Delving into Glacier's Rest by Radegast | World Anvil

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Tue 25th Aug 2020 02:59

Delving into Glacier's Rest

by Radegast Azraire

After those visions we received back in the Reprieve, weeks had passed during our travels by boat. Kosuke found that our journey would lead us near the Bridge Plains, so naturally, Glacier's Rest would be our first landing point. As I got off the boat, I begun to immediately search for wizards in the area, naturally as to find a wizard nearby. Did this after buying a vintage Volcanorian Rifle stock from a scam artist. Got him beat up, intimidated him, got my piece to bring back to Gunag. They were very hesitant at first, hells nearly turned me away until I mentioned that crystal leviathan from earlier. This *did* peak their interest, and indeed did give me a list of names for wizards who left the MCA, or the Magical Caster's Association.
I respected them for that, thanked them well. Surprised as hell it actually worked is all, not that charismatic. So I brought these five names back to Varis, and we figured to go to the city hall in this run down town. Nice place. The magistrate in charge needed some buttering up to in order to find the locales of the names I found. Turns out he got a list of locations that matched the visions. Fingerprints placed, sketches taken, oaths made, and laws followed, we got the info we needed from the public records, all thanks to Filea's convincing. Found it was this Aela girl up on the coast of the Bridge Plains. Our journey was set, just have to wait on the other guys.