Elemental Crystal Crisis! by Radegast | World Anvil

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Tue 25th Aug 2020 03:33

Elemental Crystal Crisis!

by Radegast Azraire

I'm about damn ready to use my engineering knowledge to level this place, but Hydra, this aquamancer we found on the way up here had a ritual to cleanse the tower from the chaotic energies inside that ...... huge crystal. Not sure how I was going to do it at first, but ..... it happened. Here goes.
Upon entering inside, Sol was designated for priming and preparing base floor bombs, with Goth, Eligius and me sweeping the floors to find Aela. This place was a WRECK, everything was crystallized down to the last spoon. After a good long chat we ascended the stairs, taking out chaotically changed elemental creatures drawn to the crystal, living a pained existence. Each room was cleared, each room we found more books pertaining to the knowledge of each type of elemental crystal.... except the one that was in the middle of this place. Apparently Hydra had that covered, miraculously. The kitchen was absolutely ridden with the explosive crystals, and we were good to rest and eat for a few moments. Top floor had this really scary goon, a being of pure chaos channeling powers directly from, or into the crystal, probably the main guy. Haven't seen or heard from the wizard yet. The fight was ..... bad on our half, we were ragged for most of the fight, still recovering. Halfway through the fight, the ceiling exploded and Eligius went down and I had to take it out quick. The final shot was fired into its crystal heart, and the specter disappeared into nothingness. We connected all the bombs and brought our friends downstairs, they found that girl. Unconscious they were, barely awake by the time we found em. Blew up the tower, crystal gone. Got Aela her belongings..... all in a good day's work.