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Morrighan's Diary Entree #1

by Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

After a long week of rough seas, I finally arrive at the shores of Rythleia. This is it, the start of my adventure. I have not been so far away from home. But once that ship set sail I knew there was no turning back, for I was sent by the Goddess Herself to find the Sacred Text. So here I am, armored up, scroll in hand. The reception was not warm at all. Security was high, there were rumors of nightmares and a murder. I was escorted to meet Kylar Riverlight, Head Paladin of the Raven Queen. After I explain to him my mission to him, I am introduced to Calhaun Farbalar where I was told to prove my loyalty to the Raven Queen and earn their trust to move about town without escorts. After a free meal at the Turquoise Turtle I was sent to the Temple were I communed with the Raven Queen once more. "I understand your worry my child, fear not for you are in the right place" Says the Raven Queen. I emerge out of the blood with her token at hand and present it to Calhaun. After which I was sent free to go. after a little exploring I rest at the Barracks.