, back in the tall grass.
The hermit was a tall old elf who lives modestly. He seemed to be mostly blind and believed Beardless when he said that he was related to the hermit. We asked for a map and sarcastically looked for one. He did give us directions to where Constantina should be, where the moss she is looking for should be.
I asked after Lamunda's boils. He said without a description of the boils there is nothing he could do. He asked that I look at the boils myself and get back to him. The hermit also suggested that the necromancer Simon is likely not really dead, and said that it was "Simon the Sinister."
In the dark wood the rabbit Uncle Buttershins stole from the hermit said that the woods were likely filled with predators. However the rabbit suggested he could get us closer to where the moss grows in these woods. When the rabbit went to inspect a tree further Malnom followed with others in the group, but he unfortunately was the one to get caught in a net trap. We then found ourselves surrounded by Harpies. The Hags did not respond to my apology and so I shot them with fire, assuming the creatures of ill nature.
The harpies never spoke to us, some orcs who did not seem to understand common came and saved us. They seemed interested in taking the teeth of the harpies. Saving us was an accident. One orc spoke goblin and we were able to communicate. They seemed to have taken Constantina.
Tired, we could not do a thing to stop them. We rested and Flynn sent a mouse after them, while we rested. Near morning a hawk visited Beardless, holding the mouse in it's talons. He eyed Beardless and ate the mouse. We followed the direction of the hawk and spoke to it. It threatened to eat us if we left the woods to the west and followed the orcs. Knowing we could not take the orcs, we left, planning to head back for Mariapool to tell the Halfling that Constantina was to be traded by the orcs to someone, we could not be positive who. Most in the party immediately assumed the mad hermit was a culprit in this mess. We stopped at the Hermit's hut and Twigg accused him to which he said that he had nothing to do with it.
We made our way back to Kestrel's and relayed to him what we knew. I stayed back with Kestrel. I returned the tome that Flynn had stolen, but did not tell the wizard who exactly it was that stole it. I stayed with the wizard and chatted about abjuration and battle plans for retrieving Constantina. I told him that Captain Montenegro and Mayor Thimbletoe were in charge in Mariapool and the explorer's guild for more help to rescue her.