Day 1: Travel to Reprieve by Radegast | World Anvil

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Fri 31st Jul 2020 09:16

Day 1: Travel to Reprieve

by Radegast Azraire

That Empress Novia lent us her ship to get to the Reprieve, we got to explore the ship. Quaint thing really, "The Sun Fox" they call it, but not the most defensive vessel for an Empress, try Volcanorian Airships for better results. Gun emplacements were too inconvenient and wouldn't hit the side of a damn leviathan if they tried. Funnily enough, we got attacked by crystal creatures and a leviathan, as if on cue. Of course those guns did no help as we had to do all the work. Got paid, commendations and housing provided on the island, all standard. Whatever. This Empress and her guards seem incompetent in handling this crisis, good thing we're here.

  • Radegast Azraire