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Sun 7th Jun 2020 03:36

Morrighan's Diary Entry #5

by Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

Last night I fell asleep and had a dream. I was surrounded by the dark void, a familliar one, the void of my goddess the Raven Queen. She revealed to me that I had shown her my loyalty and that the oath I had sworn into before I had taken on my journey was in full effect. With that I woke up full of purpose. We gathered ourselves and sold our loot from the crypt and went shopping. I bought a cloak bearing the symbol of the Raven Queen.
We then followed Fen to his rather impressive mansion. he comes from a wealthy family with the intent of going to Fen's family library searching for information about the cult symbol, island history, and most importantly, the location of the book. This was not successful. One of Fen's sister's named Celentia shows up. Quite the troublemaker she seems. She helps us break into his stepmother's Tower and sets off one of the traps in the process, Fen then decides to wait for his stepmother before continueing, 30 minutes later an ANGRY Elenora shows up and has a short talk while Fen tries to negotiate our way in. We got in and search until one of us finds the cultist book. it ended up being in deepspeech. We return the book before we leave to the hospital and meet up with Elizabeth. We tried to commune with the late Laveena and asked her 5 questions.
1. Where was her hidden studio? - Lost, Broken, Hidden.
2. Who was going to buy her latest painting? - Tiefling woman.
3. Does she know who killed her? - No
4. Is the tiefling woman known as - "The Mistress:? Don't know.
5. Do you have any information for us? - What was lost, as been found, whispering shadows, mournful cries, there your answer lies
That ended our day.