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Thu 9th Mar 2023 04:41


by Hadrina

• Off to the capital, horses tied together, seems to be very very dark, dark vision is not super helpful, one of Maximus’s letters will not open due to magic
• Evil horse people, they disappeared like the other four did in the circle with the click of a metal thing (gun?)
• New mark appears and it fucking hurts
• Blurry items not as blurry, mark also seen on stone, woke up back in original spot, Edward does not have new mark but everyone else does
• People watching us, man and women talking and then dip into the alley
• Gone for about a year, meeting with the high council, dwarven kingdom has fallen and no one can access them, we and the dignitaries will be attending the covenant, council members leave, D-mans runes are familiar but I cannot tell explicitly tell what
• Ravenmoore does not remember Fanton, Neil, or Maximus. Erethil was an old sorcerer that died like 1000 years ago but clearly not. Letter from council that was Maximus’s is now blank.
• In Ravenmoore’s room, she recognizes the mark as the mark of an old order. The mark means that we are being hunted by an old ancient group that “put down things unnatural to this plane” like order of the Liken, profance soul, ghost slaiers, and mutants. Erethil and the orders disappeared at the same time. It only felt like we were gone for two/three weeks. The bloodhunters marks, eradic that that seems unnatural, thought they were gone but now just appears they just weren’t there. Everyone was marked for a reason, each rider was going after someone specific, Edward doesn’t because Hadrina intercepted Edward’s hunter. Ravenmoore makes the horse stuff unblurry, there is 3 letters and a scroll. Has some ideas about the “stone” but not entirely sure.
• In the room, Edward says that there is a letter from the Darmitello’s that he needs at the party, the equipment he needs is at the Darmitello’s house.
• The speech
o Very first task with the council, tasked to find the missing scouts on the border of the Suncan union (Northern boarder, cave) We were successful in bringing them back
o Went through dungeon, portal to ethereal plane (potentially)
o Went back to capital and were tasked to figure out the blights, learned about Holy War (leave out)
o Went to help Clark’s people and found that the wild life and nature was dying
o Taken in by dwarven kingdom
o Taken down to ivernous by “our investigation” into the source of the blight. There we met an avitar of Orcus who’s allied with Ceric. They are part of the upheaval in the heavens and cause of the blight. Material plane will see conflict
o Ventured back to the material plane and now we are here
o Portal was “near” dwarven kingdom in the North
• Globunk’s mission: Wants the Lords “funny” hat, one hat no wig. Two lords, one half-wig and a fluffy hat
• 275 left in gold