sooo... i herd thomewon tawkin abowt thith kween bagnad ow thomethin and how she needth to be kild or taiken bak to uthwiwiwu i dont no ekthakwy but i wath wike yah i cud do that. tho i fownd thome peepl to help me owt AND I FOWND MATILDA WIKE WAT ITH SHE DOIN HEWE wow i didnt think i wud thee her in thith thtwange pwathe! i dont evin no how i got hewe much weth how she got hewe to but thath pwetty cool that i alweddy no thomebody hewe. tho we teemd up and fownd thome othewth to go with uth one guy jafaw and hith hok naimd yawgo and the othow one varkith and he awtho had a burd naimd thwoop.
n e way we thtawn makin ow way awong the mane wode owt of town and awong the way we wath thtopd by thomebody who thaid thewe wath bandith neerby and thewe wath a bownty on thewe weeder the kween bagnad tho we new we wath in the white thpot. varkith fownd a thpot that didn't wook white and jafaw thenth hith burd up to wook awound in the air wile we wookd on the gwownd. he fownd a ton of twap dorth in the gwound and we fownd one that wathnt dithgis... dithgdised... hidden vewy well and tho we wint down into that won firtht. it opind weel eethy and we wint in. we thaw a dor and win matilda twied to open it the durt awownd uth thtawted fawwin in. it twapped jafaw and i helpd him owt of tha durt. appawentwy that wathnt evin a weel dor becuth we thtawted heewing footthtepth cwothe to uth and owt of nowere thome gobwinth caim to fite uth. well we tuk them owt tho eethy and WHOA WIN I GIT MAD IN THITH PWATHE I GIT BIG it maid me feel pwetty gud i kinda wike it.
well we dethided to taik a quik wetht befowe we kept goin. thin we wint to anuthr whole in the gwownd and thith one wint down pwetty deep tho we uthed a wope to go down. matilda wint firtht and towd uth she cud thee thome more gobwinth down thewe tho we had to be quite tho thay wudnt no we wath hewe. well u no me i cant go n e were quitewy i fell of the wope and made thome noithe but thay mutht not been paing atenshin cuth thay didnt hewe me. woo that wath cwothe. evewyone got down hewe withowt them noing it. jafaw gav me thome whitening on my thord and tode me i had to huwwy up befow it wint away tho i wushd in AND THEWE WER THO MINY PEEPL HERE but we tuk em down eethy too. thewe wath evin a fwying pig with a buncha wegs it kinda wookd wike a bat but not weewy ith kinda hawd to ekthpwain. matilda thot she wath gonna git thome bacin haha.
well we wethted agin and thin went on thwu a dor. in the woom wath a wikthey bawwel and it wookd wike thomewon wath pwayin wowwieth cuz they wath a buncha cointh and thome gween gwowy dithe. i tuk the dithe and matilda got the muny. jafaw took thome of the withkey in hith fwathk becuz he thaid he cud make it ekthpwode. that thowndth cool. we go thwu the nektht woom and fownd a gobwin in a caig. he thaid hith name wath toblob and that he cud hewp uth find tha kween bagnad and git wid of her. he thwore he wathnt kiding and wud hewp tho we wet him owt. he thaid he nose abowt all the thecwet dorth and thewe wath even won in thith woom that wud take uth wite to her. befowe we did that tho we tuk evewything we cud find fwom all the cwateth in thith woom. thin matilda opind the dor.
THEW WATH THO MINY GOBWINTH HEWE TO MAN I DONT NO WHER THAY ALL COM FWOM but we thtawted takin them down. the kween wath in hewe to. thethe guyth hit tho hawd we did all we cud but we jutht cudnt take em down. thay knocked uth owt aftew a wong fite and thin tuk all of ow thtuff and put it thomewher and then thwew uth in the caigeth wike we wath thome kinda pwithoner ow thomethin.
dwaugniw if u can hewe me in thith weerd pwathe we need ur help man we gotta git owt of hewe thomehow.