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1837th Cattlerise 7th day TFA

When Wizards go to War

by Anastasia Alleeva

cities burn. That is what the Grand Falcon told me, and if a wizard of such experience speaks on such matters I am inclined to believe him. This has confirmed my suspicions that wizards are a plight on this world that must be cut away, like an unwanted growth on the nape of a neck, for left to its own devices it will only grow and suffocate the host. I have had many nights to ponder on my feelings towards Legacy and the Wizard Question. Although there are some wizards who have good hearts, and more that simply wish to isolate themselves to their libraries and die studying as a form of worship of Aqoon or merely to satisfy an innocent curiosity, there is no denying that most wizards desire power, and with the unknowable potential of arcane magic it is only a matter of time before one of them brings entire continents their knees. Since wizardy is not genetic, nor a closely guarded secret as much as they insist it is, wiping out wizards is not a possible solution, even if some organization managed to annihilate every living wizard it would merely pop back up a generation or two later. No, the best solution is to find an alternative source of power without the accompanying flaw of the Wizard Curse. Psionics have many advantages over the arcane, the first is the lack of a curse for obsession, but the most important, anyone can learn them, even if it takes a great deal of effort. Currently the arcane is predominantly locked to the wealthy and those who's interests are so far separated from the general public's their interests should no longer be considered by the commonfolk or the moral masses. Now, I acknowledge Psionics can take decades, often a lifetime for shorter lived humanoids, to obtain any considerable proficiency with, but it is important to acknowledge that arcane magic was the same way in its infant stages and Psionics are barely a zygote in their mother's womb. I can sense an immeasurable power within my psionics, my soul song is restrained and unrefined, I know that with enough time the feats I could accomplish will make a wizard of 7th level, perhaps higher, look like child's play.
It is also important to acknowledge that even when Psionics have matured, not everyone will be able or willing to learn them, even to keep the ever-present threat of wizards at bay. So I have come up with a more systematic solution, and that is the wizard registry, forming a foundation that requires all practitioners of arcane magery to register, and for them to be strictly and thoroughly monitored. They are too dangerous to be left to learn and practice unmonitored. We have a form of this with the falconeers, but their system is heavily flawed and rudimentary, nor is it restrictive enough. It is of upmost imperative that wizards not be let to cast spells over 7th level, they become individuals with enough power to crush entire cities within hours.
I will continue to monitor my personal case study on wizards, although all but one wizard I've met so far have lacked discipline or mental willpower, this makes them all the more dangerous, but also easily defeated...