Overgrown Cavern City by Radegast | World Anvil

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Sun 4th Oct 2020 01:05

Overgrown Cavern City

by Radegast Azraire

I was brought around by Eligius to help deal with the next layer of the Graveyard, this one in particular is this old sunken city. Apparently it was a bio-research lab, research on plants like strawberries and bananas, and all of the such. Overgrown is an understatement, it appeared the entire place was covered in vines, all pointed to its center. Feral fly traps with gnawing teeth, spine traps, and dragging vines, nothing could stop us on our trek to the center..... until I went and pissed off the damn thing keeping it all up. We were dragged through the place, cracked my damn ribs. HUGE sentient plant guarding a green crystal tree of all things in the center! No plant was going to kill us that day, we struck it down, fast and hard before it got anything good on us. I took the worst of it, I had to take a stay at the hospital back at Reprieve, where I am now. Zahira then did an unthinkable thing and took the soul of the plant ..... a plant. Whatever. She gets one freebie. She does it again and takes a sentient person's soul and gives it to her damned hag of a mother, a hag, she's going to eat some silver six feet under the ground. Sute's trying to take care of me, whatever. I can take care of myself.
Signing off again.