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Tue 30th Apr 2024 02:16

Troubling Information

by Anastasia Alleeva

Hello Mother,
I'm really sorry for sending this letter, it has some very troubling information, information I was considering not telling you at all, but I think as my mother you are entitled to it. Before I get to that though I'd like to catch you up on my rescue efforts so far. I've arrived in Redwyne, I have clues and pieces of information pointing to Evgenii's presence somewhere near here, so at the very least she is not in Hanrar like my initial suspicion. I also have reason to believe Moreska is no longer himself, by that I mean he is being impersonated, apparently whoever it is, is very good too because every description and piece of information I've gotten sounds just like him, but there are very minor discrepancies that point to him being a charlatan, I plan to confront the imposter later tonight, it will likely result in his death. I have also received information that Moreska was likely setup by the local government here, as soon as I arrived, I saw the bodies of the men he kept company with hanging from the walls, apparently, they were executed for getting into a disagreement with the Senechaul (they're like a treasurer), of course my first suspicion is that this Senechaul is working with Castygy.
Ever since I've been here in Redwyne I can feel Kavaki's presence, and when I first arrived, I received a message from father, a warning, "They know", which wasn't anything I didn't already know, but just feeling father's presence and his approval has emboldened me. I can feel I am close to Evgenii's rescue, every single minute here in Redwyne has been spent searching for her, and with every person I talk to here the plot thickens, but I still feel I am growing ever closer. I got a reading from a Vishtani woman named Madam Bohemia, she indicated that the final battle will likely take place on some form of Hallowed ground, perhaps the church here in Redwyne?
I also have a strange request; I know there is no official process for this or anything, but I think seeking out your approval as the matriarch is most appropriate. If you recall I was traveling with another drow named Cicero, they're a troubled man, and they are not without their flaw, but they have been by my side since step 1 of this journey, putting their own personal matters aside and risking their life to ensure Evgenii and my own's safety, we had a heart to heart and I ended up inviting him into the family as Cicero Alleeva, I still have mixed feelings about it since what right do I have to do that? But I feel he is just as much my brother as Egor or Ivana. I couldn't help but feel like I was lying to him even though I wish for nothing more than to call him my brother with certainty.
Finally, the troubling information. I had a discussion with a wood elf named Sylvy (gender non-conforming from what I could tell, which I believe myself to fall under that category, I'd love to explain it to you sometime if we ever find the time), and I ended up showing them their mind palace (something I'd like to do with you and all my siblings sometime if possible), which is a process in which I delve into their subconscious, bring them along with me so that we may see their most intimate thoughts and feelings, ones likely they didn't even know they had, of course I do this all with their explicit permission and explain that I too will be able to see and feel everything. We ended up having a good conversation while in there, they seemed to like it but they also seemed concerned about me. Once I talked with them a bit more I found out that they considered me a child, and not in a patronizing manner like I thought Cicero did. They explained to me that elves, even those that mature "quickly" aren't considered adults until at least their 8th decade of life. I've never told you my exact age but I believe I'm somewhere between 22-24. This revelation meant very little to me at first because I figured it doesn't actually change anything, but then I realized it explains my chaotic and ever-changing worldviews, my seeming inability to deal with traumas, and a few other aspects core to my personality I had just considered normal up to this point. And then I realized how troubling this information would be for you and father if he were still alive, which is why I considered not sending it, but I can't lie to you, perhaps you're the only person I can't lie to you. I estimated my mental age should be around 14-15 even if my biological age is about 7-10, perhaps my experiences during the war explain that discrepancy? I wish once Evgenii is safe I could discuss this more with you in person, but apparently there is trouble in Hollow Oak that requires my immediate attention, the Gnoll issue has escalated, and I feel some level of responsibility for them as I have taken up the mantle as a community leader there. I will do my best to return to you safely.
Love you dearly,
Anastasia Alleeva