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Tue 28th Mar 2023 04:04


by Hadrina

• The body has a curse on it, seems to be fading fast
• Going up to Ravenmoore, I hear other delegates talking.
• Bloody footsteps are exiting the scene but disappear onto the red carpet into the middle of the room
• Entering Ravenmoore’s door, she looks really smoking hot. The man is dressed in more military wear with his jacket on his arm, long beard: black with some grey, late 40s, has a cane and weapon on his hip (longsword), both items are magical. His name is Captain Ulesis. He has never encountered a devil from the 9 hells so brazenly but he doesn’t think it isn’t a devil or demon.
• Contents of new letter: He was able to communicate through the letters to communicate through the planes. From what he understands, something bad is gonna happen soon. Whatever has them trapped is going to be sending something our way. There is three individuals that are going to be at an event and there will be more coming in the middle of the event.
• New body discovered in courtyard. There is a human clutching their sides. Don’t know where thing went, doesn’t remember exactly what happened but he was with Lady Alton, everything went black and now he’s on the ground. The wound looks slashy. This is Sir Percible from Lasinland. The Steelhart clan should be able to help him get better.
• Door Nine: Lady Alton is clutching her neck. Doesn’t remember why she came upstairs, three slashes to the next
• On roof there is Captain with cannons. He said that there is a waitstaff that was up there with him. He went down the west trap door, I followed down the trap door. In the trap door there is a mage hand and a dwarf, I am able to tell that it is an illusion.