Rory Emberscale (WM) | World Anvil

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Rory Emberscale (WM)

After mysteriously arriving in the Westmarches, Rory is now trying to find his way back to his home world to continue his search for his parents.

Campaign & Party

Mon 27th May 2024 03:23

3.2 Here We Go Again (Milestone - 4th Level!)

by Rory Emberscale (WM)

sooo... i got thom muny the watht tiem i had to go owt tho i dethided i wud git a tatoo becuz i here they make u thtwonger ow thomethin tho y not u no. win i wint to git it the guy towd me that i had to dwaw it on mythelf tho he gaiv me tha needel and thwapd it on mah arm and it thtawted gwowing with magik and i dwawd thomethin that make me think of dwaugniw cuz he help me a wot win im fitin. tha guy thaid aww i had to do wath thay a magik wurd and it wud help me owt tho ill haf to twy it out waiter. and i pikt up thome mowe heewing poshinth to jutht in cathe.
n e way i thaw matilda tawkin with a cupple othew peeple tho i wint ovew there and met thome nu fweindth naimd hafethnee and twethnek. hafethnee ith wike thith cwewik ow thomethin and twethnek wookth wike a thneeky bawd cwiminel and vewy thort. we dint git much tiem to tawk with eech othew befowe the pewthon they wath tawkin too thint uth away to the hangin twee tavrin to git the hed of the weeder of the ivowy thwone and my fwindth keepth cawin it tha iwon thwone and im wike man u guyth dint withen did u he thaid ivowy not iwon haha.
tho now we hed off to find tha tavwin in the thity and finawwy we git there and nobody ith owtthide and the pwathe doethnt evin hav n e windoth ith kinda kweepy wookin to me it duthnt wook wite. we go inthide and shur enuff thewe ith a buncha peeple in hear they r dwinkin and eetin and havin a gud tiem. we wok over to tha bar and akth the guy if he nose abow the iwon thwone. im not vewy gud at tawkin to peeple tho i jutht wet the otherth tawk inthted. thin we go tawk to tha bownther by the dor and heth wike if u giv me muny ill tell u wat to order and matilda wath wike thath a wot of muny jutht to no wat to order and we wath all wike NO HETH TEWWIN U THE CODE TO GIT THE INFURMAYSHIN. n e way we payd him and he towd uth to akth for a boywowing owil tho we wint bak to the bartinder and akthd for that and thin he got all thewiuth and towd uth that he wath akshuwy the guy we wath wookin for.
we towd him that thomewon thint uth to kill him but we wud go away if he wud giv uth mowe than what thay wath gonna giv uth. he got all mad and the wights wint wed wich ith my favowit cowor tho that wath cool but thin he was wike OR and he shuk the thalt thaker and dithpeapr... dithapreer... vanithed and aww of a thuddin we wath fitin. we tuk them down kwik enuff and wath abel to git are muny bak fwom the bounther we kild. thin matilda fownd the weerd majik thalt tahker and thtawted thakin it. she thaid WHOA I FEEL WIKE IM GONNA GO AWAY SHUD I THTOP and we wath wike no keep goin becuth we gotta git that guy. she twied to take me with her but win the thalt thaker workd she jutht wint away and the thalt thaker just fald to tha gwownd. tho we all gwabd it and thook it up to and thin we all endid up in anothew bar wookin woom jutht wike we wath in but now thew wath a buncha guyth in hewe and a big ivowy thwone with wakthovar thittin on it. i think we fownd the wite pwathe.
wakthevar ith wike welp u fownd me now u can choothe deth or imwitpon... impwithnmtn... go to pwithon and thin twethnek cathted a thpale and the fite wath on. the firtht thing whakyvar did wath to twy to thcawe uth and it akshuwwy wurkd ekthept hafethnee dint theem to thcawed of him. but mabee she shudv bin thcawed cuth she wint down fatht win whakyvar wath all wike IM GONNA DO IT MYTHELF and wint nutth on her and matilda. twethnek hid behind a tabel and some chareth in hith dawk ball and i wath twyin to keep evwythin elthe fwom evwywon elth but i culdnt do it cuth i wath thuwowndid by orkth. he wath abel to taik me down awtho and aftew that i dont wemembew n e thing.
matilda thaid she towd him we wud wurk for them ow thomethin and twethnek twied to git away but didnt make it. they cot all of uth and tuk uth into the pwithon jutht wike they thaid they wud. at weatht they dint kill uth but now i geth we will haf to work are way owt or hope to git wethkude.
i feel wike i bin in thith thithuwa... thtuthcuwaysh... kind of pwathe befowe.
dwaugniw i got a tatoo of u on my showder now tho im hopin u can help uth owt yet agin that wud be awethom thankth.

Rory's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 3.0 Well, It's a Start
    07 Jan 2024 11:20:19
  2. 3.1 A Most Unexpected Reunion
    24 Mar 2024 08:16:45
  3. 3.2 Here We Go Again (Milestone - 4th Level!)
    27 May 2024 03:23:42

The major events and journals in Rory's history, from the beginning to today.

3.2 Here We Go Again

sooo... i got thom muny the watht tiem i had to go owt tho i dethided i wud git a tatoo becuz i here they make u thtwonger ow thomethin tho y not u no. win i wint to git it the guy towd me that i had to dwaw it on mythelf tho he gaiv me tha needel and th...

12:04 am - 04.06.2024

3.10 Here We Go Again

sooo... i got thom muny the watht tiem i had to go owt tho i dethided i wud git a tatoo becuz i here they make u thtwonger ow thomethin tho y not u no. win i wint to git it the guy towd me that i had to dwaw it on mythelf tho he gaiv me tha needel and th...

05:42 am - 27.05.2024

3.1 A Most Unexpected Reunion

sooo... i herd thomewon tawkin abowt a artefakt at a doorfin valt makin animelth and thtuff go cwazy tho im wike well ill chek it owt and thee wath goin on with that. well it turnth owt that jafaw and varkith herd the thame thing tho i gwoopd up with the...

09:24 pm - 24.03.2024

3.0 Well, It's a Start

sooo... i herd thomewon tawkin abowt thith kween bagnad ow thomethin and how she needth to be kild or taiken bak to uthwiwiwu i dont no ekthakwy but i wath wike yah i cud do that. tho i fownd thome peepl to help me owt AND I FOWND MATILDA WIKE WAT ITH SH...

11:54 pm - 07.01.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rory.