sooo... thinthe we hepd the glided iwon git thith nu tauer they akthed uth to cweer owt a cave thomewher neerby cuz thome peepl have gon mithin a buncha yeerth ago. they thaid ith a cave that cowapthd a wong tiem ago and nobody hath gon patht jutht tha entwanthe of the cave. they awtho thaid thay want thome muthwoomth thath thupothd to gwow ther cuz yolanda tawkd abowt them in that jurnel we fownd watht tiem. i gueth they r powrful or thomethin.
well ith not vewy far fwom the tower tho we make it ther no pwobwem. but win we git ther we haf to find a way to git in. gud thing we hav hafethnee with uth cuz she fownd a way in ith kinda hawd but we maik it inthide. ith thuper dawk in her tho hafethnee wit up a towch tho she cud thee. ith vewy quiet at firtht but thin we thtawt heewing voitheth comin fwom inthide and ith windy in hewe. ath firtht onwy hafethnee can hewe it but it kept gettin wowder and wowder the deepr in the cave we git. ther ith all kindth of wike moth and gwath gwowin on the wallth and they r wet and dwipping and ther r bugth and thtuff wunnin awownd all over the pwathe.
n e way we keep goin and dum dum taketh the weed. he fownd a woom to tha weft and wath wike howd on im gonna wook awound the woom firtht tho we wet him wook awownd and all of a thuddin won of the thtalticeties... thtawaktits... pointy thingth on the theewing thtawth movin. we r not awone. thith thing ith big and it hath tinticalth. dum dum got pikd up by it and he wath all wike EET ME CUZ IM GOOD AND DED and im jutht thinkin to mythelf yah u mite be wite u mite be ded thoon if u keep wettin thingth hit u but thin i figgurd owt wat he wath doin. it wath askhuwawy a gud idea cuz he wanted to be up thew tho he cud hit it bettr wike iv dun befor. i thee wat u did dum dum. and thin thomethin made the witeth go owt in hear and im jutht wike WHO TURND OFF THE WITETH I CAINT THEE NUTHIN and tho fwaya wath wike i got u and boom did her fierball and that kinda hurt but at weatht now we can thee. turnd owt their wath a buncha thothe guyth who cud turn off tha witeth tho that wath awthom fwaya. the woper cweechur puld me up there with him and dum dum tho i towd dum dum to be weddy for a fall cuz im bowt to taik thith thing down and shur nuff i git a weewy thtwong hit on him and down we go. that kinda huwt a wittle but it wath fun.
hafethnee thaid she hurd that voithe agin wile we wath fitin the woper but the wetht of uth dint heer n e thing. tho we jutht kept goin down tha wittle wike hallway thing but win we got to tha water dum dum thaid ther wath thomethin in the water bewow uth tho we jutht wint bak the way we caim. thath win hafethnee thaw a bakpak on top of tha wok pile and she uthed her thown wip and puld it down but that maid a wok awmotht hit me. i had to git owt of the way befor it hit me and im wike hafethnee man u gotta tell me win ur gonna do that tho i can be weddy and she thaid thowwy and it wath all gud. and no we can heer that voithe gettin wowder agin it thaid pweethe dont hurt me tho i tell the otherth we gotta go help him.
ath we thtawt to maik are way toward the voithe a cuppel wurmth come owt of tha gwownd and i thaw thomethin pop up that jutht thtawted makin a thuper wowd thcweemin thownd it wath vewy anoyin. i thot it wookd kinda wike a muthwoom tho mabee we shudnt kill it but it wath jutht too wowd and anoyin we had to kill it. fwaya took it out pwetty quik. thethe wurmth wer kinda anoyin to cuz they jutht kept goin into tha gwownd agin after they pop up and atak uth. i kinda wemembew pwaying a gaim in thkool cald wak a moe or thomethin. it kinda weminded me of that gaim it wath fun but kinda anoying. dum dum wath fitin one and all of a thuddin ther wath a huje onkeg that comed fwom a hole in the wall. thomehow that big thing wath eethier to take owt than the wittle wurmth thath cwazy. but we got em killd and we moovd on fwom ther. but we took a wittle wetht firtht to git our thtwength bak a bit.
we wint bak to the entwanthe of the cave to take are wetht and i thaw that we dint go up the wamp at the entwanthe yet tho im wike u no mabee we shud go up ther and thee whath up ther. we did but it wath kinda hawd to cwimb up ther because it was tho thwippewy but aftew a bit of wurk we git up ther. ith kinda high up the wamp. win we go awownd the wittle corner ther ith a thkeweton hand thtickin up owt of tha gwownd with a wether powch in it. that powch hath theen bettr dayth but we git it n e way and it hath a buncha cointh in it and they thpild owt on the gwownd a bit cuz it had thome hoeth in it but we got them to.
we hed bak down tha wamp but inthted of walkin down it i thit down and thwide down it. i put my handth up in the air cuz it wath fun. that weewy made me wemembew bein a kid at thkool and pwayin with my fwindth and thwidin down tha thwideth and thtuff. i bwot bak thome gud memowieth and maid me mith my famiwy and fwindth evin mowe. i dont no if n e body thaw me wipe away a teer but if they did hopefuwy they dont make fun of me fow it. fow a few thecondth i felt wike a kid agin. i wish i cud go bak to that. but we hav a job to do wite now tho i keep goin.
in the nektht awea dum dum theeth a woom with a buncha webth and thpiderth. fwaya catht another fierball and jutht abowt tuk evwything owt at once that wath awethom. i dint haf to work vewy hawd on that fite i jutht tuk owt a wittle thwarm of thpiderth. after the fite wath over we fownd that mithin finger fwom tha hand and it had on a nithe wing. we tuk it.
we keep goin and find thome mowe of thothe wittle gwownd wurmth but thith tiem they dont pay uth n e attinshin cuz they r eeting cointh on the gwownd awownd them. we jutht walk awound them and keep goin.
thith woom ith a wot colder and ther ith a shawwow pond in hear with a wittle iland in the midel of it. dum dum goeth awong the edge of the woom into anuther woom and findth the muthwoomth we r wookin for tho thath cool dum dum. get gith thome to take bak with uth.
wile were tawkin abowt were we r goin to go fwom hewe thomethin up abov uth moovd. turnth owt thith ith were the voithe wath comin fwom. dum dum wath wite. the voithe wed uth to a fite. thith thing ith calld galmek the wotht and he atakd uth tho we haf to put it down now. thath eethier thaid than dun becuz thith guy thtinkth weel bad and he hath maggitth cwawing awond and thtuff. it wookth wike win we hit him thome of hith woondth cwothe up after a few thecondth. wookth wike my thord ith jutht wat we need to keep that fwom happenin. dum dum got pulld up to him jutht wike win we fot the woper tho he wath kinda hapy abowt that. i jutht fwew up to him with my wingth and towd dum dum to be weddy fow anuther fall. both dum dum and me git thome weewy gud hith on him and yep he wint down wike a hevy wok into the water. but jutht then he thaw a majik wune thing on hith forhed wite up and thith guyth woondth heeld up imdiate... imeditate... vewy quikwy and now we haf to fite him all over agin WAT THE HEK Y CANT U JUTHT THTAY DED U UGWY DOOD. n e way we git him down weel gud and jutht keep at it. hafethnee did a gud job keepin uth up and fwaya got the kiwwing bwow on ol galmek. we finish off the wittle fish in the pond that kep poppin up win we wud walk thwu the water but they wer eethy peethy.
the majik wune on galmekth hed thtopd gwowing but it weft a mawk on hith hed. dum dum cut galmekth forhed thkin off to keep that thimbol and show it to the glided iwon win we git bak. turnth owt fwaya and me both no thith thimbol we thaw it win the mane gliden iwon bathe at care fewik. it ith a thimbel of korn. thith cant be gud.