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Thu 28th Mar 2024 10:56

On The Road #1

by Cicero Liao

Hello again, little journal.
Each day I find it harder and harder to assimilate gracefully with Cicero—I was doing very well—We were one..there were no harsh differences no traces of my internal influence instead they—we had begun to blur. The current stress of events has caused us to differentiate once again I suppose.
I have encountered ghosts from the past—Galio the swordian boy, my dear Galia’s unfortunate brother is now a falconeer, he came to deliver letters to Legacy and Anastasia. Apparently, from what he said the ones in Swordia believed me Cicero to be dead after the fire, these people who kicked, stole, and harassed me mourned his our disappearance, even Dhaarta vowed to look for him… how heroic—honestly the very thought of it disgusts me. Galio tells me there is even a headstone for me on the Bakers family plot..oddly this interests me enough to see it myself and I plan to visit it when I am there in the coming weeks. Still no word from father—his lack of response worries me to no end, and I find it quite embarrassing how I went running about Hollow Oak hoping for his response. It made me look pathetic hopelessly seeking my father’s correspondence like some needy child— In one of his letters Anastasia learned his uncle has been kidnapped by the Castygy/Castagar figure and we agreed to go with them. Cicero cares for them considerably—Legacy declined to join us. This bothers him me [An ink blot sits here seemingly from a moment of consideration] This bothers.. me Cicero Liao, I am Cicero Liao, a Warden of the Black Path. I am outgoing, charismatic, a friend, and it bothers me that Legacy didn’t join us— It seems we are less like a team these days and more like just Legacy and Cicero, or just Anastasia and Cicero. I don’t think they’d like me Lesaoloth very much.