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July 16th, 578 AVF

Day 0, Arrival at Sea Breeze

by Radegast Azraire

Journal Entry 1: Falkerstone's a long ways away from here, long aways from a true nation.... Going out into the world to make my name made, get some riches, and do some sport shooting against some of these new undead in the West. I finally made it from the Velorian Port all the way to Sea Breeze on this ship called the "Charming Siren".... I must say it was quite the opposite of that. I was marooned below deck for the majority of these two weeks, quite a drag being cramped up in such a small space for so long, folk were interesting enough however. Met two decent ones: Gothmog Stonefist and Eligius "the lazily exuberant" Yami, gotta say they are quite capable men. One late night before we arrived in Sea Breeze, I was sleeping out under the stars, when out of nowhere, Gothmog does a war cry, these shark people in strange outfits were raiding the vessel. Those shmucks were swiftly dealt with, thank goodness my rifle was on hand, hell one even jumped off the boat! Heard his water tank pop in the propulsion disk and everything.
Our "charitable effort", or my target practice didn't go unnoticed, the owner of the ship once we got to the docks paid us around 300 platinum pieces for saving his ship. Already making a name for myself. Rent was paid for by said owner at the "Washed Up Mermaid", an adventurer's tavern full of life. Room's nice and cozy, this short stock fox guy named Kosuke Kobayashi made me this magic belt that matches my vest, should fit nicely. Next we're headed over to the Crystal Company in a few days, ready to send us out to the Reprieve in Southeast Randera soon. Those going with me are this masked paladin Filea, a well acquainted gent named Varis, the jovial Solomon, the skittish Julian, and this crazy witch named Zahira, probably my favorite. In the meantime, I'll be upgrading my trusty longarm. Let's see what this wild land has in store for us. First entry done.

  • Radegast Azraire