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Sun 6th Oct 2024 11:04

7.1 Yladhra's Domain

by Rory Emberscale (WM)

sooo... appawentwy thith fier wady cald thiena thaid she nothe a witherd naimd yolanda ow thomethin hu hath a touer that we can uthe fow the glided iwonth new bathe if we can kill her and taik it ovew. she thaid it wud be a gud wocashin with all kinda majik and thtuff tho we wath all wike yah well deffinitwy do wat we gotta do to git thith for uth to uthe tho she tweeportid uth jutht owthide the tawer and wath wike do wat u do tho we did.
we git to tha tower but we dont thee n e dorth to wet uth in tho we wath wookin all awownd it. kimiweel and wondaline twied wookin weel hawd but cudnt find a dor and thuddenwy a fathe that wookth wike thome kinda beetht popth up and athtkd uth wat we wath doin hear and we wath wike we caim to thee yowonda and it wath wike yah ok u can come in and poof a dor opind in fwont of uth and we wint inthide.
ath thoon ath we git in the dor cwothed behind uth and dithpaperwed... dithapeer... wint away and all we cud thee wath thome wound thtairth and a cupple dorth but not the won we came thru cuz wike i thaid ith gon now. we twied to go up tha thtairth a cuple tiemth but we kept gettin put in tha thame woom ovew and ovew agin. tho we dethided to jutht go thwu tha dubble dorth and wat do u no we fownd EVIN MOR DORTH man ther wath a buncha them on both thideth of tha hall way.
each dor had thome wurdth on it wich i twied to weed ath gud ath i cud with thith nu hemmet i got. it turnd owt to be a big widdle not a widdle one but u no wike a big widdle that u haf to anther a twiky kwethchin u no wat i meen. n e way we had a hawd tiem figgurin it owt. kimiweel wath wike thewe awe thith miny dorth befowe they thtawt to wepeet and im wike well wat if we opin tha dor that hath that nubmer on it and he wath wike yah i gueth we can twy that. tho we did and taddah it opind and it workd i wath tho thupwithed.
now wer in a thik jungel with thome big thingth fwyin in the air but we cant weewy thee wat they awe tho we jutht keep goin and i keep my i on them. we fownd a hyuge hoe in the gwownd with thome thtairth goin down to a dor and thome corptheth down their. ath we awe walkin down i herd thome thkweechin fwom abov uth and im wike HAY GUYTH WE GOT TUWBBEL COMIN and now we fiting thome mantecowth. ther vewwy high above uth and can keep ther dithtanthe fwom uth tho ith gonna be hawd to fite but jutht thin fwaya wath wike i got a new twik chek thith owt AND SHE OPIND A DOR IN THE WALL THAT OPIND OWT FWOM A TWEE ABOVE UTH HOW COOL ITH THAT and im wike wer hath that bin all thith tiem fwaya thath tho cool. tho we wint thwu and wath abel to fite them a wot eathier cuz of her new twik. we finawway chathe them away and we keep goin down the hoe.
kimiweel chekd the cowptheth and jutht fownd thome munny on them tho we jutht opind the dorth and wint inthide. he thujethted that we chek fow twapth but we dont find none and fwaya chekth fow invithibel peepl but donth find n e eether. thith pwathe hath a buncha hallwayth and dorth tho we jutht make are way to each won at a tiem and thee wath they hav. one had thome bedth one wath a wibwawy won wath wike a wounge awea with anothew woom with thome dethtkth and a buk and thtuff. but we did find a woom with thome gowd on tha fwoor and thome thkullth that cud catht fier at uth and they jutht keep comin bak to wife aftew a wile wich wath vewy annoyng. wondaline notithd a theekwet dor in the thtkull woom and win she opind it we fownd a maze with a buncha twapth all awound. betwene wondaline and kimiweel and fwaya and me we wath finawwy abel to make it thwu the mathe but wondaline got hit weel hawd with a fitht comin owt of tha wall THAT WATH THO FUNY I WAFFD THO HAWD OH MY GOTH I THINK I CWIED WAFFING THO HAWD be she wath fine tho.
aftew makin are way thwu the mathe we wint bak to tha bedwoom to thweep and heal up. wondaline can thtay up all nite but she needth won of uth to thtay up wong enuf for her to git her thpelth and thtuff bak and thin she can do tha wetht of the nite herthelf. wuckiwy nuthin hapind overnite. win we waked up kimiweel thummind a cool thewetihthial... thwethtaliel... thtawwy wookin horthe dog. im wike if ith a horthe and a dog mabee we call it whinny the poodle hahaha they waffd and it maid me feel gud i towd a gud joke but it wath won of thothe joketh that i caint tell if they wath waffing cuz it wath gud or waffing cuz it wath bad u no wat i meen. n e way kimiweel thaid whinny the poodle can heel uth tho thath alwayth a gud thing.
evinchuawwy we find mowe dubbel dorth and opin them and ith jutht a HYUGE woom with jutht a pathway ahed of uth with fwoting thtachooth on both thideth and ith jutht nuthin but bwack awownd uth up and down and weft and wite. i git down on mah bewwy and put my awm down into tha void jutht to thee if it wath fake and nope it definitewy ithnt fake cuth my awm jutht wint below the path and i cudnt thee n e thing down their tho im wike guyth wach owt thith ith the weel deel. fwaya said she cud tell ther ith more majikal thignelth ow thomethin comin fwom thith woom tho be caweful. wondaline thot ther mite be pwesher pwateth that wud maik twapth go off if we thtept on them tho she warnth uth to wach are thtep. thin i wemembew i can fwy agin thinthe we tuk a nap and im wike well i can jutht fwy awownd behind the thtatchooth and thee if they hav a buttin or thomethin to turn them off but i cudnt find one.
ath thoon ath i got behind the firtht thtatchoo a gost man guy popd up in fwont of the wetht of the pawty neer the dor we came in and he thaid another widdle. he wath wike WAT ITH UR NAIM and we told him are nameth and he wath wike WAT ITH UR KWETHT and we wath wike we r gettin wid of evil and then he wath wike WHAT ITH THE THPEED VITHCOTHITY OF UNWEDDED DWAGINTH or thomething and we wath wike well wat color dwaggin or do u meen a metal one and he wath wike I DONT NO THAT and thin HE GOT BLOWED OFF THE PATHWAY AND JUTHT FAIL DOWN and we wath wike whoa we gotta wach owt for shure here. thuddenwy thome of the thtatchooth thtawted movin so we had to take thim owt. thay kept twyin to gwab uth and thwow uth down into tha void but motht of the tiem we ethcapd but kimiweel got gwabbd and dwopped and were all wike OH NO KIMIWEEL ITH FAWWING WE GOTTA HEP HIM but wike he kep fawwing down and down agin and down agin. he jutht kept poppin back up where he wath dwoppd fwom and it dint wook wike he wath gettin hurt eech tiem he wint down tho im wike well im gonna take owt thethe guyth befowe twying to help him from fawwing mor. i bet that wath a fun twip though he wath fawwing tho fatht it akshuwwy wookd kinda fun. duwing the fite fwaya wath abel to pull him owt of the fall with anuther new twik with thome whitening thing she hath now wich wath thuper awethome and put him bak onto the pathway tho he cud help uth keel the wetht of thethe thatchooth wich we do.
fwaya thaid she needed to wetht a widdle bit. not a widdle wike befowe but u no for jutht a widdle amownt of tiem. thith widdle thtuff ith confuthing u no wat i meen. tho we wethted and wint bak to the pathway and made are away acwoth it vewy cawefuwy and nuthin happind.
we opin tha dorth at the end of tha pathway and now were in another hyuge woom with piwwarth and thatchooth and acwoth the woom we thee yolanda and she wath wike hi welcom to my tower or thomethin i dunno i jutht wanted to thtawt the fite but she thtawted tawkin thome moer athking wondaline why she wath hiding but she wathnt hiding and im just wike if ur a withard y ith ur wibwawy tho thmall and sheth wike yah i no ith thmall and wish it wath bigger and im wike well i saw a bigger won in a canyon and sheth wike ooh were ith it i gotta vithit and im wike well i cant tell you that for fwee and sheth wike well mabee we can maik a deel and im wike ya no i dont think we can so she waithed her wod and teweported and dithpaperprerd. the fite ith on.
fwaya ith the onwy won of uth who can thee her cuz she made it tho she can thee invithible thingth so she just wurkd on yolanda wile the wetht of uth workd to taik down all the thtatchooth that thtawted movin win she held up her wod. kimiweel mutht hav thomethin agintht thtatchooth cuz man he wath takin them down weft wite and thinter it wath tho cool to thee him doing tho gud. it dint take fwaya vewy wong to take owt yolanda she did that fatht. she thaid she cud tell she wath twyin to git away but cudnt befowe fwaya got the final bwow on her and tuk her down fow gud. awthom job fwaya.
we tuk her wod and her thpailbuk and her jernel and wotth of other thtuff bak to uthiwithwthtu and the gliden iwon and they wath hapy and thaid they wud make gud uthe of the new touwer.
dwaugnir i hope u are pwowd of uth. i hope evwything ith goin gud for my famiwy and i cant wate to find them agin. i no it theemth wike im takin a wong tiem but im twyin to git thtwonger tho i can taik on all thothe bad guyth that tuk me fwom them and sho them they methd with tha wong dwaggin. thank u.