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Thu 9th Mar 2023 04:38


by Hadrina

• Woke up and had breakfast then went to the library. Found out that the Prince of Lies takes favors from other deities to give them more power. Not much about Lethander. I found a few historic adventurer journals, nothing surprising but there is tell of a scandal that happened in the kingdom, but I can’t quite tell what it is yet.
• Went to the mines and, all but me, talked to the foremen. Yes people are going missing, foremen doesn’t care if we investigate or close the mine, only cares about profit. People haven’t seen anything, but they have heard noises.
• While staying outside, I see some gems in the minecarts (ruby, amethyst)
• Go into cave and walking, I swiped some unprocessed gems
• Some of the dwarves in the caves are bigger as in stand a little taller than a normal dwarf, but are very jacked, have short swords, some shoulder pads, and a leather helmet.
• When down and found a door, opened door to open space full of 4 hooded statues. Underground civilization? The structures are quite old and do not resemble those of the dwarvin craft.
• The drain/well may be home to some beasts. Cannot see the bottom. Used in early civilizations to divert the waterfall.
• Left house smells like mildew and mold, not much in there. There are no chests ☹
• Right pavilion used to be pretty. Smells like mildew bc of water (collection of water) No chests ☹ There are some rotting tables and stone stools. There are loose cobblestone but there isn’t anything behind them, just dirt.
• There are new scuffs, as if there is something that was dragged out or into the drywell (probably about medium sized)
• The two statues on the wall have an inscription (written in modified type of dwarvish) “Those who violated the sanctums depths are being watched and have been expected”
• I went behind the waterfall, there wasn’t anything to see, now I’m just wet.
• We go through the big opening and start to get blasted with magic missiles from across the bridge, behind the torches, from sigils.
• Ezria opens the door and there is a set of stairs we all head down. We come across a corridor that is clear.
o Next corridor has a door to the left and an opening to the right