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Tue 28th Mar 2023 04:04


by Hadrina

• Going into the carriages, the clouds are hanging lower than they should be.
• There are groups of individuals that do not seem to be happy about the carriages.
• Hadrina can cast magic missile with her tambourine.
• Ezria feels a glitch in the system
• Goldletter estate, Lord and Lady Alton’s estate
• Found fuzzy hat
• Delegate is randomly dead, on the surface: there are stab wounds and some slashes, some lung punctures and neck slash. All of these wounds are post-mortem. I see claw marks under her overcoat. Something magical about the claw marks.
• Elf (King Dromill) was in the room a little while ago, didn’t see anything weird. Does not seem to be lying. He believes that the dignitaries from Oaven may be to blame because he does not favor them
• Ezria detects an evil fiend.
• Lord Leopold was talking to Lady Marigold of Alosin before her death. She seemed relaxed when talking to him (more than she should’ve been). Tieflings charm people and it seems like she was under that kind of effect. She mentioned that she believed one of the other dignitaries had it out for her. She seemed very concerned. He might have some rough suspicions that he might know who it is but doesn’t want to say. Lady Marigold had been in the courtyard but doesn’t know after that.